Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 16

“ I asked them what happened and they said you were dating someone and it hurt them. I asked them what would happen if they told you how they felt and that pushes you away and they lose you forever. I saw the fear in their eyes. I asked them what happens if you're in love with only one of them. Would the other get jealous and hurt?. They decided that night it was either they both have you or neither of them could “. He said

“ When Matthew told me what was happening with the boys, I was shocked at first but then I started thinking back to all the times you were together. I knew you were in love but not with who because you hid it well. I told them to start dating , it'll take their minds off what they were going through but none of their relationships lasted. When you cut them off it destroyed them. They drank for weeks and just stayed quiet. They couldn't find you and it almost killed them. I told them to stop, to become someone that you could be proud of, that they'll meet you one day, that if you were meant for them , somehow , someway you'd find your way back to them. So they worked hard and became successful”. Pamela said

“ They would always come home for the holidays and go by your house but you never came back. They said they were successful but it didn't mean anything to them because they couldn't share it with you. When your mom passed away they were in the south East working I told them you were here that's why I kept trying to make you stay longer. I was trying to buy time for them to return but they came too late and you had already left. For a while after that they stopped mentioning you and I thought maybe they're over you”.

She laughed and shook her head.

“ I was more wrong. One weekend they were visiting and we were having dinner and I asked and they just replied saying they found you,they knew where you were and that you were happy and you were in a relationship. I asked them if they spoke to you they said no , they won't interfere in your life that you seemed happy without them. I told them it was time to move on. That was the night both Dean and Aleck said if they couldn't have you then no one could have them. You're not replaceable ever “. She said, squeezing my hand.

I couldn't help but cry, they Loved me so much, while I was being tormented by my feelings for them.

“ A few weeks ago they called and said they were going to see you again at the get together. They were determined. When a few weeks later they called back and said you and your boyfriend split up ,they weren't taking any more chances that they were willing to Risk everything. Matthew and I said okay to let us know what happens. Late last night they called and said,she loves us , both of us. They told us to come”. Mathew said.

“ The world may not accept your relationship, but it's yours. We will accept whatever our son wants because they've never made a bad decision yet. You're not a bad decision either. I'm happy it's you Layla. I've watched you grow up to be an incredible person and hopefully you ,Dean and Aleck can be happy”.

“ Thank you. I fell in love with them when I turned eighteen. I didn't know they felt that way. I was scared and ashamed, I thought everyone would hate me and think I was disgusting for it” ,I said between tears.

She held me and hugged me. “ Matthew and I don't think so. I believe that certain people May not like and accept it but we're your family and we accept it. It's okay “. She said

“ Thank you, both of you. Our friends know and they approve”. I Sat talking to them for a few hours and then we went in. I was heading towards the room when I saw Aleck.

“ You okay baby?”. I just held him and hugged him. He hugged me, holding me closer.

“ I love you Aleck, Thank you for not giving up and for loving me for so long ” ,

“ I love you too, Layla, you're worth it baby”.

He took my mouth, kissing me hard and deep. I moaned and accepted him. He looked at me.

“ Time for you to sleep, it's getting late. You haven't slept properly in the last few days “.

“ Where's Dean?”.

“ Hmm, he's in his room”. He said caressing my face.

“ Can I go see him?”.

He smiled , “ You don't need my permission baby. I'm yours and so is Dean. You don't need to ask to see him, if he's in his room or office wherever you're free to go. Go ahead I have some work to take care of “. He said ,kissing me again.

“ Okay”.

I walked around the corner to Dean's room and knocked. The door was thrown up and he was standing there. He grabbed me, pulling me into his room. He had me against the door. “ Looking for me?”. He asked, looking down at me , I wrapped my arms around his neck and crushed my lips to his. He accepted me .I looked at him and he smiled.

“ Thank you Dean. I love you, thanks for waiting for me “.

“ I love you too Layla. I'll always wait for you.”. I heard a knock and he pulled me away from the door, still holding me. Aleck came in.

“ Umm, Mom and dad are staying the night. The other room was turned into a storage room. So they'll be using her room Tonight . We'll need to to clear it out because those idiots will get drunk on Friday or whenever they come over here”.

“ That's okay, I can stay at a hotel tonight”. I said. Aleck looked like he wanted to say something. “ Don't Aleck and I have rooms”.

“ No, I guess we were sleeping in the living room”. Aleck said, shaking his head and walking out. I looked at Dean.

“ You can sleep here with me or sleep with Aleck in his room. I know you like to kick in your sleep and I don't feel like getting kicked “.

I let go of him ,“ Fine I'll sleep in the living room at least no one will get kicked “ , I said walking out.

I ran into Pamela.“ Sorry , I'm kicking you out of your room tonight ” ,He said smiling. I saw Dean heading towards us.

“ That's okay, I'll sleep with Dean or Aleck, besides I kick in my sleep so whoever I'm sleeping with is going to end up on the floor”. I said, smirking at him ,she just laughed.

I ended up in Dean's room. Halfway through the night I sat up. For the love of Christ why couldn't I fall asleep. Dean was looking at me. “ Stop staring at me , I can't sleep “. I said hitting him with one of the pillows. He grabbed his phone and was on it. A few minutes later his room door opened and Aleck walked in ,he got into bed on the other side of me and pulled me down into the bed.

“ Go to sleep , you never could fall asleep if it was just one of us”. Dean said and I realised he was right. Once when Dean was sick and his parents were at the hospital with him, Aleck slept at my house and I couldn't sleep all night.

I didn't say anything, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Within minutes I was out. When my eyes opened, I was alone. I showered and headed out.

The rest of the week was normal as can be . One day I was looking for Dean, when I walked into his room. I noticed the bed was different, it was bigger. I didn't say anything about it. Friday afternoon as I was about to finish up my work my phone started vibrating.


MALLORY : Guess who's back?

ANDREW : We were tired of swimming and doing nothing.

CHRIS : Nice , it's Friday. What's the plan are we meeting up?.

REA: we could go clubbing

NELLA: yea but Friday nights everyone is in the club .

CHRIS: Whatever I'm down

DEAN : I'll text you the address, you guys can head over. We'll get the food on the way home.

CHRIS: You guys need liquor?

ALECK : Nope there's a lot

LAYLA : Where?, I didn't see any?

ALECK : Because we hid it from you

LAYLA : Funny

MALLORY : Okay we'll be over for nine is that good with everyone?

REA: Yep

LAYLA : okay

DEAN : Layla turn on the elevator that way they won't have to use the other entrance

LAYLA : Okay

NELLA : Okay then it's set.

ALECK : We'll be home in ten. Anyone have any requests?Nobody's leaving Once we've started drinking.

REA : Hot wings

LAYLA : Get me pizza

ANDREW : Fine then I want tacos

MALLORY : These idiots will get drunk. Guys get some food preferably Chinese takeout.

DEAN : Okay, then. We'll meet you guys when you get there.

REA : Okay then. Finally we get to see where the billionaires live.

ALECK : Yes, yes

NELLA : Dean , Aleck thank you

REA : Thanks guys

CHRIS: See ya later

LAYLA : see you girls later

ANDREW : Later

MALLORY : Bye guys

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