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Chapter 34 Clues of Eden

Jasmine had been busting her butt to be the kind of person Aaron thought was worthy of living in Serenade Villa. That was one of her big dreams.

Now, she was super curious about who could catch Aaron's eye.

Jasmine mumbled to herself, "He must be something special."

Cassidy was stressing about William. "Hey, Jasmine, what's up with William? He's been MIA for a while. Think something happened to him?"

Jasmine freaked out. "Oh crap, I totally forgot about him."

Her plan was just to have William stir up some trouble so she could boot him out. But if William got hurt or worse, that'd be a major mess.

Jasmine sped over to the street where the Sapphire Club was. When she got there, she saw blood and broken glass at the entrance. She started to lose it.

Cassidy was losing it too. "Jasmine, you think something really happened to William?"

After grilling the staff at the Sapphire Club, they said everyone had bounced and they had no clue who William was.

Jasmine and Cassidy hurried back home. They both burst in, looking all flustered.

Fiona looked confused. "What's going on? Where's William?"

Jasmine stuttered, "Uh..."

William's voice came from the other room. "Fiona, I'm here."

Seeing William was okay, they both let out a huge sigh of relief.

Fiona asked, all worried, "Did you find any leads about your mom?"

William shook his head. "Not yet."

Fiona tried to comfort him, "It's cool, take your time, no rush."

Jasmine pulled William aside, eyeing him suspiciously. "They didn't mess with you?"

William smirked, "Who'd dare?"

Jasmine shot him a look and walked off.

A few days later, Victor hit up William through Aaron, saying he had some news.

Rushing to meet Victor, William immediately noticed something off as soon as he saw him.

Victor's chopped-off finger had grown back. This wasn't just a simple fix; it was like brand new flesh and bone.

Victor got all flustered and stammered, "I..."

William asked, "Regenesis Ointment?"

Upon hearing that, Victor and his crew were all shocked at how quickly William had figured it out.

Victor nodded. "Yeah, Mr. Davis, it was the Regenesis Ointment that did it."

William was puzzled and asked, "Where'd you get it?"

Had Eugene already mass-produced it and put it out there? But why hadn't he heard anything about it?

Victor was amazed. "Timothy gave it to me. He's a big shot in pharma, second only to Eugene. His Regenesis Ointment is about to hit mass production, and he's looking for people to test it. I had a chopped-off finger, so I tried it, and it worked like magic. In just three days, my finger started to heal."

Frowning, William sensed something was definitely fishy. Alfred had claimed that the Regenesis Ointment was his secret formula and hadn't left Eldoria. No one else should have it. So, Timothy's ancient formula must have come from Eugene. Could it be... Well, he would ask Eugene about it later.

William got back to the main point. "So, what info did you dig up?"

Victor said, "I found out that after your mom got back to Starlight City, she got attacked again and was seriously hurt. A couple saved her, and she stayed with them for a month to recover before leaving."

Hearing that Eden was hurt, William clenched his fists. "Do you know who attacked her?" he asked coldly,

Victor shook his head. "Not yet."

William asked, "Then where's this couple?"

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