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Chapter 6 Our Rules Are the Rules!

Jasmine and Cassidy couldn't believe that they were hired by Rose Corporation without even having an interview.

Rose Corporation was known for being super strict and fair!

They only cared about employee's skills, not their background or anything else. It was the gold standard of fairness and justice. That was why Rose Corporation was a big deal worldwide.

Elites loved bragging about their kids getting into Rose Corporation because it was all about merit.

But what the heck was going on now?

The other folks in the long line were just as shocked. They hadn't even been interviewed yet, and the hires were already decided?

At least wait until everyone had been interviewed, right? And these two were picked from the line, this must be an inside job, right?

Everyone except the people from Rose Corporation was totally confused.

The interviewees started to protest. "I want to report this! There's something shady about Rose Corporation's interview process!"

"Yeah! These two got the job through connections! We're not buying it!"

"Give us an explanation!"

Some staff called out, "Security! Get them all out of here!"

"Remember, Rose Corporation doesn't need to explain its actions to you!"

"Here, our rules are the rules! We hire whoever we want!"

Soon, all the interviewees were kicked out. Only the puzzled Jasmine and Cassidy were left.

The tough members of Rose Corporation suddenly changed their tune towards the two of them.

"Ms. Watson, Ms. Torres, congrats on joining Rose Corporation! You can start anytime!"

Jasmine was super confused. "Why us? We haven't even been interviewed yet."

The interviewers exchanged glances and laughed, thinking 'Because it is a direct order from the big boss, Bradley.'

However, one of them casually explained, "Even though we didn't interview you, we know every candidate well, and after a lot of consideration, you two are the best fit!"

Then, amidst Jasmine and Cassidy's confusion, they finished the onboarding process.

The two didn't think much of it and excitedly ran home with their job offers.

Jasmine shared the news with Eugene and Fiona.

Eugene and Fiona were over the moon. "What? You got hired?"

Jasmine landing a job at Rose Corporation was a huge deal! This would boost Eugene's status in Starlight City, making him the envy of many.

Eugene immediately called The Watson family to share the awesome news.

Fiona was so happy she almost cried. "Jasmine made it! And so did Cassidy! The Davis Family is even happier than we are about this!"

Fiona suddenly remembered. "By the way, where's William? Didn't you see him? I asked him to find you and gain some experience."

At the mention of William, Jasmine's smile faded.

Jasmine replied, "I saw William. He said Rose Corporation is his company, and he came to check it out."

Eugene was a bit angry. "He's still talking nonsense!"

Fiona quickly tried to smooth things over, forcing a smile. "William just likes to joke around!"

Eugene sneered, "From now on, he and Jasmine are worlds apart! One is an employee of Rose Corporation, and the other doesn't even have a job!"

He added, "If William wants to pursue Jasmine, he should get into Rose Corporation first!"

Fiona said, "You're making it hard for William. Rose Corporation is tough to get into."

Jasmine looked smug. "Mom, you know it. Stop trying to force us together."

She continued, "Mom, Dad, we do have a question though..."

Jasmine was about to talk about the interview when Fiona received a phone call.

Soon, Fiona's face went pale. "What did you say? Say it again!"

After hanging up, Fiona was shaking like a leaf, cold sweat dripping down her face.

Jasmine asked, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Everyone gathered around her.

Fiona replied, "My company just got a $7 billion investment!"

As soon as Fiona said this, they all went nuts.

Even Eugene couldn't help but gasp. "$7 billion?!"

The entire Watson family business combined wasn't worth $7 billion!

Eugene was skeptical. "Are you sure? Your pharmaceutical company was about to go under. Who would invest $7 billion in it?"

Fiona nodded, still in shock. "It's true! The funds have already been transferred. It's an investment from Rose Corporation!"

They couldn't believe it. "What?"

First, Jasmine got hired by Rose Corporation, and now Rose Corporation invested $7 billion in Fiona's company?

What kind of luck was this to make Rose Corporation favor them so much?

The key was, they had no connections with Rose Corporation, nor did they know anyone there.

This was really strange.

"Our Watson family is going to prosper." Eugene decided to forget about it for now and celebrate first.

After assigning tasks to Bradley and the others, William returned.

Everyone in the Watson family was there, celebrating Jasmine.

The entire Starlight City knew about Jasmine joining Rose Corporation. It spread through the upper circles, and the Watson family was being praised to the skies.

William frowned. Jasmine just got a job at Rose Corporation, and he just invested $7 billion in Fiona's company. Was it worth getting this excited?

But Jasmine interrupted him, "Are you going to say that Rose Corporation is actually your company, that you arranged for me to get hired, and that you invested $7 billion in my mom's company?"

William nodded. "You already know?"

Jasmine sneered, "I guessed you would brag like that. I know that."

"You didn't expect that, did you? Jasmine predicted you would say that!" someone chimed in.

Everyone in the Watson family laughed.

Fiona also frowned. What was wrong with William?

Jasmine had just predicted that William would say this, and Fiona didn't believe it.

Eugene disliked William even more. William was just a braggart! What he said was completely unrealistic!

William couldn't be bothered to explain to them, and he couldn't explain it clearly anyway.

Jasmine looked down on William even more. "William, if you were really the owner of Rose Corporation, why would you be humbly living in our house?"

"I will leave here, but not now." With that, William went back to his room.

He was staying here only to use the Magical Ice Energy below to suppress the Fire Venom. Once the Magical Ice Energy was exhausted, he would leave.

But to the Watson family, it seemed like William was shamelessly clinging to stay here.

Many people cursed under their breath. "He's so shameless!"

Fiona ignored them and went back to her room to check on the investment.

Soon, Fiona received a call from an unknown number.

A magnetic voice came through. "Hello, Fiona, can you recognize my voice?"

Fiona trembled all over. "Is that you, Xavier?"

Xavier replied, "It's me. Listen, don't make a fuss! Keep it confidential. Make sure no one is around you."

Fiona said, "Okay."

Xavier uttered, "Fiona, I know you brought William back home."

Fiona was shocked. "What? You know about that?"

Xavier, the first heir of the head of the most powerful family, already knew?

Fiona began to tremble. "But, what do you want to do?"

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