Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

The man walks up to the platform, and just like I did the night before, in front of him and the taxi driver, he bows as a greeting.

And the girls’ sighs are not long in coming, besides, they look at him as if they want to devour him.

“He’s so handsome.”

“Do you think he’s married?”

“Oh, I want my children to be his.”

And the murmurs behind me continue and continue.

“The handsome guy behind him is Park Jeon, right-hand man of the sexy Mr. Lee,” Danna whispers excitedly, and my attention goes straight to the boy who was at my house this morning to deliver my coat, who is very close to Lee Rang Do.

Perhaps I was not mistaken in thinking he was the secretary of that man.

Oh, and the university rector is also in the room.

“It is a pleasure to welcome you all. You are the future of this world, and it will always be a pleasure to see new faces every year,” Mr. Lee Rang Do speaks, his gaze fixed on us. He hasn’t noticed my presence, and I hope he doesn’t, besides, the room is big enough for him not to notice me.

The fact that he sent my coat home and left a message with his secretary, sarcastically thanking me for letting him know I arrived safely, means nothing.

I take a deep breath and focus on his face, on the delicacy of his features, and how soft his hair promises to be.

He wears thin glasses that accentuate his face, making him look adorable. Adorable and handsome.

God, what is he doing here? And a billionaire type? How could he have defended me last night? I am impressed that he took pity on me.

“This year, I will be teaching administrative procedures, accounting, and a bit of strategic management on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,” he explains, and my mouth falls open.

What? I feel my blood pressure drop, and I want to run away from the classroom, but that would only draw attention.

For God’s sake, how am I going to endure looking at him three times a week without having a heart attack? I’m dying of embarrassment.

And the message I sent him! Oh, what a disaster.

I sink into my seat, trying to hide my face, because it could fall off from embarrassment, and Danna frowns.

I invited that handsome, billionaire man for a coffee, who also paid for my taxi home and defended me from my abusive boss…

And who touched my chin with delicate hands.

Oh, what am I thinking?

And I sink deeper into the seat, and my lower lip trembles.

A miserable coffee, and now he turns out to be my professor and a billionaire CEO.

“Are you okay, Hal? Do you feel sick?” Danna leans her body towards mine to fan my face, and when I try to push her away, since we are drawing attention since apparently we are the only ones moving in the damn room, a large part of the students turn to look at us.

And that’s enough to catch the professor’s and his attention…

“Is something wrong?” his deep voice inquires, and I want to hide my face, I don’t want him to see me, but Danna makes that impossible, not to mention that all eyes are on us… Including the stern eyes of Lee Rang Do.

“I think Hal is feeling unwell…” Danna starts, but I stop her by pinching her leg to make her quiet.

“I’m fine,” I manage to say with a trembling voice, and the rector nods, speaking to the class again, capturing their attention once more.

Everyone stops looking at me, except him. His brown eyes are fixed on me, and I feel my heart racing.

Damn it.

“Right, Mr. Lee?” the rector speaks, addressing our future professor, and only then does he shift his gaze away from me, and I feel like I can breathe again.

This can’t be happening. And he looked at me…

I inhale and focus my attention on him because, even though I want the ground to swallow me, I can’t stop looking at him.

“I hope we do a good job, and my knowledge is of great benefit to you,” he concludes, bowing slightly, allowing his hair to fall slightly forward.

Will it be as soft as it looks? Will I ever get to touch it?

I shake my head and drop my head into my notebook. What the heck am I thinking? For God’s sake, Hal, he’s just a handsome millionaire guy like any other, but why do I want him to look at me again?

And as if my thoughts were orders he could hear, his eyes wander once more and fall on me.

“Any questions?” Rang Do speaks in general, his eyes fixed on mine. “Yes?”

He nods in my direction, and I startle before realizing that he’s not talking to me but to a girl sitting behind me.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Mr. Rang Do?” the girl asks, and several other girls laugh.

“Well,” he looks down at the floor, trying to hide a smirk before raising his gaze directly to me, piercing my innocent body with his eyes. “No, I don’t have a girlfriend.”

He says it, and for some reason, I feel like he’s talking to me.

Could it be?

No, for God’s sake, what am I thinking?

“That’s all for today. I hope you have a good day, and once again, welcome everyone,” Lee Rang just nods his head and starts leaving the classroom, but not without giving me a last look that I can’t interpret.

“Oh, my God, how can someone be so hot and adorable at the same time? And he’s only twenty-eight years old, he’s the most sought-after bachelor in Seoul, and during the year he stays here, he’ll definitely continue to be.”

Classes had ended, and we were on our way to the exit. Danna couldn’t stop talking about the handsome man who owned half the world and would also be our teacher.

I wonder how he would feel if I told him how close he was to me and that he was the one who defended me from John.

He would go crazy. Just like I’m doing now.

“I’m glad he’s not married or with a girlfriend,” she laughs. “Although I wouldn’t mind being the other woman.”

I sigh, and we come to a sudden stop.

“What’s wrong, Hal?” Danna asks, and I just move closer to hug her. “Okay…”

Apart from everything involving that handsome guy who defended me, I remember why he did it. And precisely because of that, I no longer have a job.

“I’ll take you home,” Danna caresses my back, trying to console me. “And we’ll grab something to eat and…”

“No, it’s okay,” I step out of her embrace, and she looks at me with sadness. “I’ll go to the mall and drop off my resume.”

“But what about Go?” she asks excitedly. Although Danna doesn’t need to work, as she has the support of both her parents, she’ll probably apply for the job not to leave me alone. And I appreciate that. She’s the best friend I’ve ever had.

But honestly, I feel intimidated to leave my resume at the company of the person who waited for my call last night.

At the same time, I can’t afford to pass up a good job opportunity.

“I’ll go to some malls today, and tomorrow we’ll go to Go.”

“Yes!” Danna cheers, and I laugh. “Let’s go, I’ll drop you off at the mall, and then I’ll go to my mom’s house. She wants to get her hair done with her girlfriend, and I’ll accompany them.”

“Oh, great. How’s it going with her recent coming out?”

“She always liked to watch the world burn. Many people still can’t believe it, but she’s enjoying it,” she shrugs, and we both laugh as we walk to her car.

At least I won’t have to walk; climbing the twenty floors to my apartment last night is taking a toll on my legs.

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