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Chapter 10 My Life, His Dream

"Is this for real?" Gavin snatched up the ancient prescription, eyes wide as he scanned it.

One look and Gavin was floored. This thing was legit!

Timothy was buzzing. "Mr. Smith, what is this?"

Gavin broke it down, "This is the long-lost recipe for Regenesis Ointment. Supposedly, it can regrow flesh and bones. Even chopped-off limbs and fingers can come back. It's the secret formula of the legendary healer Alfred."

Timothy's jaw dropped. "What? The secret formula of the legendary healer Alfred?"

Timothy might've doubted the prescription's authenticity, but Alfred? No way.

Alfred's reputation was untouchable. The man was a legend in Eldoria and a top-notch healer. Everyone looked up to him.

Gavin was practically hyperventilating. "Right now, there's like an eighty percent chance this thing is real. I'll send it to the chairman to confirm."

Timothy was on the edge of his seat. "What if it is real?"

Gavin grinned, "If it's real and you use it, you'll blow past Eugene and become the new pharma king of Starlight City."

Timothy was over the moon.

He couldn't wait. "Mr. Smith, let's get back and dive into this right now."

About two hours later, the chairman, who was in a meeting in Rainbow City, sent a message: [The ancient prescription is real! And it's the most complete version!]

They guessed this ancient prescription was worth at least a hundred billion dollars.

Timothy was stoked. "I'm so lucky! I can't believe I stumbled on an ancient prescription worth at least a hundred billion dollars just by taking a walk!"

He'd always been gunning for Eugene's spot. Now was his chance.

With the Regenesis Ointment, Timothy could outshine Eugene.

Timothy said, "Mr. Smith, I want to hire you as a technical consultant. Dig into this ancient prescription ASAP so we can mass-produce and sell it."

"Everyone else, keep this on the down-low for now!"

He then smirked, "Eugene, just wait, I've got a huge surprise for you."

The launch of Regenesis Ointment would be his moment to dethrone Eugene as the top pharma tycoon.

Meanwhile, Jasmine had already met up with Cassidy. She spilled all the crazy stuff William had done that afternoon.

Cassidy was skeptical. "What? William gave Mr. Watson an ancient prescription worth at least a hundred billion dollars? That must be a joke! If William had something like that, why would he be mooching off you?"

Jasmine was fuming. "The ointment he put on my mom smelled like it came from a dumpster. He even claimed it could make my mom's finger grow back."

Cassidy laughed harder. "That's nuts, even a kid wouldn't buy that."

Jasmine sighed, "But my mom spoils William. She lets him do whatever he wants. She even wanted me to bring him to the party just now. No way, I'd die of embarrassment."

Cassidy chuckled, "Actually, I think you should bring William."

Jasmine was confused. "Why?"

Cassidy explained, "Show him your social circle and how amazing the guys around you are. He doesn't even deserve to be on the fringes of your world."

"You might not be able to kick him out directly, but you can make him see how out of his league you are and stop him from having any delusions about you," Cassidy added.

Jasmine's eyes lit up. "Yeah. That's a great idea! I need to show him how high-class my circle is. Something he'll never reach in his lifetime."

Shortly after, Fiona got a call from Jasmine, asking William to come to the party.

The shindig was at the Black Pearl Restaurant, one of the top three spots in Starlight City. The average tab per person here was over $700.

And the private room Jasmine and her crew booked had a minimum spend of $25,000.

For regular folks, this was way out of reach.

Jasmine smirked, "If William had to rely on himself, he'd never set foot in the Black Pearl Restaurant in his lifetime."

"He has no clue that the Black Pearl is like my personal cafeteria."

"My life, his dream." Jasmine's face was dripping with arrogance.

Not long after, William showed up.

Jasmine shot him a glare before heading inside. "Go in, and don't embarrass me. Keep your mouth shut."

In the private room, there were three guys and five girls, all Jasmine's classmates and friends.

Not only were they all top-notch, but they also came from loaded families.

Especially Kevin Lawson, who was hosting the party, had some serious clout.

Kevin's family business controlled more than half the supermarkets in Starlight City, and his father was known as the Supermarket King.

Kevin was also a standout, a leader among his peers since he was a kid, and one of Jasmine's admirers.

A few people stepped up to congratulate them. "Jasmine, Cassidy, congrats on joining Rose Corporation."

Kevin, dressed to the nines, excitedly told Jasmine, "Jasmine, I've got great news. I also got hired by Rose Corporation. We'll be colleagues now!"

Cassidy quickly chimed in, "Really? That's awesome!"

Even Jasmine's eyes sparkled. Joining Rose Corporation was a huge deal, a badge of honor.

Kevin was considered average among the top-tier guys around Jasmine.

Even so, he had joined Rose Corporation. What did William have to stack up against Kevin? William could never be part of her world.

Cassidy was blunt. "William, do you see this? Even a random guy chasing Jasmine is at this level. Do you think you're worthy of being with Jasmine? You better give up."

Jasmine also looked at William with a smug expression, as if to say, "You're useless. You don't deserve me."

At this point, Kevin and the others noticed William standing there.

Kevin looked at William with disdain. "Jasmine, who's this?"

Jasmine sighed, "He's my mom's godson. Now he's freeloading at my house. My mom even wants me to marry him."

William had no background, no money, no skills.

Jasmine and Cassidy made William sound like a nobody.

They even made him out to be an illiterate who hadn't gone to school. But none of that was true.

Kevin shouted, "What? He lives at your house and your mom wants you to marry him?"

Kevin's face twisted, and the others stared at William.

Kevin pointed at William and said, "To be honest, my situation is average; my family only has assets worth a few billion dollars. I just got hired by Rose Corporation. I'm just an average suitor for Jasmine."

"My other friends have assets worth hundreds of millions. They're super accomplished. But they don't even have the guts to go after Jasmine."

"William, you don't even compare to the fringe members of our circle. How dare you have ideas about Jasmine? You better give up early!"

Hearing this, Jasmine was as proud as a peacock.

Jasmine arrogantly looked at William, her eyes saying, "See? This is my circle. You'll never get in."

William looked coldly at Kevin. "What does it matter to you whether I'm worthy of her or not? And you got hired by Rose Corporation? Great, you're fired."

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