~Getting To Know Each Other~ (Part Two)
As we enter the sunroom I close the door behind us and we both take a seat looking at each other. "I just want you to know Rose that I want to know all about you. I also don't want you to be nervous about the mating process we will go at the pace you set ok." I told her. With the last comment she blushes a beautiful shade of crimson. "I want to know all about you as well. So how do you want to start? Take turns asking and answering questions or just give out the information?" She asks. "Hmmm. That's a good question. Why don't we ask a question and we will both answer the question and that should be a good place to start." "How does that sound?"I asked her. "Perfect." she said with a smile. "Do you want to go first?" I asked her. She shook her head yes.
"What is your favorite color? Mine are red and baby blue." she said. "Black. My favorite foods are Rib eye steak and lasagna. What is yours?" I asked. "Tacos and lasagna. I am allergic to pumpkin. Are you allergic to anything?" she asked. "That works out because I don't like pumpkin but I am allergic to mushrooms. Favorite music?" I asked. "I hate mushrooms." she said with a little laugh. "I like all kind's of music except opera." "What about you?" she asked. "I like all kinds of music I guess except opera and rap because you can't understand what they are saying" at this she laughs at me and I can't help but just stare at her because she is so beautiful and I feel like I am the luckiest man in the world.
I catch him just staring at me and of course I blush and that makes him smile even more but he is so handsome when he smiles and can look at me as much as he wants. "Alright what do you like to do for fun and do you have any hobbies?" "I like to paint and draw but haven't done it in awhile, I love to read because anytime you open a book its a escape to another place, I like to fish, bowling, I like watching scary movies and rom coms, hmm and several other things too many to list, and I would like to one day actually write my own book." "Now your turn." I say. "I like to work on cars, run equipment, fishing, hunting, and I really like history, and I like scary movies as well and a whole bunch more stuff." he replied. "Can I see some of your art work?" He asked. Of course I have to blush when he ask and he smiles and winks at me. He is a big flirt but I love it. I shake me head yes because I am to embarrassed to respond.
He takes one of my hands and kisses it and then asks "What is your favorite flower?" "Tulips and tiger lilies" I respond. "Do you have a favorite flower?" I ask. He shakes his head no and says "Not really" "Any place you would like to visit." I ask. "I am Irish and Scottish and would love to visit both countries." he replies. "So am I and I would love to visit both but definitely Ireland." "I just think it would be a really beautiful place to see. I also have some English, French, Dutch, German, and Indian in there somewhere." I say. "I have some German and Indian as well." he says. "I love to watch you talk your whole face lights up and I love how you talk with your hands." When he says this it causes me to turn bright red and cover my face.
She blushes bright red and covers her face and its so adorable. "Baby don't hide your face. I think you are so adorable when you blush." I say this while I take her hands away from her face and when I have them away from her beautiful face we just stare at one another for several minutes. We start leaning towards each other and then I stop because I don't want to rush her even though I would love nothing more then to kiss her sweet lips and see if they feel as soft as they look. We both blink a few times then I ask her "How do you like your coffee?" She responds "Black with a little water in it." "What about you?" she asks me. "Exactly the same" I say with a smile still holding her hands. "Favorite holiday? Mine are Halloween and Christmas." she asks. "July 4th and Christmas and I guess Halloween too." I reply.
She looks like she is thinking what to ask so I just watch her for a moment and then she says. "I like football but I have more than one favorite team, I like monkeys because I think they are cute, I like bubble baths, sunsets, and lazy Sundays sleeping in. Also I am not a morning person just fair warning." I love that she just told me all that. "I like football and like a few teams as well, I am a morning person I am afraid but I promise to make for sure you always have your coffee, I am not much into baths but would love to take one with you, and I hate sleeping under blankets." I tell her and she blushes and I can't help but wink at her. "You are a big flirt" she tells me and sticks her tongue out at me. I growl playfully and say "I'll bite that off." "Oh no you won't because you like it too much." She fires back. I love how spunky she is and tell her so. " I love how spunky you are and the fact you are comfortable enough to joke with me and flirt with me."
He was right I was comfortable with him and was having fun flirting with him. "I am completely comfortable with you and I like flirting with you." I say of course my face is on fire but oh well. He smiles and kisses my hands and then looks me in the eyes and says "Can I ask you a personal question Rose?" "Of course we are mates I have nothing to hide." I say. He swallows then nods. "Well first off I know some men and women don't wait until they find their mate and do certain things but I decided when I got my wolf, Jace, I would wait so all my first would be my mates and it would be special. I know about sex and everything and have pleasured myself but that is all. I am still a virgin." he says this real quick and a light blush forms on his cheeks. "Have you ever been with anyone?" I smile at how cute he looks right now. "Thank you for telling me that and I believe like you do. I have never been with anyone I wanted to save all my first for my mate." I push down my shyness and just say it. "I am a virgin also. I mean just like you I know about sex and everything but I wanted my first time to be with my mate." The biggest grin is on his face and he just looks so cute with his head high and chest out all proud.
He squeezes my hands again and just keeps looking at me and finally he asks. "Rose I know it may be a little soon but can I please kiss you?" My heart starts beating in my chest and I fear he can hear it. Jazzy says to do it because I really want to. Cheeky wolf but she is right. I shake my head yes and that's all it takes. He places his hand lighty on my cheek as he leans towards me and as he is moving forward I tilt my head towards him and just before our lips touch we both close our eyes and then our lips touch. His lips are so soft and I can feel the sparks where our lips touch and I never want it to stop.