Chapter 8: Dinner Gone Wrong

After I shook off my overstimulated feelings, I changed my clothes into something clean. I slid on my skinny jeans that were ripped at my thighs and knees, my knee-high boots, a white tank top, and my black leather jacket over it. My long, curly hair flopped over my shoulders as I slid my new phone into my back pocket and made my way to the dining room. After a few walks around, it was starting to become easy to find my way around on the main floor. As expected, I was the last to arrive at the dining room. Gabriel sat at the head of the long table meanwhile both my mom and Grace sat on either side of him. The empty chair next to my mom was obviously meant for me since Julian sat next to his sister, which meant he sat in front of me.

“Come! Come.” Gabriel waves me over and I take a seat next to my mother. I glanced at the other side of the table towards Julian and I was about to give him a friendly smile but his intense stare made me look away instantly.


Gabriel smiles welcomingly at me once again. “I’m so glad you can join us this evening, Suki.”

My green gaze narrows sharply as I speak with part of my lip curled. “It’s Sukia.”

“Sukia.” My mom whispered sharply under her breath towards me. I held my tongue this time but I still couldn’t resist a scowl as I looked down at my empty plate.

Gabriel chuckled lightly. “No, no, it’s fine. Nothing wrong with being headstrong.” He reassures his wife then smiles more gently at me. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“You didn’t.” I tried to keep all hostility out of my tone but I still couldn’t stop the deepness of my tone.

He’s trying way too hard…

Gabriel cleared his voice and then spoke to everyone. “This is our first dinner together as we eat as a whole family. And I want us all to see each other as a family as well.” As he speaks, I look at Julian in the corner of my eye. He was watching his father and I looked back at Gabriel too as he continued his speech. “I know Sukia’s arrival here is sudden and I know Isabella has only recently moved in with us as well.” This time Gabriel hesitated with his words and his voice sounded solemn. “Isabella will never replace your mother, and I will never replace your father, Sukia.” My body noticeably stiffens. I didn’t expect those words and I didn’t know how to feel about them. Gabriel then smiles at all of us. “Nevertheless, we are a family. And I will care for you as if you were my own, Sukia.”

I could tell his words were heartfelt and he meant every word. I was still indifferent, unsure what to think or feel, so I just gave a single nod. In my own way, I was saying I will give him a chance.

Gabriel smiled widely at this. The man was smart enough to know that gaining my approval is the most important thing. “Well then, let’s eat!”

My mom gave me a soft smile and rubbed my back. I haven’t spoken to this woman in years and this is how we reunite.

Well… it could be worse.

It was quite the buffet laid out for us. Gabriel must’ve had his chefs make multiple meals to figure out our favorites. From Italian food to Mexican, even fish and a variety of fruit. I could feel the inside of my mouth watering. It’s been a long time since I’ve dined on high-quality food. As I took a bit of each, Grace spoke.

“So, Sukia. I was wondering, what’s the west part of the city like? I hear many people are homeless there. What about you?”

My mother looked at me worriedly, as if dreading for me to become a smartass and ruin dinner. So, I fought down my bitterness and forced a smile. “I had a decent job and lived in an apartment.”

“Did you take the bus to work? I noticed you don’t have a car.” The way Grace said those words sounded to me as if taking a bus was pitiful. It made a vein pulse in my neck.

“I have a car, it’s in the shop.” I lie again.

“You can bring your car here. We have the best mechanics in the city.” Grace continued to press my button.

“My mechanic is a close friend, so, no thanks.” I do my best to brush her off.

“A mechanic in the west?” Grace didn’t hide the mockery in her voice this time as if she found it hilarious that someone on the west side of the city had the skills to be a mechanic. Ire filled me.

“I’d trust a western mechanic more than an eastern shitty snob.” my uncontainable animosity slipped out. The room fell silent. My mom stared down at her plate while taking little bites, a clear embarrassment in her eyes.

Anddd it just got worse…

I abruptly stand up, unintentionally making the wooden chair scraping the floor loudly. “If you’d excuse me…” I mumble, at least trying to sound polite as I leave. I didn’t even get to eat a single bite of my food. Not like I had much of an appetite after that anyway. I felt really bad for embarrassing my mother like that. I really was trying to make her look good in front of everyone and yet…

I heaved a defeated sigh as I went to my bedroom and slammed the door shut then tossed off my jacket. “Fuck my life,” I grumbled while flopping onto my bouncy bed once again. I was only able to lay there in peaceful silence for a few minutes until I heard a knock at my door.

Fuck. My. Life!

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, what do you want?!” I shouted without getting up.

“It’s me. Can I come in?” the sound of Julian’s voice made me spring up in surprise.

“Oh! Uh, sure…” Once again, the man seems to always catch me off guard.

Julian walked into my room with my plate and a drink that looked like soda. He gave me a small smile. “Sorry about my sister. She can be a bit…”

“Of a bitch?” I grumbled bitterly as he took a seat next to me on my bed.

“Yeah.” he resisted a chuckle while setting my plate beside me. “Don’t starve yourself because of her.”

“I wasn’t starving myself…” I grumbled stubbornly while looking away.

Julian could see the thick walls that I was putting up just to hide behind them. He rubbed my back comfortingly again and my shoulders sagged. The scent of my still-warm food had already made me hungry once again. I’ve never needed to lean on anybody before, I was always strong and independent. And yet, I literally leaned onto Julian’s shoulder. It cracked my pride, but it felt good to relax for once. I didn’t realize how tired I was until now.

I need a cigarette so fucking badly.

“Uh…” I hesitated with my words, once again swallowing my pride to show some gratitude for once in my life. “Thanks… you’re… you’re a pretty good guy.”

He breathed out his laugh and then patted my back. “What are big brothers for?”

Right… brother.

I stared at him for a few moments, unable to deny how attractive he was. You didn’t see people with blonde hair and blue eyes all that often down on the west side of the city. I looked away sharply and cleared my throat. “Uh… yeah. Yeah, you got a point. Anyway, you can leave now. Thanks for grabbing my food.”

Julian sat there for a little longer even though I dismissed him. Before I could look at him again, he stood up while touching my shoulder. “Goodnight, Sukia.” comes his final words before leaving my bedroom. I then looked down at my food with a regretful frown.

Damn… is it wrong that I wanted him to stay?

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