Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

They lead her to the end of the hallway through a double door. The door has wood carvings of kids reading and flying books. The doors open to reveal shelves of books everywhere. Allison is completely in awe of the library. Books are the only thing that gave her a break from the horribleness of the life she left behind.

Gloria motions towards a table and leads her to it while Jasper closes the door behind them.

“Allison, I just want to say first that we will not judge you and anything that happened before will not happen here. You will be treated with the respect you deserve here, we promise.” Jasper says with a smile on his face.

Allison starts crying again and nods. It is a few seconds of them both rubbing her back before she can even form any words.

She gives them a short overview of her past including her parents, the beatings, the torture, but leaving out Troy and some of the other unsavory events. When she is done, she is breathless having said everything out loud that she has never given a voice to before. She feels like a massive weight has been lifted from her shoulders when she is done and her tears stop flowing down her cheeks.

“Oh dear. I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. We promise to always protect you. You will never have to return there if you don’t want to. And as long as we can help it, no one from that pack will ever touch you again.”

“Thank you both for everything. I really mean that. I hope I don’t let you down.”

Jasper chuckles before he says, “There’s no letting us down dear. We are beyond proud of you for surviving everything you have and making it here.”

“Yes Allison. We are so proud of you already.”

“Allison. I want you to train here. I have the best warriors that I’ve ever seen and I want you to learn from them. Never again will you have to worry about someone taking advantage of you. You want to mainly work on your stamina to get that built up.”

“Really? You would let me train?”

“Yes, of course. Who knows maybe you are a warrior. The only way we will find out what your potential is and what you can do in your life is by helping you figure it out. I want you to go to the school too. How old are you?”

“I will be 18 in three weeks. I haven’t ever gone to school as I wasn’t allowed at the school.” She says hanging her head in shame.

Jasper smiles and lifts her chin. “That’s fine. I want you to pick up with the seniors then so you can do whatever you want in life. We will get you some tutors too to get you caught up.”

“I will never be able to repay you for everything you are doing for me.” She says as she bursts into tears again.

“You are doing it dear. You being here is proof that you are destined for great things. You have already lived through so much.”

“Oh, and we will be having a big party for your birthday.” Jasper adds with a chuckle. “That is going to be a big day for our new daughter. Maybe you will find your mate.”

Allison blushes before she adds, “That’s one thing I am sure of. I am not worthy enough to have a mate.” She looks down at her hands sadly.

“Of course, you have a mate. The moon goddess has given you a hard past for a reason. Use that to your advantage and build from it. I promise you have a mate dear.” Gloria looks at her with hope and anticipation in her eyes.

Allison smiles slightly and nods. “Please call me Allie.”

“You got it Allie.” Gloria chuckles with a smile.

“Alright, now let’s get you to your room. We are going to put you right across the hall from us so if you need anything you know where to find us. All of the rooms are soundproof so your room should be pretty quiet for you.”

Allison nods and smiles. They all get up from the table and follow Jasper out of the room.

“This is Christian. He is your personal guard now. He will not interfere in anything you are doing but he will follow you around. I will always make sure you are protected and that includes Christian following you.”

“I don’t think that it is necessary Alpha.”

Jasper holds his hand up and closes his eyes before continuing. “Sorry, that’s the one thing I will not bend on. Until I am certain no one from your previous pack will come to try to take you back, he will be by your side. No negotiations.”

Allie shakes her head but smiles. “Okay. Thank you, Alpha.”

“It’s my duty and my pleasure. Really it is.” He pulls her into a side hug and she hugs him back. Gloria comes behind them and hugs them both tightly.

“Thank you both. It means more than you know.” Allison says with a big smile on her face.

“Thank you, daughter. By the way, I will be introducing you as our adoptive daughter tonight.” Jasper says with a chuckle.

“Really? You actually want to claim me?” Allison asks as she stares at both Jasper and Gloria with wide eyes. She can’t believe that anyone would actually want others to know they are connected to her.

“Yes, we are sure.” They say in unison with smiles on their faces as they pull Allison into another hug.

“Come on, let’s go to your room. You can get freshened up if you want before dinner. There should be some clothes in the room already for you too.”

Allison nods as she is unable to speak from the amount of love she is feeling. She is sure is she does that her voice will break.

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