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Chapter 67 Look How Well-Matched The Two Are

Everyone hollered together, "Yeah, Mr. Davis!"

Delia was floored.

William was seriously top-notch.

She blushed, heart pounding like crazy.

The cute guys at school had nothing on William.

After it all wrapped up, Camilla and Delia strolled out with William.

Eugene and Jasmine were lurking in the shadows, watching.

Eugene sneered, "See, told ya it was Camilla."

Jasmine clenched her fists. "Even a nobody like William can get into this shindig, why can't I?"

As they were about to bounce, William said, "Fiona, tomorrow we're wrapping up the company registration."

Fiona was pumped. "Cool, I'm with you."

Camilla jumped in, "William, I owe you an apology. I got you all wrong."

She and Delia couldn't shake the image of Aaron and a bunch of big shots trailing William like fanboys.

Camilla nudged Delia. "Delia, come on, apologize."

Delia's face was all red. "William, I'm sorry."

She'd seen plenty of great guys, especially at Starlight University.

There were three dudes there, all set to be big shots, chasing after her. But now, compared to William, those school guys seemed like nobody.

They were just big deals in their little worlds.

But William? He was on top, making big shots like Aaron follow him.

William said coolly, "It's fine, I never cared."

Camilla sighed to herself, 'William is great in every way, except he can be so distant. Delia is stunning, and he doesn't even spare her a glance?'

Delia was even more bummed. Was she really that unappealing?

At school, she was the "it" girl.

Even in Starlight City, her looks were famous.

She had tons of admirers.

Everywhere she went, she was treated like a star.

But with William, she couldn't even get him to look her way.

Delia pouted, feeling a bit rebellious.

That was how it went with girls. When you showered them with attention, they ignored you. But when you acted like they didn't exist, they got curious and defiant.

Camilla pulled Fiona aside and whispered, "Fiona, William doesn't have a girlfriend, right?"

Fiona was caught off guard. "Not at the moment."

Camilla's eyes sparkled. "Let Delia and William get together. What do you think? Wouldn't that be awesome? We're all so close."

Fiona was shocked. "What?"

Jasmine didn't even have a shot, and now Delia was moving in?

Fiona said, "That's up to William. I don't meddle in his love life."

Camilla, though, looked fondly at William and Delia. "Look how perfect they are together."

Fiona was a bit miffed. Clearly, Jasmine was a better match for William.

Camilla pleaded, "Fiona, let Delia stay with you for a few days. She's interning next year. Help her get some experience. I'm gonna be busy."

Fiona got what Camilla was up to. The experience thing was just an excuse. Camilla mainly wanted Delia close to William.

Fiona agreed, "Alright."

Camilla instructed, "Delia, stick with Mrs. Watson and William for the next few days, get some experience, and learn more."

Delia jumped at it, "Okay, Mom."

Now that she'd be around William all the time, she didn't believe he could keep ignoring her. She was super confident in her charm.

Then, the three of them split from Camilla.

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