Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

We heard what sounded like a jet . We heard a knock on the door. Mallory opened it. “ Jets here, she doesn't wanna go. I'm going to help get rid of her ass”. Rea said, running down the stairs.

We heard yelling, Eventually we saw them get her on the jet and leave. I was standing by the window looking out when I heard The door open , I turned and saw Aleck. Mallory had already left. He locked the door and came in and stood besides me , hugging me.

“ Stop worrying about it. It'll be fine we're not mad at you okay “. He said, stroking my hair.

“ Okay”. He was about to walk away when I felt him behind me. The rest of his head on my shoulder. It was sort of intimate.

“ Aleck?”.

“ Don't move ” ,He said against my neck. What the hell was going on here ?.

“ Were you really going to get married?”.

“ Yes “.

“ Well , I'm happy he cheated “. I could hear the smile in his voice. I tried to turn around but he grabbed my waist holding me in place.

“ Aleck?”.

“ You smell so good. You've become more beautiful than we expected. I like your tattoos too “. He said in a whisper, if he got any closer he would kiss my neck. He let go of me. I heard the door open then close again. I sank to the floor. What the hell was going on with them. Why were they suddenly acting that way?. They've never done anything like that before. Did all the shit Macy said make them lose their damn minds?.

I grabbed a shower and went to bed. When my eyes opened it was eight o'clock. I sat up frustrated. I grabbed a quick shower and headed down. I stopped short when I entered the kitchen. They were both sitting there.

“ Morning everyone “. I said.

“ Morning” ,They All said in unison. I looked at them and it didn't seem like they remembered because they were acting normal, not the way they usually do when they've done something embarrassing. I brushed it off,it was probably the alcohol.

We ate breakfast silently, most of them were hungover and were lazy throughout the day. I really wanted to go check out the island. So I left them and headed out. I walked down the pathway closest to the house. There were a lot of beautiful flowers, some I've never seen before. There were hammocks under some of the trees.

Halfway into my walk, I stopped and turned around. I felt like I was being watched.I didn't see anyone. I was alone. I turned back and headed to the house. I felt uneasy for some reason. I found them on the beach drinking and laughing. By day three the drinking was at an all time high.

During the day the girls and I were making wedding plans and the night's we spent drinking. The entire week was spent that way. On Saturday night I could admit I started drinking more than I should.

We were drinking pretty hard.

“ Hide and seek” , I yelled.

“ Hell yess” ,Nella said, running down the stairs .

“ Let's go” , Andrew yelled, pulling his shirt off.

“First one that gets caught, pays. Ten Grand ”. Aleck said and Dean smirked.

“ Wait Who's it?”. Nella asked.

“ Pull straws”. Chris said. He walked into the house and came back a few minutes later. “ Alright everyone take a straw. Short one Is it”. He said, pushing his hands out.

We all pulled. “ Let's see”.

We all showed out straw, Andrew was it.

“ Oh fine. I'll count to a hundred and the house is off limits”. And not in a group everyone by themselves”. I said

“ Yea yes , whatever ,start counting”. Chris said.

He started counting and we all ran laughing. This was the way it always was. I ran so fast that my legs almost gave out. I was way past tipsy at this point and when the cool breeze hit me I knew I was going to pass out. I was almost on the other side of the beach. I think. I walked past one of the darker pathways when someone grabbed me and pulled me into the dark. I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't have to see to know Who it was. I felt something behind me only Then did I understand it wasn't a tree. It was one of them.

They both had the same height so in the dark it was hard to discern which one of them was it. My heart started beating wildly, my breath became short and I could feel it. He walked into me ,backing me into his brother. I had two pairs of hands on my waist. I felt his breath on my neck.

“Aleck ?”. I whispered.

“ yes”.

“ Hmmm, I always knew what you smelt like ” , I said, wrapping my arms around him , licking his neck. I turned around and leaned into dean

“I always knew what you smelt like too”. I said biting him.

I heard yelling on the beach. I turned around and looked at Aleck or what I could see. I leaned into him and kissed him. I couldn't help but moan into his mouth.

I felt that slight touch, Dean kissed the right side of my neck. The yelling got closer.

“ Stay with us “. Dean said, squeezing my hips. I felt a hand close over my neck and a gasp escaped my lips. “ She's so fucking cute “. Dean said, fully kissing my neck now. “ She always was” , Aleck said, licking my neck.

“ Hmmm ”. I whispered ,his mouth cutting my words off. Aleck held my neck as his tongue speared into my mouth. His brother's lips on my neck. He groaned into my mouth. I returned his kiss desperately. I pulled away ,and turned around and I was facing Dean , I crushed my lips to his and he moaned as his tongue invaded my mouth. I felt the warm breath on my neck, hands on my waist and neck keeping me place.

“ So fucking sweet “., He said,his voice barley a whisper. “ She truly is”. Aleck replied.

“ Now I know what you both taste like, so sweet ”.

“ Fuckk” ,I heard them both say. I felt it ,I was about to pass out.

When my eyes opened I was in bed. I sat up and instantly regretted it. I showered and went down. I went to the patio and sat there with my head on the table. Rea and Nella was there so was Mallory.

“ How are you ladies?”. Chris asked

“ Not so loud Chris ” ,Rea said

“ What happened last night?”. I asked not looking up.

“ You don't remember?” , Dean asked taking a seat next to me. I looked at him ,he had that look that said try and remember.

“ I remember drinking way more than I should. I remember Hide and seek,I remember running and laughing after that it's all blank “.

“ Me too, I remember running but nothing else after that ” , Mallory said

“ Me too” ,Rea said.

“ Well you ladies decided to pass out ”. Andrew said.

“ Sorry”. We all said.

Aleck and Dean were looking at me. I saw Aleck lean down and touched my neck. And I knew he saw the tattoo that should stay hidden. I immediately moved my hair covering it. He didn't say anything he just looked at me . I turned the other side and saw Dean leaned over. Shit either Way I turned they would see the tattoos because my head was on the table.

I sat up too fast and was hit with another headache. The two tatoos under my hair wasn't just any tattoos. One was under my left ear and one under my right ear. They were both anagrams.

“ I need a swim “ , I said looking towards the water.

“ I do too. I don't have the strength to do anything today ” , Mallory said.

While we were relaxing in the water, imagines flashed in my mind. Me kissing someone. Someone holding me, Someone kissing my neck. What the hell was that. I laid there trying to peice it together. The another imagine. Then the voices. I sat up immediately.

No, That didn't happen. Then I started remembering. Oh god. I stood up.

“ you good?”. Rea asked

“ Yea I'm fine ” ,I said trying to hide the nervousness. I looked up towards the cabana and they were sitting there talking to Chris and Andrew but their eyes were on me. When they noticed I was looking at them they both smiled and I knew it happened. Shit ,shit , shit. What the hell have I done.

I grabbed my towel. “ I'm heading in “. I said to the girls. I walked up the beach and headed to the house. I didn't look at them , I couldn't. I was too ashamed of what I had done. Once in the room, I started pacing up and down, I began berating myself for getting so dunk . I heard a knock on the door.

When I opened it Mallory was standing there. “ Hey we have to leave. There's a storm coming,Dean said it can be bad and last for weeks and if we stay we don't know when it'll stop. So get your stuff “.

“ Okay”.

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