Chapter 2

While we were chatting away. Andrew, Nella and Rea showed up. Everyone was happy. I held onto the hope that they wouldn't show up. After that, we waited for five minutes. When it looked like they wouldn't be there I heard Mallory.

“ Alright ,it seems like this is all of us, let's get going ” , Mallory said, heading towards the jet.

“ Damn Mallory you've got great connections”. Andrew said. After we got onto the jet we left. The entire three hour flight they all asked about each other's lives.

“ So what do you do Layla?”., Macy asked. I knew she was fishing for information.

“ I'm a Graphic Designer”. I said quietly.

“ Oh , sounds boring ”, She said looking out the jet's window. I didn't reply to her. Macy has always had a thing for Dean and she always believed I was with him or had some kind of feeling for him and because of that she's always been a Bitch to me.

When the jet landed on the small strip on the island, I let out a sigh of relief. No Dean and no Aleck. I could relax. As we headed towards the house I noticed a towel on one of the beach chairs. Hmm, maybe someone forgot it. The minute we got to the door,it was thrown open from the inside and he was standing there.

Dean ,Tall and fair,his jet black hair tousled and his blue eyes, fixed on me. If anything he's become more handsome. Fuck.

“ Oh my god you're here”.,Macy yelled, walking over to him and hugging him. He hugged her back but didn't smile, he kept his eyes on me.

“ Well it's about time ” ,I heard him behind me. I froze, They were both here. I shook off the shock and turned around and looked at him. Aleck, Just like Dean, black hair, blue eyes and a muscular body.

“ Hey, How have you been?”. He said walking up to me. “ I've been good, How have you been?”. I asked, I hoped to God no one could see or hear the nervousness in my voice. This was bad .

“ Could be better. You look great?” he said, hugging me. I hugged him back.

“ Thanks, you don't look bad either”. I couldn't look at him. The others were talking Laughing and making jokes. We all headed inside and I felt my hand being grabbed. I turned around and Dean was looking at me. He hugged me. “ Are you okay?” he asked, letting go of me . That single action made my heart race.

“ I'm fine, just a bit tired”. I lied.

“ Okay. It's good seeing you again Layla “.

“ It's good seeing you both ”. I left them standing there. Maybe just maybe this trip will give me the clarity I need to put this entire situation out of my mind.

When I walked up the stairs, Macy and Nella were arguing. I stood next to Andrew. “ What's with them?”. He shrugged, ” you know how they are”.

“ Okay, there's three rooms on the third floor, who wants it?”. Mallory asked.

“ I want this one” ,Macy said walking to the door at the end of the hall.

“ Make your choice wisely, there's no switching “. Mallory said.

“ I'll take the third floor” The further away from Dean and Aleck I was, the better.

“ Great,now everyone has a room. Layla,you , Dean and Aleck are on the third floor and everyone else is on the second “.

“ I changed my mind. I want the one on the third floor. Layla you don't mind switching with me do you?”. Of course that's what she wants.

“ Sure ,go ahead, it's not a problem with me”. I said walking towards the room she had previously chosen.

“ No , Layla, you're upstairs. I already said no switching. That's the room you chose Macy and that's it ” , Mallory said.

“ Mallory, it's fine with me,"I said, trying to avoid causing a problem. I know Macy wants to be close to Dean.

“ Who made you the director? She doesn't have a problem with it, so why do you?”. Macy said.

“ What's with Macy?”. Andrew whispered

“ I have not a single fucking clue. She wants to be close to Dean I guess ” ,I whispered.

This wasn't going to end. I saw Dean and Aleck Walk up the stairs.

“ Okay okay that's enough. Andrew you or Chris upstairs with Dean and Aleck “.

“ I'll take it”. Andrew said.

“ See , simple. There's no female on the third floor. Now everyone grab a room and let's get started. I need a drink “. I said walking towards the room at the other end of the hall.

Once in the room, I locked the door and began pacing up and down. I may be an adult but I couldn't do this. I know what excuse I'll give but we're no longer kids and I don't know if they'll believe it. I was startled By a knock on the door . I opened it. And they were Both standing there. They didn't ask, they just walked in and locked the door behind them.

I took a few seconds before I spoke.

“ Is something wrong?”. I asked, looking at them. Aleck stood looking at me and Dean walked over to the window looking out.

“ Why did you ditch us?”. Aleck asked. I couldn't answer that question not because I didn't want to but because it would be better not to. We had some semblance of respect and we were still cordial to each other,if I were to tell the truth they'd probably hate me.

“ Our last year in college. It was close to graduation when I realised that you were slowly pulling away from me and Aleck. Your calls and texts became fewer and fewer. You were suddenly so busy and didn't have time to hang out with us”. Dean said.

“ Layla, we're no longer kids , we're adults. Did we do something wrong to hurt you or was it something we Said?”. Aleck asked.

I let out a sigh, I knew they would come after me and try to find out. “ No. Neither of you did anything. ”. Maybe just maybe, I could tell them a part of it.

I let out a sigh, “ After exams we were spending a lot of time together. Everyone on campus knew we were close friends. But I guess not everyone believed it. I started receiving letters. Not one or two but five six sometimes ten a day. In my backpack, on my desk. Under my room door, every single day. Mallory didn't know, I kept it to myself”. I sat on the bed. I didn't look at them.

“ I guess because we were no longer ten years old or twelve we couldn't just be friends, we were friends with Benefits according to the letters and some people on campus “.

“ What ?”. They both asked at the same time, Looking at me.

“ The letters went From accusing me of invading your space, To being needy to being a whore. Some stated I was sleeping with one of you or both of you. Some were even threats for me to stay away from you both or your final days college will be ruined. I didn't want anything to happen to either of you so I stayed away “.

“ Why didn't you tell us?”. Dean asked

“ I was going to. The night I was heading over to your place but when I got to the front door, someone called me. They knew I was about to Tell you , they told me if I said anything not only your lives but mine will be ruined. They sent me edited pictures of the three of us together and said if I knocked on the door,the picture would be all over campus tomorrow. So I turned around and stayed away “.

“ That was college, why did you stay away for So many years?”. Aleck asked ,he sounded hurt.

“ I wouldn't have but a few weeks after graduation, you came over to my place for a movie night. When you left the next morning, I received threats again. They told me to Stay out of your lives forever. So I did. I'm sorry,I didn't mean to hurt either of you but I didn't want your lives to get messed up. I figured if I stayed away Your lives would be better”.

That was one of the reasons I cut them off. The main reason is something I could never bring myself to say.I heard someone knocking on the door. I went and opened it, Macy and Chris were standing there.

“ Hmm , seems like you guys have secrets”. She said, smirking.

“ Cut that shit out , they've been Best friends since kindergarten. We're barbecuing and the drinking has started. Chris said.

“ Okay, I'll be down in a few “. I said. I grabbed my suitcase and opened it.

“ We'll talk about this later”. Dean said, walking out the door and Aleck followed. Macy was still standing there.

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