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Chapter 50 Sacrifice Fiona to Save the Watson Family

Under the Watson family's pressure, Eugene started to crack. Even Jasmine thought it made sense.

"Dad, we're all family. Mom will get it," Jasmine said.

To Jasmine, it didn't matter if Eugene or Fiona ran the companies.

Right then, Frank and some Watson family members burst in, covered in blood and knife wounds.

"Grandpa, some guys came at us, messed us up, and told us to behave," Frank said, looking grim.

It was evidently a warning from Timothy, leaving the Watson family with no alternatives.

Craig sighed, "Eugene, you see now? You gotta make a call. Tonight, it's the young ones getting hurt. Tomorrow, it could be me."

Eugene was torn. Normally, he'd fight Timothy to the end, but now he had to think about the family. He didn't want anyone else getting hurt.

Under all this pressure, Eugene finally caved. "Alright, I'll do it."

"But getting Fiona to agree won't be easy, especially since she has the ancient Sedative Pill formula," Eugene said.

Derek jumped in, "No worries, there's a way. Dad, you should go for it, ask Fiona for the formula. She won't say no. Then we can have a family meeting to get her to step down from Fisher Pharmaceutical."

Craig nodded, looking at Eugene and Jasmine. "We're not against Fiona. We just need to protect the family."

Eugene and Jasmine exchanged sighs, understanding the situation. To safeguard the family, someone had to make a sacrifice for the team.

Craig added, "Don't worry, we'll just temporarily sideline Fiona. She'll be back once things settle."

Eugene and Jasmine nodded.

"Oh, and Eugene, find a way to get Fiona's $7 billion investment," Craig said. "With that money, we can bounce back."

Eugene replied, "Got it."

That night, back home, Eugene told Fiona, "Fiona, give me your $7 billion. I can't stand losing like this."

Eugene knew if he was upfront, Fiona might refuse. So he had to trick her into giving up the money first.

Thinking Eugene was still fighting Timothy, Fiona was thrilled. Without hesitation, she called the finance department to transfer the $7 billion to Eugene's account.

The next day, things got worse at Mansion Pharmaceutical Company.

Employees started quitting in droves.

Senior execs and tech staff were getting poached.

Their pharmacies and factories were getting trashed, looted, and burned.

No matter how strong Mansion Pharmaceutical was, they couldn't hold out under these conditions.

They had no solution but to hang on.

Timothy's attacks continued. As long as Eugene didn't make peace, Timothy wouldn't stop.

This made Eugene determined to sacrifice Fiona to save the family.

That evening, Craig gathered the whole Watson family at the mansion. William and Fiona were there too.

Craig said, "I called everyone here for one thing. We need to stick together. We're not done yet. With the ancient formulas for the Scar Removal Cream and the Sedative Pill, we still have a shot."

He looked at Fiona. "Fiona, I know you and Eugene each have an ancient formula, and you didn't interfere with each other. But now, for the family's sake, you need to hand over the Sedative Pill formula and control of your company to Eugene."

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