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Chapter 11 He Is from a Completely Different World Than You

As soon as William dropped that bomb, everyone cracked up.

"Jasmine, is this dude for real? He thinks he can fire people from Rose Corporation?"

"Who does he think he is? The big boss of Rose Corporation?"

They all looked at William like he was some kind of joke.

Jasmine was fuming. This guy really had the nerve to talk big. Did he seriously think Rose Corporation was his?

Cassidy chimed in, "Chill, Jasmine. He's just feeling insecure. He knows he ain't all that and is trying to make himself feel important."

Jasmine's eyes sparkled at that. William was beginning to come off as desperate for attention, which indicated that her scheme was taking effect. He was getting a glimpse of her social circle. He was starting to feel inadequate.

Everyone jumped in, "Jasmine, don't sweat it. You're destined for the elite circles of Eldoria. He's from a whole different planet."

Jasmine's face beamed with pride.

She always had high standards, and now that she was with Rose Corporation, they were even higher.

She didn't even consider the top young talents of Starlight City. How could she be into William?

Cassidy snorted, "Jasmine's got high standards. She's probably gonna be Mrs. Randal someday. How can William even compare to Randal?"

That hit home for Jasmine. Her standards for a partner were definitely at Randal's level now.

Jasmine said, "Alright, let's not let him kill our vibe." With that, everyone took their seats.

Delicious dishes started rolling out one after another. Each dish cost a small fortune, and Kevin gave a little intro for each one.

Kevin also took the chance to mock William, saying he probably never tasted anything like this.

William didn't touch any of the food, leading Jasmine and the others to assume he was being snobbish, as if he wanted to eat but pretended he was accustomed to such luxuries.

Eventually, everyone got bored and stopped paying attention to William, diving into high-end topics.

They talked about the future economy of Starlight City and even all of Eldoria, and the roles they could play.

Especially Jasmine and her crew discussed how far Rose Corporation could go in Eldoria.

These were things a country bumpkin like William couldn't grasp.

Little did they know, William saw them as a bunch of clowns.

After dinner, they planned to hit up a bar.

It was Jasmine and Cassidy's first time going to a bar, and they were super hyped.

To keep her mood intact, Jasmine straight-up told William to scram. "William, go home. Stop tagging along."

William didn't want to follow, but he had promised Fiona to get them back safe at night.

He had no choice but to stick around. "I'm coming with you."

Jasmine was annoyed. "Can you stop following me? I already let you join us for dinner. Don't kill my vibe anymore."

William stared her down. "No way. Unless you come home with me now."

Jasmine rubbed her temples. "Oh my God, I'm losing it."

She had no choice but to drag William to the bar with them.

Just as they were about to step inside, Kevin got a call.

It was from his boss at Rose Corporation.

Kevin said to them, "You guys go ahead, I'll catch up."

He didn't dare mess around and quickly found a quiet spot to take the call.

As soon as he picked up, a cold voice came through. "Is this Kevin? You're fired."

At that moment, Kevin was stunned, like he'd been hit by a truck.

That bumpkin was actually right. Rose Corporation really canned him.

Kevin double-checked multiple times.

It was definitely a high-ranking exec from Rose Corporation who fired him.

The termination notice was already sitting in Kevin's email.

Kevin crumpled to the ground, his phone slipping from his hand.

He screamed, "Jasmine! Cassidy! Didn't you say he was just some nobody? Are you kidding me? This guy's a big shot at Rose Corporation!"

William and the crew had already rolled up to Hepburn Bar.

Kevin had set everything up, and a bunch of bar managers greeted them, leading them to the swankiest booth.

"Where's Kevin? He's not picking up. Think something happened?" Alec Lowe looked puzzled, sneaking a glance at William.

Could Kevin really have been canned?

The others shrugged it off. "Let's get this party started. No need to wait."

Jasmine ordered ten drinks right off the bat, dropping $42,000 like it was nothing.

She handed out fat tips to the waiters and managers nearby.

She was doing it to show William what her life was like. The stuff she wore, used, and spent on was way out of his league.

"Kevin still isn't here. Think something really happened to him?"

After a while, with no sign of Kevin and no answer on his phone, they started to worry.

"I think we should go back and check. Something feels off."

Just as they were about to go look for Kevin, a group of uninvited guests barged into the bar.

They were the kids of the big shots from the Moonlight Chamber of Commerce in Starlight City, flanked by a bunch of burly bodyguards.

Anyone or anything in their way got shoved aside or even tossed by the bodyguards. Anyone who dared to argue got a beatdown.

In Starlight City, this crew was used to calling the shots. They'd hit on any woman they fancied and rough up anyone they didn't like, earning themselves quite the reputation.

People hated them but couldn't do anything about it.

The Moonlight Chamber of Commerce was too powerful; regular folks couldn't mess with them.

All eyes turned to where Jasmine and her group were sitting.

The bar's general manager was trying to explain that the booth was already taken.

In a bold move, Owen Turner, the head of the Moonlight Chamber of Commerce crew, delivered a resounding slap across the manager's face. Following this, he proceeded to stomp on him multiple times.

With unwavering confidence, Owen declared, "I always get what I want. And tonight, I want this booth."

At Owen's command, the bodyguards immediately surrounded William and his group's booth.

When Owen and his crew saw Jasmine and the other beautiful women, they couldn't look away.

They were in nightclubs almost every night, but they'd never seen women like this. They were hooked.

Owen ordered, "We don't have any women with us. These will do! Get rid of the guys, and keep all the girls."

Owen was already impatient. No woman they wanted had ever gotten away.

Jasmine and her friends recognized this crew and immediately freaked out.

Owen and his crew acted like lunatics.

Their identities might not be enough to scare Owen.

Alec immediately said, "Do you know who I am? My dad is Roy Lowe!"

Owen slapped Alec across the face. "Roy? Without my Moonlight Chamber of Commerce, could he have gotten anywhere in the past few years? Get lost!"

Just as Jasmine was about to reveal her identity, Owen sneered, "I don't care who you are. Tonight, you're mine."

Jasmine and Cassidy's faces went pale.

It was their first time at a bar, and they ran into this mess.

No wonder their families didn't want them going to places like this. What should they do?

Just as they were about to pull out their phones to call for help, Owen's men snatched their phones away.

In their panic, they didn't know what to do.

For a moment, they all looked at William, who was chilling in the corner.

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