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Chapter 38 This Is a Scam

William leaned back, smirking. "These are Strengthening Body Pills. They'll do wonders for your health, Mr. Ward. Trust me, they'll wipe out all your ailments."

The Wards were like, "Wait, what?"

They'd never seen anything like it before. But then this sweet, refreshing smell filled the room, making them feel all chill.

William nudged them. "C'mon, take 'em already."

Just as they were about to pop the pills, Jessica burst in, stopping them. "Mom, Dad, what the heck are you doing? What's this?"

Ruby chimed in, "William gave us these Strengthening Body Pills. They're supposed to be good for us."

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Seriously? You believe this crap? I'm a med student, and I've never heard of these pills. What if they make you sick?" She snatched the pills and tossed them on the ground.

Jessica yelled, "Are you freaking kidding me? You bring this scam to thank us? Get out of my house, now."

Suddenly, there was a loud banging on the door,accompanied by a curse, "Jessica, open up, or I'll bust it down!"

Jessica's face went pale, and she started sweating bullets.

The old door couldn't take it and got kicked open. Seven or eight dudes stormed in, cramming the small room.

The bald guy leading them had a mean look, holding a briefcase, and he scanned the room.

Seeing him, Jessica was on the verge of tears. "Mr. Richards."

Dylan Richards sneered, "Jessica, I'm here for your house. This old neighborhood might get redeveloped, so it should barely cover your debt."

The Wards' faces went white as they looked at Jessica. "What's going on?"

Dylan said, "Jessica borrowed $140,000 from me. She couldn't pay it back, so she put up your house as collateral. It's mine now."

The Wards almost passed out hearing this.

No wonder Jessica had been gathering so many papers yesterday. Turned out she mortgaged the house.

Jessica was sobbing. "No, I only borrowed $30,000, not $140,000."

Dylan sneered, "Don't you know my loans come with high interest. Oh, and by the way, with today's interest, it's $170,000 now. Your house isn't enough to cover it. You gotta sleep with me for a few nights, or else..."

Dylan's goons stepped forward in unison.

The Wards were so scared they nearly fainted.

Dylan barked, "You two old folks, get out! This room is mine now. But you, stay and sleep with me."

Dylan's lackeys were eyeing Jessica hungrily. "Mr. Richards, after you're done, can we have a turn too?"

Dylan laughed. "Sure thing."

Jessica and her parents were utterly terrified.

The Wards cried and begged, "Take the house, but please let Jessica go."

Dylan sneered, "No way. Unless you cough up another $70,000."

Ruby shakily pulled out a bank card. "This is all our savings, only $8,400. Take it."

Dylan took the card, pocketed it, and laughed. "Only $8,400? Jessica still has to sleep with me."

Jessica was bawling. "Mom, Dad..."

She turned to see William sitting there all calm, and her anger flared up.

"This is all your fault, you filthy beggar. If you had money, our family wouldn't be in this mess. We saved your mom, and you didn't even give us a dime."

"What are you staring at? If you're so capable, fix this mess," Jessica shouted.

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