Chapter 1 - PROLOGUE

Two billionaire couple who love thrills and adventures together with their troop of bodyguards sailed their biggest yachts into the Ocean with the intent of finding the unnamed most mysterious mountain in the western part of the Pacific Ocean.

“Hon, where is this mysterious mountain that you were talking about, situated?” Mrs. Marby asked her husband, who was looking through the mountainous majestic views afar through his binoculars.

“Based on my research, the mountain is near the area of the Cook Islands and, I guess, and I have seen it now.” Mr. Marby replied as he focused more on his binoculars, in a particular spot.

Mr. Marby walked towards the Captain of their yacht. “Our target place is on the left side.”

As they reached the mysterious mountain, Mr. and Mrs. Marby excitedly alighted from their Yacht. Six of their bodyguards followed them while the remaining four, including the Captain, stayed on the docked yacht.

They were just entering the mountainous forest when they heard growls; loud growls of a man in pain.

“Stop, did you hear that?” Mr. Marby motioned to his wife and bodyguards to stop and listen.

“Help me!” Suddenly they saw her, a running, bloody woman with an infant in her arms. She runs towards them.

“Please get my baby and run away from here. They are coming and they will also kill you if they see you. Please go back to the shore and sail away!” The woman cried as she handed the baby quickly to Mr. Marby and ran away as fast as she could.

Mr. Marby and Mrs. Marby with wide eyes, looked at each other. Their bodyguards were also in shock. Then they heard growling wolves and running feet.

“Run back to the shore!” Mr. Marby shouted while giving the baby to his most skilled man and then grabbed his wife’s hand. They ran so fast until they reached their docked yacht.

When the Captain saw them running in haste, he immediately powered up the yacht, and the moment Mr. Marby’s group climbed inside, their yacht speeding off from the coast of the mysterious mountain.

While speeding off, Mr. Marby got his binoculars and focused them on the place they left just a minute ago. His feet were shaken when he saw a group of black werewolves jump into the water and swam speedily like they were chasing their yacht.

“Hon, come here. Oh, look at this cute and adorable baby girl.” Mrs. Marby is now holding in her arms the baby with fascination in her eyes.

As if something was pushing him, Mr. Marby walked toward his wife. He removed the cloth covering a part of the baby’s face and looked at her. Amazement overwhelmed his whole being as two smiling golden eyes looked at him. Like his wife, he became drawn to those golden little eyes.

“Daffodil, we will call her Daffodil; our Daffodil. Having her this springtime is a new life for both of us, Hon. God has already answered our prayers for a child that we could never have. So, she is our Daffodil, who will be giving us our new beginnings.” Mrs. Marby exclaimed with tears rolling down her cheeks.

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