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Chapter 26 Never Admit!

Eugene was about ready to deck William. "You jerk, do you even hear yourself?"

Frank and the crew started hurling insults at William too.

"What the hell are you talking about? Spell it out. Your mom's ring is missing, and you're blaming the Watsons?"

"Come on, the Watsons are loaded. Why would we swipe some busted ring?"

William just grinned, "Funny, 'cause twenty years ago, the Watsons were nobodies in Starlight City, right?"

Craig's jaw dropped. How did William know that?

William pressed on, "A busted ring? Craig, you sold it for nearly a mil. The Watsons are where they are today 'cause of my mom's ring, right?"

Craig started shaking, almost hit the floor. The rest of the Watsons were losing it too, some shaking, some coughing.

They never thought William would know all this, let alone in such detail. How the hell did he find out?

But Eugene and Jasmine were quick to shout, "William, you're full of crap! You're slandering us!"

Fiona tried to calm things down. "William, cut it out. This never happened."

Craig wasn't sweating it, even if William knew. It didn't matter because he had no proof; the evidence was with Aaron. There was no way William could get his hands on it. As long as Craig didn't fess up, William was stuck.

Craig yelled, "What lies are you spewing? Fiona, look at your godson!"

The Watsons all denied it.

"This never happened. Grandpa doesn't even know your mom, let alone her ring."

"You're just trying to shake us down, right? Want money? Here, take it and scram, Frank yelled as he tossed a wad of cash at William.

"William, you say Grandpa sold your mom's ring. Show us the proof and we'll believe you." Jasmine's words cut deep.

Craig and the others chimed in, "Yeah, show us the proof."

"Show us the proof and we'll believe you."

The evidence was with Aaron, which meant it was as good as gone. So, they were fearless.

"Fine, you want proof? I'll show you." William reached into his pocket, but a hand grabbed him tight, stopping him.

It was Fiona.

Fiona was starting to believe William now. She wasn't falling for his earlier jokes anymore. She thought about what William had uncovered; maybe Xavier was supporting him.

But she couldn't allow William to reveal the proof; that would be like dropping a bomb on Craig right then and there. It would be a disaster for everyone involved. It could seriously damage her relationship with the Watsons.

The Watsons were influential figures, and Eugene and the rest of them were very concerned about their reputation. If William exposed Craig, the Watsons would lose all their respect.

Fiona gently shook her head. "No."

William got the message and switched gears. "Alright, Craig, I won't push this. But tell me where my mom is. Where'd she go?"

William's sudden shift made Jasmine think he had no proof at all.

Jasmine wasn't having any of it after William trashed Craig and then acted like it was no big deal. "Why aren't you pushing it? William, either show the proof today or apologize to my grandpa. Otherwise, this isn't over," she declared.

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