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Chapter 40 William, You Don't Have a Girlfriend, Right?

"What? Fourteen million bucks?" Jessica's eyes went wide, like they were about to pop out of her head.

She never would've guessed that the Strengthening Body Pill she tossed like trash was worth that much dough.

It was like a lightning bolt hit Jessica and everyone else in the room.

The Ward couple hit the floor, totally floored. Their eyes on William changed big time.

They thought William's thank-you was just a nice gesture, nothing serious, never imagining that a tiny pill could be worth a fortune.

And now they recognized the guy in front of them, the real estate big shot Aaron, the dude always on TV and in the news. Aaron wouldn't lie.

Victor jumped in, "Aaron, no way. Finders keepers. We each get one pill."

Victor had heard about the Strengthening Body Pill. It was like a body makeover, even a life-extending miracle drug. Even top-tier wizards would kill for it.

Jessica was kicking herself. What had she done? She threw away fourteen million bucks!

With that kind of cash, she could buy any mansion, luxury car, or bling she wanted.

William grabbed the two Strengthening Body Pills. "Enough, cut it out. This is for Mr. and Mrs. Ward. I'm not selling it."

Aaron and the others caught on. This was definitely something William had provided for them.

Jessica jumped in, "No, we can sell them. My parents are just regular folks; they don't need such fancy medicine. They don't deserve it. We're willing to sell it."

William's face darkened at Jessica's words. How could their own daughter say something like that? Jessica was utterly rotten.

In a swift motion, William's hand met Jessica's cheek with a resounding slap. "Get lost. This is for Mr. and Mrs. Ward; you have no say. Besides, Mr. and Mrs. Ward deserve these more than anyone. There's no such thing as high or low status," he scolded.

William shoved Jessica aside and handed the two Strengthening Body Pills to the Ward couple right there.

Soon, the pills kicked in.

The two of them went through a crazy transformation, looking decades younger in no time. Even the junk and toxins in their bodies got flushed out.

Everyone was taken aback. Even Aaron, who thought he had seen it all, was shocked. William, living up to his reputation, commanded respect.

William said, "Mr. and Mrs. Ward, I've got a new place set up for you. From now on, just enjoy life."

Anna stepped up and handed over the keys and papers. "Here's a 3,200 square foot flat in the Sunset Ridge community. All the paperwork's done; you can move in right away."

The Ward couple tried to refuse. "William, we can't take this. We're fine living here."

They were too kind-hearted.

William said, "You saved my mom's life; this is the least I can do."

"A house in the Sunset Ridge community? I heard it's worth 2.8 million bucks." Jessica's eyes lit up, wanting to grab the keys but hesitating as she looked at William.

In the end, William handed the keys to the Ward couple.

After chatting with the Ward couple for a bit, William left.

But soon, Jessica caught up with him.

She looked at William with a sweet smile. "William, I'm sorry. I was wrong before, please forgive me."

Jessica clung to William's arm, pressing her body against him and rubbing up against him. "William, you're so low-key. I didn't realize you were such a big shot! William, Ms. Torres even talked to my parents about setting up our engagement."

"William, you don't have a girlfriend, right? What do you think of me? Let me be your girlfriend." Jessica pushed out her chest, showing off her impressive figure.

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