Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

The following day, Alexander and Lily want to proceed to register their marriage. Alexander looked at her sternly as they sat in his office. "This marriage is only for a year and a half. As I already stated, there will be no romance, and we will not interfere in one other's personal life. "Everyone will have their privacy."

Lily nodded, attempting to keep her emotions under control. She had true feelings for Alexander, but expressing them now would make her look like a gold digger. She had to accept his terms, despite her reservations.

Finally," Alexander continued, "During this time, I expect you to give birth to my child. When the contract expires, I will pay you off and assume full custody of the child. "I assume you read the terms before signing."

Lily nodded again and then spoke out. "I understand, but before we sign, there's something I want to add."

James and Alexander looked confused, unsure what she was about to say. Lily stayed calm as she sipped the liquid provided to her.

"My condition for this marriage is that I manage all domestic issues as the woman of the house. You will eat what I make. Finally, while I understand that I will not be able to keep the child once the contract expires, I would like to be able to see him twice each month. "

"I won't allow my child to grow up without a mother. " Despite her fear of Alexander rejecting her terms, Lily needed to be brave.

James' mouth dropped open at her audacity. Knowing his boss, he didn't think Alexander would agree.

Alexander's expression stiffened. "I agree with the majority of what you stated, but I cannot allow you to come here after the divorce to see the child. If you cannot accept that, we will dissolve the contract right here."

Lily's heart sunk, yet she somehow managed to grin. "All OK, no issue. If you cannot agree to my terms, I will terminate the agreement." She stood up and exited the office.

"Boss, will you really let her go?" James inquired, apprehensive. Remember that you only have a year and a half. We have not identified a better candidate than her. "Please reconsider her terms."

Alexander gave James a harsh gaze, prompting him to quiet his mouth. "It is fine. I really don't want my child to be impacted by her. But, in time, I'll know what to do. Call her back and have her sign it.

"Okay, sir," James replied with a smile. He stepped outside to call Lily back and was astonished to see her still seated in the waiting lobby.

"Ms. Evans, I assumed you'd departed. Anyway, my supervisor has accepted your terms. He's ready to sign immediately. Shall we go back inside?"

They both returned to the office, and Alexander gave Lily a cold look, but she didn't care.

That is OK. That implies we are ready to go.

They both signed the contract forms and obtained copies. After that, Alexander told James, "Take Lily around home and show her around the mansion so she may become acquainted with the place and the personnel. Then give her a credit card for shopping so she can dress to match my status."

James nodded and smiled. "Of course, sir." Lily felt a mixture of relief and fear as they exited the office. She had established her presence in Alexander's life, but at what cost?

Lily followed James as he led her through the magnificent halls of the estate. The luxury was astonishing, with crystal chandeliers, marble flooring, and fine artwork decorating every nook. Despite the grandeur, Lily had a sense of loneliness.

She wondered if Alexander ever felt at home in this luxurious estate. James introduced her to the household workers, who received her with respect. They were clearly well-trained and accustomed to the rituals of high society. Lily took mental notes on their names and positions, knowing she'd need them to navigate her new life.

After the tour, James gave her a sleek black credit card. "Mr. Kane wants you to alter your clothes to reflect your new status. Use this card to make purchases."

Lily accepted the card, feeling the weight of her new responsibilities. She nodded and thanked James before returning to her room to freshen herself. She needed time to comprehend what had happened and prepare herself for the next chapter in her life.

Lily went out on a shopping spree, selecting elegant dresses and formal wear to suit her new role. She chose classic, sophisticated outfits that would allow her to maintain the appearance of a refined lady.

Later that night, Alexander went back to the mansion. He discovered Lily in the living room, reading a stack of documents. He saw the determination in her eyes and felt a sense of regret for the harsh terms he had imposed.

He broke the silence, asking, "Did you settle in well?"

Lily looked up, startled by his quick entrance. "Thank you. James was quite helpful."

"Good," Alexander answered, his tone softening from before. "We must present ourselves as a united front in public. Our marriage may be a contract, but looks do matter. Are you ready for that?

Lily nodded. "I understand. I shall do my utmost to execute my responsibilities."

One more thing," Alexander added, "my company is throwing a charity gala next weekend. It's a high-profile function, and you'll need to come as my wife. Make sure you're ready.

"I will be," Lily told him, but the prospect of confronting the public made her uneasy.

As Alexander exited the sitting room, Lily sighed. She knew the journey ahead would be difficult, but she was determined to make the best of it. She would manage the complexity of their arrangement, find a way to make a difference in Alexander's life, and, perhaps, eventually win a place in his heart.

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