Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 11

“ Hello everyone My name is Gregory Thompson. I'm the bride's stepfather. Tina and Lexi are my daughter's. So which one of you ladies is with their boyfriends”.

Was he fucking delusional. I could see Chris gearing up. Aleck was on his phone and Dean looked like he didn't care.

“ I am ,who exactly are you?”. He looked at me with disgust.

“ Little girl. I am a marketing executive at DLA Global. Who exactly are you to speak to me like that?. So you're the man stealer?”.

“ Apologise to her right now”. Aleck's tone said a lot.

“ Who the hell are you?”.

“ Daddy, they would have been your son-in-laws if it weren't for her”. Tina said.

“ Bitch,Are you fucking crazy?”. Rea said, looking at them.

“ A bunch of fucking misfits”. Their father said. His phone began ringing. He pulled it out and looked proud. “ Hello vice president Cole, What?. I don't understand why I am being fired?”.

I looked at Dean and Aleck. They just sat There. The others were looking at them.

“ I haven't offended anyone. Hello?Hello?, Sir?”. He was looking at the phone.

“ Now you and your daughters will apologise to everyone. Don't and forget about working ever again “. Aleck said standing up.

“ Wait, you guys?.” Chris said and then it sank in for all of us. DLA Global is a renowned company,every graduate student tries to get a Job there. Dean and Aleck were the CEO's.

“ Apologise now and we'll let it go and you can keep your job. Don't and we'll make sure you never get a Job anywhere else. As for you two. If Mallory so much as complains about you two trying to mess with her you won't like it”. Holy shit. If that wasn't Aleck and was someone else I would say that was do fucking hot.

“ I'm sorry, please forgive me. I didn't mean it. Apologies for my daughters “.

“ Leave us Alone “. Dean said, looking at Tina , Lexi and Their father. He hurried them away from our table. I stood up.

“ I'm going to check on everyone”. I walked away from the table and checked on the guest. I walked out to the garden and took a seat on one of the benches.

Jesus, they really became so successful. I guess staying away from them did something good. Mallory and Andrew were married. I didn't need to see them anymore. Shit I needed to check on the situation with my apartment. I felt someone beside me , when I looked up Aleck was standing there.

“ Planning your escape already?”.

“ No I'm not”.

“ She is” , I heard Dean say from the other side.

“ So you've become really successful?”.

They both sat beside me. “ Yes, but it wasn't the same without you “.

“ Aren't you going to ask?”. Dean said, looking at me. I could feel his stare.

“ Ask what?”.

“ The name of the company?”. Aleck said brushing the stray hairs that had gotten loose. I let out a sigh.

“ DLA. D, Dean, L, Layla, A , Aleck “.

“ Smart girl”. Dean said, taking my hand in his.

“ Dean , Aleck there's something I…. I'm “.

“ Guys, Mallory and Andrew are about to leave”. Rea yelled. I stood up. “ Let's go “.

I headed back inside and they followed me. After we saw Andrew and Mallory off,we stayed to take care of the guest. Tina and Lexi stayed but they didn't say anything and they stayed away from us. By three that morning Rea, Nella and I were saying goodbye to the last of the Guests.

The guys already took the wedding presents over. We were just finishing up when they came back and sat with us.

“ I'm beat. I just want to go home. Take a nice long soak in my bathtub then climb into bed”.

“ Umm , Layla. Your apartment?”.

Shit. I slapped my hand to my forehead.

“What about her apartment?”. Chris asked.

Inlet out a sigh. Dean told them what happened. “ Why didn't you say anything earlier?”.

“ It's fine Guys..I stayed at Their place last night. I'll head back to my place or I'll stay at a hotel tonight “.

“ You can Stay with Dean and Aleck until everything gets sorted out. Isn't that right boys”. Nella said, looking at them.

“ Of course she's staying with us.. it's not like we're going to kick her out “. Aleck replied.

After everyone else left. We left. I got into the car and drove back to their penthouse. I couldn't stay with them.They've always been this way. When they want something they get it . When they make a decision nothing changes their minds. He drove into the garage and parked the car. I got out . I walked into the private elevator with them. They were quiet, they didn't say anything or look at me.

When the elevator stopped. We got out in Their apartment. "So Both of you live together?”.

“ Yes. We wanted you to stay with us but” ,Aleck said

“ You ditched us.Tell us the truth , it's only us here. Why Did you Really stay away from us ?”. Dean asked.

“ You're not going to let me live that down are you?. I already told you the truth. What was I supposed to do? Answer me ?. Was I supposed to ignore it and then watch as your lives get ruined, was that what you wanted?. You're both here now because I stayed out of your lives and that's the Way it should be. I shouldn't and can't be here with either of you. The wedding is over, we don't have to do this anymore. I can't be around you guys, This is going to be messy “. God I was losing it , I should have known they wouldn't buy that story. I needed to Calm down before I said something I shouldn't.

“ You don't know that, You don't know what would have happened if you stayed besides us . “ ,Dean said.

“ Do you hate us? Is that why you refuse to spend a single minute with us?.” Aleck asked.

“ You don't understand. I can't, I just can't answer your questions. I can't be here, I shouldn't be here “.

“ Why ?”. Dean asked.


“ Then for love of fucking Christ Layla tell us because we don't understand “. Aleck said.


I walked back to the elevator and got in. I went down and out onto the road. It was late,the roads were empty. When I walked far enough , I broke and began crying. Stupid, stupid. Why did I lose my temper? Why Did I say it out loud? .

I cried my heart and soul out because this was the end of our friendship. They would never want to see me or speak to me ever again. I sat at the bus stop and tried to Calm myself down.

The truth was I Loved them. Both of them. I fell in love with both of my best friends when I was eighteen and to this day never stopped loving them . That was the real reason Why I disappeared. It was disgusting and I knew they didn't feel that way about me. Thinking back to college days. It just happened. One day they were like my brothers and then the next, it just changed. I started seeing them as guys, just guys not my best friends. Guys Who were smart and talented. Then add in that they were hot as hell .

The day I fully realised I was in love with them was the worst day of my life. We had gone back home for vacation. We were at the highschool football match, I didn't want to go but they dragged me anyway. We were sitting there when two girls Tina and Lexi came over to them and asked them for their numbers. That was a normal occurrence.

What threw me off was later that night, after I was home,they both walked into my room, that was a normal occurrence also. They're always in and out of our house,my mom never complained. They both barged in and asked my opinion on outfits. They said they were going out. I figured it was Tina and Lexi .Suddenly my stomach twisted into a knot .

I helped them choose their outfits and they left. Around three that morning they came back,I was still awake and watching TV. They plopped down next to me and I saw it. There were love bites on their necks and I felt even worse. What caused me to feel hurt even further was when they declared they would both have long distance relationships.

I couldn't understand why I felt that way, when I've never felt that way before. I took some time and tried to figure out what I was feeling. I didn't go out with them , I stayed away. I was in town one afternoon when I had walked out of the supermarket and saw them with Tina and Lexi. At the same moment they kissed them and that hurt my heart so much it felt like it was breaking. I didn't let them see me . I walked away. I cried myself to sleep that night.

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