Chapter 04: An Eventful First Day

Caleb's POV

I listened for the clicking of her heels as she went into her office. Believing she had settled in, I decided to go make my presence known to her but I'm surprised when I get to her door and see her spinning around on the swivel chair like a child, my presence going unnoticed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, surprised that this was the same person that told me to fuck off yesterday. How can someone be so playful and yet so spiteful at the same time? She just keeps getting me more intrigued and interested in her.

"Uhh. Good morning Mr Thorne" she says as she hurriedly gets up and hangs her head. I pause for a little while wondering if this is the same person or a clone. Then a thought comes to me, what if she's pretending?

"You'll refer to me as 'sir'" I clarify. I don't really mind what people refer to me as, but with her, I'm going to make sure she feels my authority over her. I assign some work to her and leave, heading back to my office.

Amaris's POV

After he leaves, I get to work doing what he asked of me. I've told myself that I won't let him get to me, and I won't. If he wants me to call him sir, then that's what I'm going to call hi, besides, the pay is really good.

I think I've sent over a thousand mails today. Like, how many companies is this guy connected to? At least I get to go on break soon, by 12:30 I think, and it's already almost 12, so I'll have about an hour of freedom .

"Yeah, it's not been so bad though" I say to Mia over the phone.

"I'm glad you're doing fine," she replied.

" Yeah. And I've told myself that I won't let him get to me. He can do his worst, but I'll keep a clear mind and try to be on my best behavior. Oh yeah also....." I was saying before he snatched my phone from me.

"Give me back my phone" I yell as I reach for it.

"Are you talking to me like that?" he asked sternly, looking me in the eye.

"No sir, I'm sorry sir" I look down remembering the promise I made to myself. I could feel my blood boiling, I felt like giving him a smack across the face.

"You do not make calls, except if it's an emergency. And you still have to ask permission from me before you do that." he says as he hands back my phone to me. "And get ready, we leave in 30 minutes."

"W..wa..wait, leave? Leave to where?" I ask, confusion altering my features.

He rests on the doorknob and folds his arms, "I guess you didn't read the schedule that was sent to you yesterday?" he said and leaves for his office.

I wanted to say something to him, but what I wanted to say got lost on the way while I was staring at him. This was the first time I actually took a good look at him. With his chiseled features, strong jawline and prominent cheekbones, I wonder how I didn't notice his beauty from our first meet. I guess his stank attitude overshadowed his handsome looks.

Thinking back on his figure that was resting on the door, I see his messy hair that looks so perfectly imperfect, his dark locks falling across his forehead and framing his hand so face, his broad shoulders and athletic build,....wait, what am I doing? There's no way I'm thinking about this prick of a man like that. I've never thought about any guy like this before, at least not since I was in 12th grade, so what the hell?

I think I should go check that schedule though, I don't want anything to get me shaken up again.

So, we have a meeting at.... San Francisco?

I stepped into the parking lot making sure I'm exactly four feet away from Caleb, because from my extremely short experience with him, I won't be surprised if he complains that I'm breathing too loud or that he hates the smell of my perfume.

I'm beginning to think he didn't get enough love as a child, because the way he whines and complains about everything is just giving attention seeking vibes. Just my opinion.

I admired the Mercedes Benz S560 4Matic, I hope to have a car like that someday soon.

I sat at the right end of the car with Caleb on the left. I tried my best to look distracted so he won't ask me anything. He spoke about private matters on the phone like no other person was there, but being me, I couldn't help but listen.

"Come over to the office by 4:00 p.m., I need a release", the way he said it like he was talking about a business deal, I personally even thought he was talking about a business deal, but that changed when the last words came out of his mouth, " put on something sexy". I'm pretty sure my eyes grew wide as saucers at the last statement. Not just because of what he said, but because of the expression he had on his face when he said it. He looked like he was talking about some boring business that he had no choice but to partake in.

We were on the road for about an hour and thirty minutes before we finally arrived at our destination. I slept on the ride, which was pretty embarrassing, but at least I woke up of my own accord. As I step down from the car, I resist the urge to stretch before I embarrass myself more than I already have. We begin heading into the company while I try to stretch myself out in a way that won't draw attention to how silly I look. It worked but it wasn't as satisfying as actually stretching.

Unlike Thorne enterprises that deals in almost all businesses ranging from tech to real estate to even food products, Pronge industries deals only in tech. As we walk past all the glass manufacturing rooms, I'm in awe of the cool robots that they were working on. I wish I could be in there with them but, fun fact, this was one of the companies that rejected me. Recalling all that put me in a very shitty mood.

Before the meeting, I felt very ecstatic thinking they were all coming together to pitch ideas on what the next big thing in tech would be, but entering into the meeting, I was disappointed. They all sat on official chairs at a very long table. Caleb sat at the head of the table, which was indeed very surprising seeing as it's supposed to be the head of Pronge industries on that spot, but when I saw the way the CEO of Pronge industries respected him, I realized he already had them all in his back pocket.

For an hour, the only thing they talked about was marketing strategies, while I stood beside Caleb taking notes, so I was glad when it finally came to an end.

As we walk back to the car, I notice the looks the guys throw my way but I quickly shrug them off with a nasty glare. I have nothing against dating or falling in love, but to think the person I'm dating will want to buy or pay for everything for me, thereby subjecting me to dependency, irritates me. I am an independent woman, and I won't let any "he" change that.

The rest of the car ride was uneventful, so the joy that rushed through me when Thorne enterprises finally pulled into sight was exceptional. At 4:30 p.m., a beautiful pale skinned lady walks into my office with extremely high heels and a body con black dress that stops mid calf, she had on way too much makeup but overall she was sexy.

" Hello" I greet entranced by her beautiful, caramel colored doe eyes.

" Hi, I'm here to see Mr Thorne" she smiles, a slutty edge to her voice.

" Name, please?" I ask, looking over the list of people that he had an appointment with.

"Kiara. Kiara Sanchez" she replies, that radiant smile still plastered on her face.

"Sir, Miss Kiara Sanchez is here" I say standing at the door of his office.

" She's late" he growls, "usher her in. She deserves a punishment"

I usher her in, confused at Caleb's words but too tired to think about them. I can't wait for 6:00 p.m. so that I can go home and take a long shower and nap.

As I close my eyes in order to rest my brain a bit, I hear a loud spank, quickly activating my sixth sense. Getting up to go fight for my fellow girl, I start hearing strange things that push me back to my seat.

" Ohhhh. Spank me" I sit back stunned, with my mouth hanging open.

"Don't you dare turn around, you slut" I hear Caleb growl.

I wonder why I can hear them when there is a sound proof door between us. Oh shit, the door is slightly open. I want to go close the door, but closing it will mean that there's a possibility that I might see them, and I am not taking that chance so I decide to put on my headphones. I can still hear their moans, but luckily, I can't make out their words.

Finally home, I begin narrating everything to Mia.

"All these on just your first day? This is crazy."She smiles ,clearly enjoying the story.

"And girl, he is hot" I say and describe how he looked when he was resting on my door.

"Okay, why are you concerned about that? I mean, you never care about how guys look, what's different about this one?" she caught me off guard.

"Nothing. I only took note so I could tell you" I stuttered at the end. I know she saw through my lie but she just chose to ignore it.

" So, what was the lady's reaction when she finally came out of Caleb's office?" she asked with intrigue.

"I don't know. I didn't stay till she came out " I say getting up to go get what I want to put on tomorrow to work.

"What!! They could fire you for that" she whined

"No, he can't. My contract says I leave work at 6:00 p.m. and that was when I left" I yawned.

"Go catch some sleep. Let me take care of that. You've already had a long day today"

"Thanks Mia, you're the best" I say giving her a big hug

As I lay on the bed and place my head on the pillow, I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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