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Chapter 37 The Priceless Strengthening Body Pill

Ruby recalled, "A month later, Eden just up and left, saying she didn't wanna drag us into her mess. She said if she stuck around, we'd be in danger."

"She didn't leave us anything valuable or any cash, just told us to hit up the Watson family if we ever needed help. Just drop her name, she said."

William was floored. "Did you go to them?"

Ruby nodded. "Yeah, when we were in a jam, we went to the Watsons and mentioned Eden. But they kicked us out and roughed us up. Said they didn't know Eden and that we got played."

Ruby started tearing up.

William clenched his fists. "Craig's a real piece of work!"

He asked, "Did my mom say where she was headed after she left?"

Kieran tried to remember. "She said something about going south to find an old friend."

Ruby chimed in, "I don't know exactly where. Maybe Sunview City or Silverbrook City. She said she might not make it back and asked us to understand."

William's eyes turned icy as the realization sunk in. So much time had passed; Eden was likely in deep trouble.

He said, "Got it. I'll check in with you tomorrow."

He left and told Bradley to dig into Eden's old friends in the south, especially in places like Silverbrook City and Sunview City.

That evening, when William got back to the Watson family.

Remembering the Regenesis Ointment, William asked, "Eugene, did you use that ancient recipe I gave you?"

Eugene looked puzzled. "What ancient recipe?"

William said, "The one for Fiona's severed finger."

Eugene shrugged. "Oh, that. I think I tossed it. No idea where it is."

William was shocked. "What? You threw it away?"

Eugene sneered, "It was useless. Of course, I tossed it."

Jasmine jumped in, "Are you nuts? You think my dad's company would make your junk? What's your angle? Trying to bankrupt us?"

Eugene added, "And even if your ointment wasn't a joke, can you guarantee it's safe? You sure it won't hurt anyone?"

"I've been in the pharma game for thirty years, and safety's everything. Can your stuff meet that standard? If I took it to the company, they'd laugh me out of the room."

They both laughed, treating William's ancient recipe like trash.

William said, "But someone already found the recipe and started mass production."

Eugene scoffed, "You're full of it. Who'd be dumb enough to research your garbage?"

Jasmine added, "Yeah, who'd waste time on your junk? And my mom's been using your stinky ointment for days with no results. Stop lying."

William didn't argue. As long as Fiona was okay, he didn't care about the rest.

Only Fiona comforted William, "It's okay, William. I believe you. They just don't get it. I use it every day."

William checked Fiona's severed finger and saw it was actually getting better. The dead nerve endings were coming back to life. But such changes couldn't be seen even with high-tech gear, let alone the naked eye.

The next day, William pulled out two Strengthening Body Pills he made on Paradise Island. They could boost the body and fix hidden issues.

Rich folks would drop tens of millions or even hundreds of millions for just one Strengthening Body Pill.

Aaron and Victor, now William's lackeys, were waiting for him. They took William to the Ward family.

As they arrived, William said, "Mr. and Mrs. Ward, sorry I didn't bring anything yesterday."

He handed over two Strengthening Body Pills.

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