3- Taking care My inner child

What second-hand product is this?- he exclaimed, turning to scold the janitor, surprised to see

the emaciated woman he had almost killed just a while ago. -You?- he said with disdain.

Once again she was on the ground, with her tangled hair covering her identity, it seemed that was

her natural state.

The woman lifted her frightened face and he could finally see her.

Sean had to admit she wasn't ugly, but she wasn't anything special either to him, accustomed to

stunning women with sculptural bodies and exotic faces. She had the biggest eyes he had ever

seen and that made him feel uncomfortable, the blue color of her pupils was unique, like the sky

on a clear summer day, her lips were thin and delicately pink, her skin was so pale it almost looked

unhealthy, as if she had never been out in the sun, her nose was thin and upturned, splattered

with brown freckles, she had a look of terror on her face that made his skin crawl. Strands of her

fiery hair fell like vertical lines on her face. Didn't she own a comb? He thought.

Can you explain what you're doing in my office?- he demanded forcefully, scaring the woman and

diverting his thoughts about her- Are you following me?!

-N-no sir, that's not true, I came to...

-Are you one of those scammers trying to take my money? Let me tell you I'm not an idiot, I can

recognize one of your kind...

Cassandra gritted her teeth and looked up at the face of the arrogant man. The girl wasn't

surprised to meet almond-shaped eyes with pupils of a browny-red color, as if they were the eyes

of a demon that could pierce her skin and reach her soul. Cassandra nervously swallowed as she

couldn't deny how elegant and beautiful he was, his ID photo didn't do justice to his face live and

in person, his skin was a toasted color that made her imagine the ruthless man spent a lot of time

vacationing in Caribbean countries, his face was perfectly shaved, his skin looked smooth and taut,

worthy of someone of his class, with prominent cheekbones, a defined jawline, and a Greek nose,

his jet-black hair perfectly cut on the sides and a bit longer on top. He looked like the perfect

villain in a movie.

-That's not...- She tried to deny the accusation still stunned by the man's beauty.

-Get out of my office before I call the police. - he warned and stretched his long, sleek arm

towards the door.

Cassandra stood up, clutching the dripping rag, wetting her feet.

-I just came to clean- she exclaimed with a trembling voice.

Sean couldn't help but chuckle grotesquely, she looked pathetic.

-I can't believe someone as dumb as you works in my company

Cassandra was astonished by the man's comment, she couldn't believe someone so cruel was her


-I also can't believe someone so inhuman is the boss of such a renowned company- she muttered

under her breath.

The man looked at her with his unsettlingly black eyes.

-What did you say?- he warned.

Cassandra was scared as she realized what she had said, she had to remember she was there for

the money, to pay for her little brother's medical expenses, she had to be more patient with the


-I said I can't believe you have such poor cleaning products- she lied, biting her tongue and

trampling her dignity.

With a scared and intimidated voice by her boss's predatory gaze, she lowered her head and said:

-I'm here to work, I'm sorry to bother you-

Cassandra got back on her knees and went back to scrubbing the floor, she had to endure, she

couldn't quit after the first mistreatment, she had to bear his inhuman treatment.

Sean sat on his large, plush leather seat that looked like a king's throne doing nothing but

watching his employee clean, crawling on the floor.

He had to admit the woman was good at her job and that bothered him. He hated not being right.

He looked at his half-drunk coffee cup and with a quick movement, he threw it to the ground

shattering it and dirtying the floor with the brown liquid.

-You missed that spot- he exclaimed amused, crossing his arms.

Cassandra had to swallow the urge to insult him and clenched her fists on the wet rag.

Sean noticed this and couldn't help but laugh heartily at his employee.

-What's wrong? Do you feel helpless? - he exclaimed, provoking her.

Cassandra ignored him and crawled towards the large stain, cleaning it without saying anything.

-Oh, come on! I know you want to hit me. Go on, do it!

The girl began to clean more vigorously.

"Focus on your work, Cassandra, don't listen to him, he just wants to bring you down."

Sean smiled amused.

-Come on, let out all that anger you have inside!

Cassandra stopped scrubbing and squeezed the brown liquid forcefully, her face almost as red as

her hair, choking on the insults that wouldn't come out.

Annoyed that the woman was ignoring him, he stopped laughing.

-Do it and you'll be out on the street- he threatened with a hostile voice.

Cassandra felt the cold sweat running down her body. She took a deep breath and continued with

her work, ignoring his insults.

Sean leaned back, looking at her with perplexity, he had to admit the woman was tough, she could

withstand his insults. Many other employees would have run off, or cried, or even shouted "I

quit!". But the emaciated woman hadn't said anything.

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