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Chapter 66 Meet the New Pharmaceutical Tycoon of Starlight City

Camilla and Delia were totally floored, thinking they must've heard wrong as they heard Aaron said, "Mr. Davis? Ms. Fisher? Take a seat, please?"

Were those two empty seats up front really for them?

Were these big shots like Aaron actually waiting for them?

Anna snapped at the others, "Didn't I tell you to let me know the second Mr. Davis and Ms. Fisher showed up? I gotta greet them myself."

Everyone hung their heads, shaking. "Ms. Smith, it's our bad. We got swamped and forgot. We didn't see them."

That was when Camilla and Delia finally got it—they'd totally misunderstood. These big shots were waiting for William and Fiona.

But Fiona had already been booted from the Watson family. How could this be?

Camilla and Delia both turned to William at the same time.

Had they really misjudged him?

William looked totally chill, like he didn't give a damn about anyone, 'cause he had the creds to back it up.

But how was that possible? William was so young.

"since you're friends with Ms. Fisher, Please, come up and grab a seat up front too" Aaron quickly caught on and invited Camilla and Delia to the front seats.

Most of the distributors knew Fiona and her situation.

Wasn't Fiona supposed to be homeless?

How did she get Aaron and these big shots to treat her like this?

It was mind-blowing.

Camilla and Delia, still in shock, were also trying to figure it out.

After William and the others sat down, Aaron stood up front and said, "Earlier, I sent out invites to introduce you all to the new Pharmaceutical Tycoon of Starlight City. Well, the new Pharmaceutical Tycoon of Starlight City is right here, and that's Ms. Fisher."

Hundreds of eyes locked onto Fiona, all in disbelief.

No wonder no one had seen Timothy.

Timothy was now recognized as the new Pharmaceutical Tycoon of Starlight City.

How could it be Fiona?

Even Fiona was stunned. She looked at William for help, wondering if this was the surprise he had for her.

Camilla and Delia were even more shocked.

The once down-and-out Fiona had suddenly become the Pharmaceutical Tycoon of Starlight City.

Aaron explained, "Today, I gathered you all here to meet Ms. Fisher. Soon, all distributors will be selling products under her name."

Someone immediately questioned, "How is that possible? As far as I know, Ms. Fisher handed over Fisher Pharmaceutical, and even the ancient formula for the Sedative Pill. Where would she get new products?"

Aaron and the others laughed.

Aaron said, "What if Ms. Fisher has the improved complete version of the ancient formula for the Sedative Pill, as well as the ancient formula for the Scar Removal Cream, and even a more cost-effective and better-performing Regenesis Ointment than Hayes Pharmaceutical?"

Hearing this, everyone was left speechless.

If she had those three things, she wouldn't need to worry about Mansion Pharmaceutical Company and Hayes Pharmaceutical anymore; she'd surely become the Pharmaceutical Queen of Starlight City.

Cecil asked, trembling, "Aaron, is this true?"

Aaron, Victor, and the others spoke in unison, "Do you think we're joking?"

Now, everyone believed it was true.

Fiona and Camilla exchanged glances, their eyes filled with shock.

They all knowingly looked at William.

This was definitely all William's doing.

At the banquet, all the distributors were settled.

However, until William's final plan was completed, this matter needed to be kept highly confidential.

After the banquet ended, Aaron and the other big shots all gathered around William.

Everyone was very respectful to William, and Aaron asked, "Mr. Davis, are you satisfied with this?"

William said indifferently, "It's okay. You need to speed things up a bit."

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