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Chapter 17 The Forces of Eldoria Are All Afraid

In just thirty seconds, Kyle and The Obsidian Brotherhood got totally wiped out.

Word spread like wildfire that 180,000 Witchcraft Masters, summoned by the Dark Lord Token, had gathered in Starlight City. The big shots in Eldoria were losing their minds.

Panic mode: activated.

Regions were gearing up for war.

Even the Dragon Temple in Sintros City, the big cheese of Eldoria, got the memo.

Everyone was losing it.

All eyes were on Starlight City.

Tonight could be a game-changer for Eldoria.

Inside the Dragon Temple, folks were freaking out.

"Are you kidding me? 180,000 Witchcraft Masters? Is this Paradise Island's ultimate flex?"

"Summoning all these guys just to off one dude? He's making a statement to Eldoria."

"If we mess with William, those 180,000 Witchcraft Masters will head north, and no one can stop them."

Everyone in the Dragon Temple was dead silent.

Most nobles had no clue what 180,000 Witchcraft Masters and Paradise Island meant, but the Dragon Temple knew all too well.

No force in this world could ever stand up to Paradise Island. Not even if they all teamed up.

"The four wizards warned us, but no one listened. We even got in William's way, ticking him off. Now he's showing us he's not to be messed with."

Silence hung heavy. Their next words could shape Eldoria's future. One wrong move could spell disaster.

Everyone was too scared to even breathe.

After what felt like forever, the leader of the Dragon Temple finally spoke, "Spread the word. From now on, no one in Eldoria is to mess with William. He gets a free pass."

Corpses were stacked high, and blood flowed like rivers at Loyalty Manor.

The 180,000 Witchcraft Masters didn't budge, standing in rows, all eyes on the north.

William's face was ice-cold as he waited for Eldoria's response.

The 180,000 Witchcraft Masters were ready to march north at his command.

Soon, four figures showed up; it was Randal and his crew.

Randal said, "Mr. Davis, from now on, no one in Eldoria will mess with you. You..."

He glanced nervously at the 180,000 Witchcraft Masters behind William, hinting that William should send them away.

William pulled out the Dark Lord Token and commanded, "Dismiss!"

In an instant, the 180,000 Witchcraft Masters vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

Randal and the others were floored. How could 180,000 people vanish so fast?

No wonder the Dragon Temple was scared stiff.

If those 180,000 Witchcraft Masters showed up in Sintros City out of nowhere, it would be a nightmare.

William left with a parting shot. "You clean this up."

Randal and the others exchanged looks, realizing William wanted them to handle the aftermath. But they had no choice. They couldn't say no to William.

That night, Eldoria was almost torn apart by his actions. All the nobles in Eldoria were terrified of him.

Things finally settled down that night.

At the Watson Mansion, someone inquired, "Is it all over now?"

Frank scoffed, "How long would it take to kill William?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, the Watson family wasn't caught in the crossfire.

"William's gotta be dead, right?"

"Anyone who crosses Kyle never makes it, right?"

Just as Craig finished speaking, a voice cut through. "Who said I was dead?"

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