Chapter 3
“ What's the deal with the three of you?”.
“ You heard Chris, we've been friends since kindergarten. There's nothing , we just lost touch with each other. We all have lives to live”.
“ Are you sure or is it because you and one of them dated?”. I threw the clothes onto the bed and looked at her.
“ What the hell is really your problem? , Ever since we've been in college you've always had a fucking snarky remark to make in relation to me Aleck and Dean “. She always brought out the worst of me.
“ Because I don't trust you. Who's to say the whole friendship since childhood isn't just a ruse, it 's just a cover story. ” she said callously.
“ You're behaving as if I've stolen Dean and Aleck from you ” ,
“ You did. I've tried talking to Dean. I was in love with him but you were always around, like some leech. Stay the Fuck away from him. These Two weeks he's mine ” ,
“ Fuck you Macy ”
I saw Aleck walk back up the stairs.
“ Aren't you two coming down”. He said walking up to the third floor. I walked over and closed the door in her face. God why was she like that?, always pushing my buttons.
I grabbed a quick shower because I felt sweaty. I wore my bathing suit and wore a shirt and shorts and headed down. Aleck was in the kitchen and he Saw me.
“ What happened?”. He asked,
“ Nothing ” , I replied walking out the door and headed to the beach.I made my way over to them. Rea handed me a beer. I sat down in the chair ,I didn't look at anyone.
“ What happened?”. Dean asked,Shit. I guess they could still read me and knew when something was off.
“ Nothing ” , I said.
Macy, Nella ,and Chris were in the water playing around. Andrew and Aleck were barbecuing. Mallory sat next to me. Dean just sat drinking,I didn't have to look to feel his eyes on me. He knew something happened, so did Aleck. I saw Macy heading back to the cabana so I stood up.
“ Wanna swim?. I asked Mallory ,
“ Sure why not ” ,she answered standing up.
“ Hey Layla, you need a bikini ”, Andrew said laughing.
“ She wouldn't do a bikini justice ” ,Macy said. I turned and looked at her.
“ You know what Macy. I've always known you were a bitch ,I guess you never Did fucking grow up ”. I said turning away and walking to the water. I pulled my shirt and shorts off.
“ GODDAMN LAYLA even Macy doesn't look that fucking good “. Nella yelled. I just shook my head. I knew they could see all of the tattoos.
“ Hey Layla, watch this,” Nella yelled. I turned around and to my surprise she was holding her phone taking pictures. For some reason my eyes found theirs. Dean and Aleck were staring at me. I just shook it off and headed into the water.
Mallory was next to me. “ Okay I know you,and I know you don't answer back to anyone . What Did the Bitch say to rile you up?”.
I looked at her. Mallory and I spent our entire college days as roommates and really good friends. I told her about the confrontation I had with Macy.
“ I guess she really hasn't grown up. I mean if she's interested in Dean why doesn't she tell him, why's she messing with you?”.
“ Honestly, I can't handle her and her snarky remarks”. We continued swimming. After an hour the others joined us. Except Dean and Aleck.
By nine that evening we were all drunk, most of us. We were sitting on the back patio drinking after dinner.
“ It's been a while, let's play a game of spin the bottle, it's classic ”, Macy said. She was wasted.
“ I'll get the bottle ”, Nella said.
“ I'm out , you guys play ” , I said
I was relaxing, just minding my own business. I was laying on one of the sofas looking up at the night sky. I know this was Macy's way of fucking with me.
“ Layla you.”. Macy said. I turned and looked at her then looked at the table,the bottle was pointed at me.
“ Not interested, ask someone else “. I said
“ Of course you're not interested, maybe you're scared the secrets will Spill out ” ,She said, smirking..
Oh bitch it was on now. “ Fine, what do you want to know?”.
“ Did you ever date Aleck or Dean?”.
“ No”. I said,not looking at her.
“ Okay spin”.
“ Layla again”. I didn't sit up , I just turned my head and looked at Macy. Maybe it was the alcohol, but at this point I really didn't care anymore. She was starting to fucking annoy me. I looked at her.
“ There's no need to play, spin the bottle to ask me what you really want to ask. So go ahead and ask away?”. I said staring up at the sky.
“ Fine. Were you ever in love with either of them?”.
“ Nope”.
“ Do you ever have feelings for either of them”.
“ Nope?”.
“ Did you ever sleep with either of them?”.
“ Macy, that's enough, you're crossing the line ” ,Mallory said.
“ Macy , you're drunk, cut it out ” , Andrew said.
“ I'm not drunk, I can't believe you all actually believe that they're just friends. If you're just friends then you wouldn't have a problem if I were to kiss Dean right now would you?”. She said,
“ What the hell is wrong with you Macy, you've never behaved this way before ” , Nella yelled at her.
She stood up and walked towards Dean. I wasn't interested. She could do whatever she wanted.
“ I'm really going to kiss him," she said.
Everyone was quiet.
I just snorted. I didn't look at anyone.
“ I've never thought of Dean or Aleck as anything other than friends. I've never slept or kissed either of Them. I've never had any such thoughts. you're not the first fucking person assume there's something going on between us. I've heard it All. Maybe she's fucking one of them, maybe she's fucking both of them. Maybe they take turns with her and more. The remarks are endless.”. I said.
“ I've distanced myself from them because of those fucking rumors. If that asshole Josh hadn't fucked up , I wouldn't even fucking be here. I would be back home planning my wedding and honeymoon ”.
“ Macy Get off me” , I heard Dean say.
“ What ? you heard her , she doesn't have a problem with me being with you ” ,She said, trying to sound cute.
“ I've never been interested in you like that. Now please move”. He said,
“ Holy fuck, Wait ,You were about to get married and didn't tell us?”. Nella said accusingly.
“ We dated for almost two years. we had got engaged a few weeks ago,I would have told you guys”.
“ What happened?”. Andrew asked. I couldn't help but laugh.
“ It's so funny because, here I am with two guys as Best friends and there's a line that's never been crossed. I found him in our bed with his Best friend. Pretty fucking ironic huh “.
“ I'm sorry babe”. Rea said, squeezing my hand.
“ It's okay , I'm actually happy it happened, because I would have been miserable. I had started to realise, I didn't really love him, I was comfortable and figured sure why not”.
“ Well Damn. Why didn't you tell us,or call us Layla?. We're friends dammit “. Nella yelled, throwing a cushion at me. I laughed and tossed it back at her.
“ It's over and done. Forget about it. We need more beer”. I sat up. Dean was staring at me. So was Aleck.
“ Do any of you know about the notes and threats Layla received?.” Aleck asked. They all looked at him then at me.
“ What notes? What threats?”. Chris asked, I could hear the concern in his voice.
“ Forget about it, It doesn't matter anymore”, I said, trying to avoid anyone knowing. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop them from saying anything. Aleck told them what I had told them.
“ So that's Why you stopped hanging out with them and you'd stay in the room?”. Mallory asked, she and I were roommates in college.
“ Yep. This is getting too serious. I came here to relax, not to discuss anything serious. Just forget about it “.
“ She's right. I'm going to get more liquor. Wanna come with me Layla?”.
“ Sure Chris “.
We headed into the basement ,“ I'm sorry, I didn't know. Aleck and Dean have always said you're important to them . You've known each other since you were kids. I saw how protective they were of you. They heard a lot of rumours too,but they shut them down. You probably don't know this but we were at a party one night in our senior year. You remember Tony, Topper tony?.”
“ Yea, he was a douche “.