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Chapter 3: Bonds Forming

Over the next few days, Jessica tried to wrap her mind around the revelations James and the pack laid out for her. The existence of werewolves, ancient pack hierarchies, territorial was like something out of a fantasy novel. But what rattled her most were the prophecies binding her fate to these seven alpha werewolf mates.

According to James, she was the prophesied Luna - a powerful female wolf with the ability to unite the alphas and lift an age-old curse that threatened to tear their kind apart. Their insistent claim that she belonged to all of them should have made Jessica run screaming. Yet whenever they were near, her body seemed to hum with a strange, undeniable recognition.

During their downtime between Jessica's intense training sessions at harnessing her newfound supernatural abilities, each alpha made subtle efforts to bond with her in their own ways.

James was the steadfast leader keeping her grounded. Michael calculated strategy and sharpened her mind. David offered a gentle, nurturing presence that provided respite amidst the overwhelming changes. Andrew's rough playfulness and wisecracks got under her skin but made her smile despite herself.

The morning she found Matthew meditating shirtless in a sunbeam, his taut muscles glistening with sweat, Jessica's breath caught in a most unsettling way. When he opened one azure eye and flashed that rogue's grin, her cheeks warmed.

"Like what you see, darlin'?"

Jessica quickly averted her gaze, murmuring about indecent exposure as Matthew chuckled huskily.

Daniel drew her artistic eye with his sheer physicality, all sinewy power and brooding intensity simmering beneath tanned skin. Even when throwing her to the mat during combat drills, his gentleness never failed to surprise her.

Then there was Christopher, the youngest but most feral of the bunch. Each heated look from those jade eyes stripped Jessica bare, beckoning her to explore the unrestrained passion they harbored as mates.

She couldn't deny the cosmic energy pulsing between herself and these alphas. But forging a future with not just one mate but seven seemed utterly impossible...didn't it?

Her thoughts scattered whenever James pulled her aside, his calloused hands cradling her face as he stared into her with molten tenderness. "I know this is overwhelming," his deep timbre soothed. "But you need to trust what you're feeling. We're going to get through this together."

Just as those reassuring words wrapped around Jessica like a warm embrace, an ominous howl pierced the night.

Jessica instantly bristled, instincts now honed enough to sense the alarm in that haunting cry. All seven alphas snapped to high alert, abruptly abandoning the bonds they'd been tenderly cultivating.

"Stay here," James ordered gruffly, his jade gaze hardening to steely flint as he and the others bounded off in wolf form to investigate. Jessica fruitlessly tried to protest, but the pack was already gone, leaving her feeling helpless and frustrated.

It was after midnight before they finally returned, haggard and grave. To Jessica's horror, Andrew was being supported on either side by his brothers, his tawny pelt matted with blood and his powerful frame wracked by shivers.

"What happened?" she cried, rushing forward but freezing at the twin bars of agony burning behind James's eyes.

"We were ambushed," he growled, pain and fury saturating every syllable. "By the Thornridge pack cronies."

Christopher spat a curse, tucking a shaking Andrew even closer. "Those sadistic vermin laid a trap."

"How did you let them get the drop on you like that?" Jessica demanded, heart in her throat. She knew of the simmering feud between James's pack and the ruthless Thornridge one from the stories she'd heard. But she never expected such brutality.

The look Matthew shot her was wounded. "We let our guards down during...personal time," he muttered.

Realization sliced through her as she saw the unspoken guilt weighing each of them. They'd become their efforts to bond with her.

"Hey." Daniel's gravelly voice sliced through the tension as he gently pried Andrew's trembling form away, leaving streaks of crimson across his palms. "Save the blame for later. We need to get him into healing now."

With a nod of quiet agreement, the pack moved like a seamless unit. As they gathered Andrew up, James paused beside Jessica, cupping her face to bestow a look of scorching intensity.

"This isn't over," he vowed in a rumbling baritone that shivered down her spine. "Not by a longshot."

His blazing emerald gaze promised fierce retribution...and absolute protection for his cherished mate, no matter what vengeance he had to unleash.

In that moment, Jessica felt her world both spinning deliriously out of control yet also remarkably centered around this rugged alpha holding her within his unbreakable orbit. As the others spirited Andrew away to heal his wounds, James pulled her flush against his granite-carved torso, surrounding her with his scorching alpha scent and power.

Neither of them knew what cataclysm awaited, but Jessica realized with startling clarity that her deepest destiny was to face it alongside these fated mates...whether she was ready or not.

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