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Chapter 63 The Girl Who Walked Out of a Comic

A sharp and put-together woman strolled up—it was Camilla.

Trailing behind her was a sweet, adorable girl, pure and classy, like she just stepped out of a comic book.

This girl was just as stunning as Jasmine.

She greeted politely, "Mrs. Watson."

Fiona beamed. "Long time no see, Delia. You're looking even more gorgeous."

Fiona did the intros.

The girl's name was Delia Savoy.

Delia locked eyes with William. "You must be William. Jasmine's told me all about you."

"Jasmine said you're useless, got no background, no spine, and you're mooching off her. I wanna see just how shameless you are."

Camilla also sighed, reckoning that Fiona was practically homeless now, all thanks to William.

If they hadn't tried to kick William out, Fiona wouldn't be in this mess.

So yeah, Camilla and Delia weren't exactly fans of William.

William didn't give a damn. If it wasn't for Fiona, he wouldn't even be dealing with these two.

After a chilly hello, William clammed up. He didn't even bother looking at Delia again. Even though she was as pretty as a comic book character.

Delia observed William's cold attitude and sneered. She couldn't help but notice that despite lacking any real skills, William acted high and mighty, seemingly indifferent to everyone around him.

Camilla said, "Fiona, why don't you go back to the Watson family? No need to fall out with them over this guy."

To Camilla, what Fiona did for William was totally not worth it.

Fiona smiled. "No need, I can't go back."

Camilla asked, worried, "Where are you staying now? I heard they can't find you? Are you really sleeping on the streets?"

Fiona replied, "Don't worry, I'm living better than before. I'm in a luxurious mansion."

Fiona was being honest, but to Camilla and Delia, it sounded like she was just trying to save face.

Fiona would be lucky to live in a tiny apartment, let alone a mansion!

Camilla looked heartbroken. "Fiona, you've really suffered."

She shot William another look. "You're so inconsiderate. Do you know how much you've messed up Fiona's family? Do you have to cling to her?"

Delia chimed in, "Exactly! You're a grown man, can't you live on your own? As an adult, can't you work instead of mooching off others?"

Camilla nodded. "Yeah, Delia. Be careful when picking a boyfriend in the future. He doesn't have to be rich, but at least he should be self-sufficient."

Fiona explained, "It's not what you think. William is really good."

The two chatted until the afternoon, and William kept doing his own thing.

Delia shot William countless glares.

William was indeed arrogant and dismissive, just like Jasmine said.

Camilla checked the time and said, "Fiona, I've got an important banquet tonight. I need to get ready."

Fiona smiled. "Okay, go ahead."

Before leaving, Delia said to William, "You should know your place. Don't force yourself into circles where you don't belong."

Fiona immediately comforted, "William, don't mind them. They're just worried about me."

William looked indifferent. "It's fine, I didn't take it to heart. We've got a banquet to attend tonight too, let's head back."

Soon, they arrived at the banquet hosted by Aaron in Golden Splendor Hotel.

Channel distributors from Starlight City and surrounding pharmaceutical industries were all there.

Hearing that the distributors were all there, Eugene came specifically to look for opportunities, as he had just taken over Fisher Pharmaceutical and it was the perfect time to build good relationships with the distributors.

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