2- Beach Attack

A group of boys were playing on the beach some kind of fun game, hitting a ball with a racket

in hand. Although we did not live in the human world, we were very knowledgeable about all

its secrets, mermaids could visit the surface and even walk among people whenever we

wanted, which allowed us to easily understand their culture and norms.

I could see that the team was uneven as two boys were playing against three boys. The team

with the most players consisted of a girl and two men, while the opposing team consisted of

two men, all of them were young, and there was another boy sitting on the side of the net,

watching them play, hugging his knees with one arm and holding his chin with the other,

watching the tennis match with a concentration similar to studying a chess match. I looked at

that boy and could see his strong and hairy forearms, I turned towards the bar where a crowd

made it difficult to access. Yryhnna took my arm and let out a giggle.

  • Let's follow Seila before she hits on any man - Yryhnna added.

  • Human men are so easy to seduce - I said, and we both laughed.

Seila, at the bar, orders cocktails and snacks.

She places them on a table and looks over her shoulder looking for someone.

  • Will you have something to eat? - I subtly inquire as I see that Seila has only ordered cheese

pastries. I watch my sister stand up from the table and lose sight of her, then turn again

towards the waiter, speak to him with an elegant and seductive air.

  • Maybe sushi?

  • We have a special sushi menu tonight, we are serving a special of the best of Japanese


The waiter hands me the menu and I can see varieties of sushi, steamed and cold, my stomach

grumbles eagerly to fill the void, I hadn't eaten since early in the morning.

  • Wow! - Yryhnna says surprised - It looks delicious.

  • Yes, delicious - says the waiter, staring dumbfounded at Yryhnna's beautiful face, then she

looks up at him, and as expected the man completely loses the ability to speak. Yryhnna sighs

resigned, she is used to causing that effect on humans.

  • I love Japanese food! - she says joyfully looking at me.

  • Great, it seems to be my lucky night - I tell her and hand the menu to the restaurant

employee and smile at him. He seems slightly dazed by my smile, then he nods and speaks to

me automatically again, without taking his eyes off mine.

Definitely mine too. Can I also suggest a Blue Lagoon cocktail to accompany the appetizer.

  • Oh, great!

  • I love the idea! - Yryhnna responds. The waiter becomes so excited that he knocks clumsily

into one of his colleagues and makes him drop a tray of beers to the floor.

  • Watch where you're going!

  • Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! - the employee apologizes and disappears from sight through a door

that leads to the kitchen.

Yryhnna and I look at each other in silence and penetrate each other's minds with our eyes,

we both burst into laughter.

  • Oh, here they are! - Seila says, looking relieved to see us.

The atmosphere was full of young and handsome men, some faces were perfect like the ones I

used to see in magazines, a group of women talked excitedly with a man, he seemed to

engage in the conversation without feeling uncomfortable by the attention of so many

women. I noticed that he was the same boy who had been sitting watching his friends play

volleyball. I was surprised to notice that he was not particularly very handsome, he was tall

and his skin very white, his nose was not aquiline but very fine and stood out, his eyes were

deep and he looked closely at the girls when they spoke. His gaze was penetrating and

unsettling. His lips were thin and what was particularly striking about him was his beard and

the body hair that covered all his arms in an exaggerated way.

I asked the waiter for a drink when he approached to ask what I wanted. I moved my hair back

with a gesture of my arm and my blonde, ashen hair fell down my back, tickling me with its

wetness. I pretended not to pay attention but the truth is that I was interested in knowing

what that man was saying. Something important in the world of mermaids is that we tend to be direct and very sweet or seductive. If a man liked us we knew it instantly by looking into

their eyes and listening to their voice, and that man, although I didn't know why yet, was very

attractive to me.

He was talking with three beautiful girls, so beautiful they could pass for mermaids, he made

them all laugh. One of them was a redhead and her cheeks were full of freckles, another had

jet black hair at shoulder length, and the other had long curly hair covering her back, she

laughed fascinated listening to him speak. I didn't usually feel jealous of any woman, I always

considered myself a daughter of the great Goddess, as all mermaids are, but those women

around him intrigued me, I also wanted to possess his attention.

I tried to turn towards them and uncovered my ear to listen more clearly without the curtain

of my wet hair

  • We seldom stop to think that life will come to an end - He explained with a slight expression

of fulfillment, as if he had deeply meditated on it.

My pupils dilated upon hearing his voice, it was as if every word he said conveyed wisdom. But

also some arrogance. Was I going crazy for perceiving that human so detailed? What was so

special about him?

  • We seldom think that maybe this last moment with this person, or that this moment will not

be repeated.

  • You're romanticizing life - the girl with long curly brown hair said with a mocking smile

  • It's not about romanticizing, it's being pragmatic

  • Pragmatic? - asked the redhead, she was looking at him with great attention as if she wanted

to jump on him and stick her tongue down his throat.

It was very easy for me to perceive the female pheromones. Maybe they were boyfriends?

This last thought disappointed me, at that moment the waiter approached me with my drink.

The girl with the black hair suddenly looked over the shoulder of the redhead who had her

back to me, the boy was among them. The woman looked at me with great curiosity, but I was

already used to being admired for my beauty and people staring at me, I didn't mind that

attention, all mermaids are somewhat vain.

  • Only a pragmatic person can evaluate relationships and feelings to the point of measuring

every moment you are sharing with others - he said - I have no doubt that you are capable of

valuing and enjoying your life without a pragmatic sense, but being that way helps you analyze

the value of what you live and not let it pass. Otherwise you can be very Dionysian and forget

to value it at all.

In that moment my gray eyes shone deeply, I had heard that man say the word "Dionysian", it

was one of my favorite words.

  • Maybe you should give yourself more to your passions and stop putting up so many mental

barriers - said the redhead with something in her voice, I couldn't decipher if it was boredom

or if she just sounded disdainful.

There is no woman that would even consider destroying herself to love me - He said resolutely

  • Maybe a mermaid - The words came out of my mouth without being able to control myself,

the boy turned his face towards me and the redhead who had her back to me, turned to look

at me at that moment, she looked at me with a cold, expressionless mask. I raised my gaze

challengingly towards them, I must have felt vulnerable being a complete stranger in front of a

group of four, but I was used to mastering my fears through words, that's why I loved reading

classic human literature. Then the boy who had been talking with them looked at me

intensely, and my heart filled with warmth. He was slightly bald, his beard was abundant and

well-shaved, and his eyes could completely bewitch me, they were small and ordinary, brown

in color but denoted an understanding and wisdom that unsettled me, wanting to know his

sweetest secrets. Maybe he didn't know it but he was very intelligent, he had a great internal

dialogue and the wisdom his words denoted defined him completely in a couple of years. In

that moment, looking into his eyes, I knew it, I had a revelation of the future.

Some mermaids have magical gifts at birth, mine was to travel through time from the astral

plane, I could send messages to the past, or receive messages from the future. He kept looking

at me and my lips trembled slightly but my heart beat hot and fast.

  • I would have no option in front of a mermaid - I added finally.

The curly brown-haired girl gave me a radiant look, but there was something macabre in her

gaze, it reminded me of a smile with a certain darkness in her beautiful face, a smile I had

perceived before, although I didn't remember with whom.

  • In Greek and Scandinavian mythology the mermaid is a demigoddess who lives in the oceans

and with their songs are able to seduce men - he responded, at that moment all his attention

focused on me.

  • What do you do? - I asked, releasing a laugh

  • I like your laugh - He said -, it sounds like the song of a mermaid. - He added, I bit my lip

listening to his compliment. That didn't seem to please his new friends who looked at me


  • I'm a scientist, I work with artificial intelligence.

  • With robots?

  • Yes, I love working with robots - He explained. At that moment I understood that he had

brought up the topic for the first time all night, his companions had not asked him about his

work, or maybe they knew him very well and no longer needed to talk with him about himself.

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