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Chapter 5 Hire Her Unconditionally

William's face twisted a bit.

Were they seriously trying to mess with him?

Fiona couldn't take it anymore and blurted out, "Megan, Craig, what's the deal? Why does a dog get a seat, but William doesn't?"

Jasmine's grandma, Megan Watson, sneered, "What do you mean, a dog? Bella's family. It's a family meeting, so of course, Bella gets a seat!"

Frank chimed in with a smirk, "Yeah, if you're not in our circle, you're not even as good as a dog!"

"Stop dreaming about joining us. Marrying Jasmine? No way."

"What makes you think you deserve a seat? You're not even on par with our dog."

William shot Frank a calm look and said, "Stand up."

Frank blinked. "What?"

William repeated, "I said, stand up!"

Frank scoffed, "Do you even know who you're talking to? You..."

Before Frank could finish, William yanked him off the ground, leaving Frank's legs dangling.

Everyone was floored. No one expected William to throw down like that.

But that was just the start.

William slapped Frank hard. The smack echoed.

"What the hell are you doing?" Everyone was livid.

Jasmine was shocked. She never thought William, who seemed so mild, had such a temper.

William said coldly, "You tried to mess with me, you had it coming!"

"You disrespected my godmother. You deserved it even more!" William declared, tossing Frank aside.

William sat down and stared at the Watsons. "I'm the guest. Is this how you treat guests?"

Craig yelled, "You punk! Eugene! Fiona! Is this your godson? He's arrogant and has no manners! I set this up to test his character and skills. He failed miserably!"

"Doesn't matter if he has no status, no background, no skills. If he was good in other ways, we could train him. But this guy? No way he joins the Watson family." Craig was fuming.

Fiona said, "Craig, no matter what, William is my godson! If he's lacking, I can teach him. But this is too much for a first meeting, isn't it?"

Fiona stood up for William, which really touched him.

After a heated back-and-forth, they reached a deal. "He can stay at your place. But he can't marry Jasmine unless he's at least a manager at Rose Corporation!" Craig declared.

Fiona was stunned as she thought, 'A manager at Rose Corporation? They are just making it impossible for William. How could he pull that off?'

The dinner ended on a sour note.

Jasmine and Eugene were super disappointed in William. He seemed to have no redeeming qualities and was full of flaws.

Jasmine made up her mind and murmured, "I need to find a way to get William out."

She then turned to her parents. "Mom, Dad, I'm heading to bed. I have an interview at Rose Corporation tomorrow!"

Back in her room, thinking about William in the next room made Jasmine uneasy. She started venting to her best friend.

William looked at the two of them and said, "Fiona, Eugene , I can't just freeload here! What do you need? Just tell me!"

Eugene snorted, "You can't give me what I want."

Eugene wanted cooperation and investment from Rose Corporation. Did William have that kind of pull?

No one in Starlight City had that kind of clout.

Fiona didn't want anything. "This is your home. Don't worry about it. Go to sleep!"

Back in his room, Bradley showed up on the balcony and began to report, "Mr. Davis, I've arranged to find your mother's whereabouts and the list of enemies."

William nodded and said, "Invest $7 billion in my godmother's company!"

William had checked and found that Fiona's company was struggling and close to going under.

Bradley replied, "Yes, sir!"

The next day, Jasmine and her bestie Cassidy Torres headed to Rose Corporation for their interview.

After Rose Corporation set up shop in Starlight City, they bought out the financial center building for their HQ.

The place was packed with thousands of people.

Rose Corporation had mad status and a killer rep. Everyone wanted to work there.

In the high circles of Starlight City, and even in Sintros City, landing a job at Rose Corporation was like hitting the jackpot.

But getting in? Super tough. There were only fifteen spots open. Yet, over seven thousand people showed up for the initial screening.

Jasmine and Cassidy were gunning for the most competitive positions.

Only two spots, but four thousand people were vying for them. One out of two thousand would make the cut.

Even though Jasmine was top-notch, she was nervous.

The competition was fierce, with candidates boasting better education, higher grades, and stronger backgrounds.

So, Jasmine was just giving it a shot. But if she nailed it, her status would skyrocket!

Jasmine clutched her resume, her hands shaking a bit. "Cassidy, I'm so freakin' nervous!"

Cassidy, on the other hand, was chill and asked curiously, "Jasmine, is William really as bad as you say?"

Just then, Jasmine spotted William. "William, what are you doing here?"

William glanced at her and walked past. "I'm here to check on my company."

If it weren't for Fiona, he wouldn't have even bothered to reply.

Jasmine immediately shouted, "Cassidy, did you hear that? He said Rose Corporation is his company."

Cassidy's jaw dropped. "I heard. Is he nuts? If Rose Corporation were his, why would he be crashing at your place?"

Finally, William entered his exclusive office, greeted by Bradley and several high-level execs.

Standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, William could see all of Starlight City.

One exec fawned, "Mr. Davis, do you like your office? From here, it's like having all of Starlight City at your feet. You get the best view!"

Bradley sneered, "Starlight City is nothing. Mr. Davis has seen the view from the top of the world!"

Looking out over the city, William said calmly, "I just saw my godmother's daughter Jasmine here for a job."

He ordered, "Hire her, no questions asked!"

With that, the execs scrambled to make it happen.

William wasn't doing this for Jasmine, but for Fiona. If Jasmine got hired, Fiona would be over the moon. And if Fiona was happy, he was happy too.

Meanwhile, Jasmine and Cassidy were waiting in line for their interview.

The interview required fluency in three languages.

Besides the main ones, one had to know at least one rare language to even qualify. It was tough.

Jasmine and Cassidy were practicing a rare language.

Just then, a staff member with a megaphone shouted, "Where are Ms. Watson and Ms. Torres?"

The two waved. "Here!"

The staff member said, "Okay, follow me!"

Amidst the shocked stares of the crowd, the two entered the conference room.

Jasmine and Cassidy were super nervous. 'What's going on? An early interview? Or is there a problem?' they couldn't help but think.

In the conference room, there were eight interviewers.

Seeing Jasmine and Cassidy, they immediately stood up and warmly asked, "Are you Ms. Watson and Ms. Torres?"

The two nodded. "Yes, we are!"

The interviewers said, "Congrats, you're hired! Inform the others in line to go home!"

At that moment, Jasmine and Cassidy felt like they were dreaming.

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