Chapter 6: New Stepbrother

I snap out of my trance and take a few, quick steps backwards. “I’m fine.” I keep the hostility in my voice still in an attempt to hide my embarrassment and to keep a distance between us. But surprisingly, for the first time, somebody wasn’t phased by my aggression. In fact, Julian even stepped closer and held out a rose to me.

“A welcoming gift,” he says casually, just as friendly as his father. Except not as suffocating.

“Oh. Uh… thanks?” My hostility sways and my embarrassment from being clumsy was starting to show as I took my sweet-smelling gift. We stood there in silence for a few seconds, making me feel more awkward as I rubbed the back of my neck and struggled to think of what to say. “Um… want to come in?”

“If you insist.” He walked into my room with no shame. Part of me had regrets since I literally just got my own personal space and it didn’t even remain private for ten minutes.

“I wouldn’t say that I ‘insist’ but ok…” I mumbled as I closed the door behind the both of us. This just got weirder. Why did my stupid ass invite a man I barely know into my own room? I honestly didn’t know what to do or say this time so I just ended up leaning against my door. Thankfully, he seemed like a skilled conversation starter.

“You’ve got the best view in the house, I’m jealous.” He says while looking out the window on the door to my balcony. He then looked back at me and grinned again. “The theme looks good on you too, totally matches your style.”

I couldn’t lie that he was right on the target. The view from my windows along with the black and crimson colors in my room were definitely some of my favorite things amongst the stuff I own now. And yet, I still gave an insipid shrug while looking away. “Eh. It’s alright, I guess.”

Julian looked me up and down slowly then cocked his head to the side. “You guess? Your clothes say otherwise.”

It just dawned on me that I was still wearing my black tank top with a crimson skull, short shorts that squeezed my thighs and showed off the curves of my ass, and the jean jacket Amy gave me. It also occurred to me that I have been wearing this tank top and short shorts for the past two days. Gross.

“Shit…” I muttered under my breath unintentionally, also realizing I had no spare clothes. I went to my wardrobe to see if there was already something in there for me. Thankfully, there was, but it was all nothing but frilly, dazzling, expensive-looking dresses. “You gotta be fucking kidding me.”

I hadn’t even realized Julian had walked up behind me until I felt his breath down my neck before he even spoke up. “I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be your style. Honestly, most of them are clothes that Grace doesn’t wear anymore.”

I accidentally snort my humor. “Good news for her, she can have her shitty dresses back. Or better yet, burn ‘em in a fuckin’ bonfire. I bet there’d be sparkles in the smoke.”

My foul mouth would throw most people off but thankfully he just laughed. His laugh didn’t bellow like most men’s laughs I was used to. His scent was like a fragrance I could breathe in all day with a hint of spicy cologne. Again, nothing I was used to from men. A very pleasant change. “Dad said Isabella warned him that you’re a bit of a spitfire. That’s admirable, how you speak your mind so freely.” he comments on my sass then speaks again, “There’s a mall nearby. I don’t mind taking you to buy some clothes. Since you’re a part of the family, payment is on me.”

I turned around and looked up at him with sheer surprise. Nobody has ever been so generous to me before. “Whoa, uh, that’s a little much, bruh… but if you insist~” As much as I wanted to be a decent human being, I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like this. It was also surprising how he felt about my attitude.

Julian grinned again and beckoned me to follow him. A shopping spree? I already have a new best friend. As I followed after him, we walked past several maids and then eventually my mother and her new husband. Gabriel was talking on the phone, by the look of his face and tone, I could tell it was business-related. My mother just looked at me and smiled widely.

“Oh? Already spending time with your new siblings?” she asks me with a pleased look on her face as if some of her worries have been eased.

“Something like that.” I look at Julian in the corner of my eye. Telling my mother that I was using him as my new wallet would probably make her worry twice as much. My mother then looked around curiously and then perked up when her eyes landed on something she hoped to see.

“What about your sister?” she pointed at Grace who was reading a book in the living room. Or at least that’s what it looked like at first. I could easily see the glow of her phone between the open book.


I keep my annoyed thoughts to myself. Calling Grace my “sister” still left an awful taste in my mouth. And yet, I still called over to her as friendly as I could but there was still the faintest hint of a jeer in my voice. “Whatcha say, sis? Wanna do a lil shoppin’ with us?”

Grace looked at me in the corner of her eye briefly before looking back down at her phone. “No thanks.” Her tone may have been polite but I could still see the contempt look in her eyes. She was just as disgusted as I was. I bet it even pissed her off how much of a smartass I was being. My mother saw my sneer and frowned at me.

“Sooo, we’re off. Bye!” I take Julian by the wrist and hurry out of there before the situation becomes even more of a pain in my ass. Since I was still getting used to the size of the mansion, Julian led me through the place and outside to his car. Once again, a ridiculously expensive car that looked brand new. “Holy shit. This is my first time seeing a Tesla in person.” My thoughts roll off my tongue once again and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I probably sounded like I’d been living under a rock. Truth be told, you never saw cars like these on the west side of the city.

Julian’s expression didn’t show that he thought little of me, in fact, it looked like he was eating up my compliment. “It’s nothing special,” he says, trying to sound modest.

Yeah, right. Rich boy.

To my surprise, he even opened the door for me to take a seat in his car. I can’t really recall, but I think that was the first I’ve experienced too. I couldn’t help but smile as he took a seat next to me and started up his electric car then we drove off. I was starting to feel more at ease. Being on the east side of the city has been very overwhelming so far. To think a simple, smooth car ride would do the trick to make me relax a bit.

“Hey.” Julian grabs my attention with a single word and glances at me while trying to keep his eyes on the road. “You came from the west side of the city, right? Did you leave behind any friends? A boyfriend?”

I looked at him briefly and then gazed out of the window with my long, curly hair flowing in the wind as I watched the mansions go by. “No boyfriend. But I did leave behind a few close friends… I’ll miss them. But it’s not like I won’t ever see them again. It just won’t be on a daily basis and it’s an odd feeling… they’re the reason why I survived out there.”

He glanced at me briefly again with a sympathetic smile and placed his hand on my thigh. This time when I smiled, my lips were pursed with bittersweet thoughts. I already missed them. My thoughts were interrupted when I realized his hand was still on my thigh, high enough that it came close to my vagina.


I pat his hand a few times then pointed at the road ahead of us. “You should keep your focus on the road before you kill the both of us.” I saw another handsome grin form on his thin lips as his hand finally withdrew back to the steering wheel. I was a little caught off guard at first but in the end, I just told myself I was overthinking and being too sensitive.

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