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Chapter 43 It's All Your Fault

Jason and Timothy were cracking up, practically rolling on the floor.

Eugene's fists were clenched so tight so that the veins popping out, and he was shaking like a leaf.

Timothy smirked, "Mr. Watson, see you."

Jason chimed in, "Oh, Mr. Watson, tell Jasmine I miss her."

They both had that smug, "we won" look plastered on their faces.

Soon enough, word about Hayes Corporation's new product launch was all over Starlight City and beyond.

Even the big-shot pharmaceutical companies in major cities were taking notice.

At 3 PM sharp, Regenesis Ointment hit the shelves.

A hundred thousand boxes? Gone in seconds.

The pre-sale numbers were even crazier—over a million boxes sold in just a few minutes, and the orders kept flooding in.

Big distributors and major pharmacies were ordering by the truckload.

And get this, distributors who usually paid on delivery were now tripping over themselves to pay deposits. Some even sent all the cash upfront.

This was unheard of!

Just from this sales blitz, the Hayes family was rolling in dough.

Hayes Corporation's stock shot up, shaking up the whole pharmaceutical scene.

Mansion Pharmaceutical Company took the biggest hit, losing hundreds of millions in market value in just a few hours.

But everyone knew this was just the start. The top dog in Starlight City's pharmaceutical game was about to change.

Eugene was like a walking corpse. He'd just pulled together all the bigwigs at Mansion Pharmaceutical to brainstorm a plan.

But they had zilch. Against such an ancient formula, they were helpless.

It was clear Timothy had been scheming this for a while, fully locked and loaded, leaving Mansion Pharmaceutical no room to breathe.

Eugene didn't even remember how he got home. His mind was a fog, his thoughts all jumbled.

The whole Watson clan knew what was up and rushed over. Even though the Watsons were a big deal now, Eugene was the cash cow. If Eugene went down, they were all toast. The Watsons were losing it.

"How the heck did Timothy get his hands on such an ancient formula?" Craig asked, "Eugene, you got any other tricks up your sleeve?"

Eugene shook his head. "Nope, Hayes Corporation's ancient formula is just starting to flex. We got nothing to counter it."

The Watsons were pacing like crazy.

After work, Jasmine rushed back. "Dad, chill, I'll think of something too."

But she had just started at Rose Corporation and didn't even know her bosses yet. How could she help?

Hearing the ruckus outside, William stepped out of his room.

Already ticked off and frustrated, the Watsons immediately unloaded all their anger on William.

"This is all your fault. Ever since you showed up, our family's been in chaos."

"You've pissed off so many people, bringing nothing but trouble."

"You're here to wreck our family. Now look! We're facing our biggest crisis. Eugene's lost his top spot, and who knows if we can even stay in Starlight City."

Fiona quickly jumped to William's defense. "What does this have to do with William? It's totally unfair."

Jasmine also shot daggers at William. "Ever since you came into my life, everything's gone downhill. This is all on you."

Even Eugene slowly lifted his head, glaring at William with resentment. "This is all your fault. First, you humiliated me at the ceremony, then you made me a target for Kyle, and now I've lost my title as the top pharmaceutical tycoon."

William looked at Eugene and said coldly, "Actually, this mess is all on you."

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