Chapter 06: Random day, Strange dreams.
Amaris POV
Okay, this is going to be easy. Caleb just left like that ? I guess luck is on my side today. I have some mails to send and some appointments to cancel, where do I begin? I think I'm going to cancel appointments first.
"Hello" I almost laugh at myself because of how hard I'm trying to use my air hostess voice. "This is the office of Mr. Caleb Thorne of Thorne Enterprises"
"Okay, let me hand this to my boss quickly " came the smooth baritone of his secretary, I think . I overhear him informing his boss of who it is.
"How may I help you?" I felt a little jump in my spine and my heart just skipped like eleven beats. The man's gruff voice sends a thrill through me, hinting at secrets so intense they could be deadly.I can't help the slight tremble and shiver that crawled up my spine in fear and fascination.
"I'm very sorry sir, but your appointment has been canceled" I couldn't help the jilt that slipped into my voice
"Do you mean postponed?" I feel like he's being too calm about this.
"No sir, I mean canceled" I added emphasis on the 'canceled'.
"What do you mean by that? My appointment can't be canceled, do you know who I am?" he yelled over the phone and directly into my ear, as I pushed the phone far back like it was on fire.
"Sir, I'm very sorry" I'm trying my absolute best here to keep calm and talk politely.
"Give me an explanation, young lady. Sorry isn't an explanation, or is it?" he yells again. I'm pretty sure my eardrums are damaged right now.
"Sir, it's not in my place to give you explanations. I'm just doing the job I'm being paid to do, any other inquiries you might have, you could call Mr Thorne directly and ask him. Besides I......"
"Shut up, you loud mouthed bitch". Now that is the last straw. I can't take it anymore, I'm giving this ass a piece of my mind.
"You know, you're right. I don't know why I'm saying sorry and trying to calm you down. If you want to get more clearance on why your appointment has been canceled, then do well to call Mr Thorne" the air hostess sweetness in my voice was long gone by now. "But as for now, your appointment has been canceled, period. You can deal with it".
I hear him saying something about talking to my boss and making sure I get fired before I hang up on the piece of shit. To think I have to go through fifteen more of this is weakening. I just hope the rest are more mentally mature.
Finally, I'm done canceling the appointments, and like I suspected, most of them were still equally annoying, some more annoying than the first. Could you imagine? One of the idiots even said that he can't be rejected or canceled no matter the cause and that he was going to call my boss, and that if I don't get fired he'll sue me. Very funny. It was just one of the guys that took it well. He sounded pretty young and immediately I gave him the information, all he said was "that's fine".
Today has been pretty good. Apart from the cancellation of appointments and sending of mails, I haven't done any work today. Just from time to time answering calls. It's currently 3:45 p.m. and Caleb isn't yet back. I just hope he doesn't come back to work today.
I put my head on the table to rest a bit. I don't know why I feel so tired, it's not like I've been working all day. As I put my head on the table, I fall asleep.
"Amaris??" Why is Caleb smiling at me in that way?
"Amaris" he says again, his voice slightly louder. I'm staring at him, but I don't answer. I just stay still, soaking in his godly appearance. He's shirtless, and he is hot, with a broad chest and huge biceps. And that six pack is everything and more.
"Amaris", this time it's a firm voice jolting me awake. Shit, all that had been a dream. And right now, the real Caleb is standing in front of me and staring me down like he's about to fire me right now.
"Do I pay you to sleep?'' His voice is low and growly, his eyes lingering on my lips a little too long.
I want to say, you've not paid me yet, but I stop myself before it's too late. "No sir, I'm very sorry sir".
"I heard from people about the war you were raving when I wasn't here," he smiled. I'm confused, what war is he talking about? Wait, he smiled at me. Strange. "The appointments I asked you to cancel, almost all of them called, asking me to fire you" he folded his arms across his chest and leaned to rest on the wall.
"What did they say I did?" I whispered look down.
"Oh, they told me everything you said. Now what do you have to say for yourself?" he stared me down, a little glint in his eyes.
"Sorry, not sorry " I whisper again to myself.
"What?" Is he pretending or did he really not hear me?
"I said sorry, not sorry." I repeat for clarity sake.
"So you're apologizing for not being apologetic?" He raises an eyebrow.
This is the most effortless and engaging conversation we've had since I began this job. Despite the risk of getting fired, I'm reveling in the stress-free pleasure of having an exchange with him.
"Yes" I reply, unremorseful of what I did, "I mean, they had it coming. They were talking to me like I was some piece of trash. And I'm not about to stand around and listen to an old fool talk me down like that."
For a moment, I forgot who I was talking to. I've lost this job for sure now, because no one's going to stand around and watch you talk about their friends the way I just did.
"Atta girl"
"Wait, what?" I'm shocked and confused, probably even disoriented, all at the same time.
"Yeah, like you said, they're just a bunch of old fools. Well, except Austin who's young and is also my friend. And I'm pretty sure he didn't even mind. Am I right?"
"Yeah. He didn't mind it at all" I smile, excited at the forming camaraderie between us.
"Mhmm, I know. I'm glad you didn't just let them walk all over you. You stood up for yourself, you deserve a thumbs up"
"Thank you sir" I grin excitedly.
"Oh no. Don't think I care about you. The only reason I care is that if they're walking all over you because of what happens at my company, then they're indirectly walking all over me. And I won't like that".
How quickly he switched gears left me stunned. Honestly, it's unnerving and kind of freaky. One moment, you're beaming with pride and praise, and the next, your expression turns cold as ice, making it seem like I was hallucinating before. He's just like a chameleon, constantly changing colors.
As I drove home, my mind insistently replayed the vivid dream I had in the office like a stuck record. I couldn't fathom why subconscious was fixated on someone's I despised. It was absurd. I rationalized it away, attributing the dream to sheer exhaustion, and refocused on the road to ensure a safe journey home.
"Hey midget" I greet Mia by the nickname I gave her, because of her childish features and considerably small stature.
"Hey armadillo" she greets me back. She gave me the nickname 'armadillo' because she insists I'm a really soft person but I only act tough because I'm scared of getting hurt. I hate to admit it, but she's right.
"You are beaming girl. Let me guess, today was better than yesterday, wasn't it?" she smiles, folding up the laundry.
"As a matter of fact, yes it was" I smile back and take a seat on the cushion before narrating all the happenings of today.
"Shit, he is really hot. And what's that weird dream you were having about him, oooooh" she bit her lips and let out a little growl as a smile spread across her lips.
"So out of everything I told you, including the part where I told you about those rude ass CEOs, that's all you caught" my mouth hangs open in surprise at how someone could act so dim and be so smart both at the same time.
"No I was getting to that" a guilty expression marked her face, "you know you have to take things one at a time right?" She quickly defends herself.
"Mhmm" I said sarcastically.
"Quick question though, how much of his chest was exposed in that shirt of his". Scooting closer, she anticipates my reply, unaware of the glare I'm shooting her way.
"Bitch, you thirsty" I get up as we both laugh.
"Anyways, when I'm done showering, you're going to have to come give me a massage. You know I'm working hard and the stress is getting to me, you know. I'm feeling all tensed up", I let out a sigh as I sashay to the bedroom.
"All these for a job you started yesterday." I was surprised at the loud laughter she gave before that sentence.
"So if you're asking for a massage now, what would you ask for in a month's time?" she scoffed and went back to her folding.