Chapter 02: The Game Begins
Caleb’s POV
"I insist, and don't call me until it's done" I hung up the phone sighing in frustration as I handed it to my clerk who was struggling to catch up with me.
"Sir, is everything okay?" he stuttered. I don't know if he only stutters around me or he stutters normally, but I can swear I've heard him talking normally.
"No, everything's not okay. And that's what you get when you have your business in the hands of incompetent workers" I adjusted the ring on my pinky, making my way to my car looking down to adjust my suit.
Right before I can look up, someone bumps into me, and it's a lady. I grit my teeth in annoyance and disgust at the ice coffee spilled all over me. I hate ladies, especially clumsy ones. I see them as only a means to satisfy my urges, because they've never given me a reason to like them. The only woman I've ever loved is the woman that I've always seen as a mother. She isn't related to me in any way, but after I lost my parents, she made sure to fend for me and my cousin in the best way she could, although it wasn't much.
" Oh shoot. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking" she said in a soft voice as she used her hand to try brushing away the coffee stain, making it worse.
"Can't you watch where you're going?" I brushed her hand away from my already ruined shirt, glaring at her and sizing her up, trying to judge whether the apologetic look she had on was just so she could get into my pants.
" I'm very sorry" she said again, bringing her hand to my chest to brush the coffee stain again. Grabbing her hand mid-air, I put it back down. Much force wasn't used but she staggered backward. She's either really fragile or staminaless in her heels.
As she regains her balance, her sad demeanor turns into that of anger. " I'm trying to apologize to you, you know that right?" she stood up tall and said glaring, a little light in her eyes. Unwilling to talk to her any longer, I just shrug. Taking a little step back, a look of resolution crosses her face. Gripping the bunch of documents she was holding a little tighter, she growls, "well you can as well fuck off", she shoves me to the side and walks past, going into the building.
Now, my interest in her just went up a hundred notches. No lady has ever talked back to me or been rude to me, no matter how hard I tried to annoy them. They treat everything I say and do like it's some piece of rare diamond, which contributed greatly to my hate towards ladies. As I walked to my car, I wondered who that lady was.
"Sir, are you going for the meeting in this shirt?" the clerk asked slowly.
"Yes," I said, getting into the car. He already knows too well not to counter me, so he nods and retreats back into his office.
Starting up my car, I tuck the thoughts of the strange lady at the back of my mind, with the plan that when I return, I'll look for her.
The meeting only took about twenty minutes and now I was back in my office. Sitting at my desk, I look out my floor to ceiling window at the amazing skyline view, my thoughts drifting to the lady I met earlier. I'm broken out of my thoughts by the loud ring of the telephone.
Sighing, I picked the phone and place it on my ear, "what"
"Sir, the last person for the interview is here. Should I send her away?"
" No, send her in," I said, putting down the phone. I'm in a weirdly good mood today, so I decided to entertain the lady, in case she might have a reasonable explanation.
I hear the door shut but I'm not ready to turn around just yet. I didn't hear the voice of anyone after waiting a while, so I turned around to check if the person was still in here.
Turning around, I'm surprised and excited at the same time. So the hothead I met outside is the one looking for the job. I felt more pleased when I saw the charming smile on her transition to shock and fear.
" Have a seat" I pointed to the seat beside her while giving her a smug smile.
As she sat down, she arranged her files and handed them to me. Picking up to my phone to check my schedule, I waved the files away and she retracted her hand in shock. She looked like she was sure she had lost the job, I had to keep myself from laughing.
"You're hired" I said nonchalantly, my attention still on my phone. From the corner of my eye, I see the shock on her face.
"And you resume work tomorrow", I informed her.
She let out a loud laugh, "you're joking, right?" she said as I glared at her. Probably getting the message, her brows creased, "No way, I'm supposed to get at least a week before I start working " she folded her arms across her chest.
I liked her spunk but I couldn't bear being spoken to like that. Taking a deep breath, I look at her and start explaining the nature of her work.
"You begin work tomorrow. And you'll be working as my personal secretary and also doing the job of a personal assistant, so get ready to work" she stood up with so much force, her chair flew back. I couldn't help but notice her statuesque hourglass figure as she took a few steps back.
"Hell no. That's not what I signed up for" she stood with a defiant pose, her arms crossed and her weight shifted to one hip. "You'll have to look for another position for me, 'cause I'm not taking this one" she glared at me.
Gritting my teeth and fisting my palm, I ordered her to sit back down. "This is the only position that'll be given to you. If you don't like it, you can leave" I snarled, leaning closer, earning myself a shudder from her. "And there are rules in this place" I continue in a menacing tone, "firstly, you do not talk back to me. Secondly, tardiness would not be tolerated. If you want to skip work any day, I should have a two weeks notice before then. You'll have a mail sent to you containing your dress code. Do not ever go against it. If you default any of these rules, you'll be fined" I warned her and she nodded, sinking back into her chair. I sat back with pride, seeing that I've instilled some level of fear into her.
"You may leave now", I gesture towards the door. Immediately, she gets up and strides away, her face contorted in anger.
I have a little smirk on my face as I realize how fun things are going to become with her working for me. Immediately, I called my clerk.
"Sir, you sent for me" I hear the voice of the person that has worked with me for a lot of years.
"Yes, I want you to pack up your stuff. I'm transferring you" I smile at him.
"Sir, but I'm very fine here", he said in a shaky voice, pleading with his eyes that I don't transfer him.
"Do you have a wife, Josh? Or kids?"
"No sir" he answered, his head hung low.
"Well then, I don't see why you can't go. But you have a choice though. You can go to Florida and become the operations manager over there, or you could step down to the position of a receptionist" I say already knowing his obvious choice.
"I'll go to Florida, sir" he responded.
"Yeah, well I'll be sending in your ticket. You'll leave next week, I've already fired the former operations manager so I'll send a letter to the present manager over there to anticipate your arrival." I said already typing the mail, "your apartment is already covered, so enjoy your last day over here. You can leave now"
As he leaves and shuts the door, I can't help but think about my new secretary. Going through the application she mailed the company, I'm surprised to see the photo she attached. Other people that came in search of this job used formal pictures, but the picture she attached looks like she was heading grocery shopping and decided to just take a photo for fun.
"Amaris Carter" I tested her name out in my mouth, rolling it off my tongue. I laugh deep in thoughts. Seeing her as a challenge, I already have plans on how to stretch her.
"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" I mutter, giving her picture a once over, "well, let's see how long it will take and how far I'll have to go to break you" a smirk plays out on my lips as I turn back around, admiring the beautiful skyline.
Now the game begins.