Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7

I grabbed a quick shower and threw my stuff into the suitcase. I hadn't really unpacked so I didn't need to pack much. Within half an hour we were all packed and the jet was here. We got in and headed back home. I couldn't look at them I felt so guilty.

“ Layla, You'll let me know about the wedding details ” Dean said looking at me.

“ Yes ” , I replied quietly. Mallory and Andrew’s wedding was in two months,For the next two months I would be seeing Dean and Aleck almost once a week.

When we landed and we got off I didn't say anything to them , I made my way over to my car and stopped short.

“ What the fuck?” Chris said, looking at me then at my car. The windows were busted up and so was the windscreen. The tires were cut multiple times. It looked like someone took an axe to the doors of my car.

“ What the hell, Who would do this shit?,and just to your car and not ours ”, Nella said.

“ Macy” ,I said with a sigh

“ We'll take care of it, there's security cameras ”Aleck said.

This girl was really going off the deep end.

“ Dean , you guys drop Layla home ” , Mallory said. I tried cutting them off but no luck. I ended up in Their car. On the way to my place I didn't say anything, I kept looking out the window.

“ What happened?You were fine this morning, then after the swim you turned cold”. Aleck asked, looking at me. I couldn't say anything,I was embarrassed to say I remembered what I did while I was drunk.

“ Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind ” , I said. When we pulled up to my apartment complex I got out, they got out and got my suitcase. I saw Josh. Oh shit.

“ Layla,Babe. I'm sorry, please. I was drunk , I know that's not an excuse but chastity and I were both really drunk and it happened, I'm sorry please give me another chance, please”. He said, looking at me. I could feel Dean and Aleck's eyes on me.

“ Okay ” I said quietly, and they both looked at me.

“ Really?”. Josh asked

“ Yes. When people are drunk they do things they wouldn't normally do. Accidents happen. I forgive you “.

He came and hugged me , kissing me on the cheeks. “ Thank you babe. I love you. Who are they?”. He asked, looking at them.

“ Dean and Aleck, my friends” ,I said, not looking at them.

“ Hey”. Josh said

They didn't answer, they just kept looking at me. Why do they look angry?.

“ Call us and let us know when you decide on a venue for the wedding and reception for Mallory and Andrew ” ,Aleck said, getting back into the car. Dean didn't say anything, he got into the car and left. I let out a sigh.

“ What's with them?” Josh said, looking at the car driving away. I looked at Josh.

“ Accidents happen but they only happen if you have feelings towards the other person Josh. No matter how drunk you are , you would never do something like that unless you care about the other person. I can't be with you Josh. Chastity probably has feelings for you so I suggest you take some time and find out as for us. It's over. Sorry ” I said looking at him.

“ But you just said ”.

“ I know, I said it so those two idiots would stop worrying about me. you should go. Goodbye Josh “. I said walking into the building and into the elevator.

One in the safety of my apartment,I let out a sigh of relief. It was Sunday. I worked from home so I didn't have a set time for anything. I was sitting in my living room having a glass of wine . This was such a mess, this was the reason I stayed away from both of them.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts. I checked and it was an unknown number.

“ Hello?”.

“ So You've met them?”. The voice said. Oh god not this again.

“ What exactly do you want from me?”.

“ The same thing I wanted all along, I want you out of their lives “.

“ Why ?” I asked

“ Because I don't want you around them”. The voice said. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. It seems like they were using a voice distortion device.

“ Yea whatever.” ,I said, ending the call and blocking the number. I didn't need this shit again. I turned on some music and cleaned up. Around ten my doorbell rang. I know no one could get into the building unless someone let them in so I wasn't worried. I opened the door and froze.

“Dean?”He walked into my apartment and locked the door.

“ What are you doing here?”. I asked. He just kept looking at me.He began walking towards me and I started backing away. I was halfway in the living room when he stopped. Was he drinking after he left this morning?He sounded drunk.

“Where is he ?”.

“ Who?”.

“ Your fucking boyfriend?” Okay this was new

“ He went out for a while. Earlier today I got a call. The same person telling me to stay out of your lives. I just want to be left alone Dean “. He took my moment of weakness and grabbed me, pulling me into him and his mouth was on me. His hands in my hair as his tongue devoured me. I returned his kiss,my hand in his hair, tugging, his hand on my ass pulling me closer.

I couldn't help but moan, his kiss was desperate and it made my heart beat faster. He moved and his mouth was on my neck , licking, sucking and biting. He marked me. What the hell was I doing?. I pushed him away.

“ Fuckkkk” He said, fisting his hair.Why was he behaving this way?.

“ Stay away from him, Don't take him back”. He said before pulling away and walking out the door.

I sank onto the couch. What in god's fucking name is happening right now. What has my life come to. I don't know how many minutes or hour later, I heard my doorbell ring and I was scared to open it. I stood up on unsteady legs and opened the door. Aleck was standing there , his face unreadable. He looked drunk also.

All the thoughts went out my head when he walked in locking the door and he grabbed me bracing me against the door and his mouth was on me. Jesus Christ. His tongue invading my mouth,his touch desperate. He lifted me up and my legs were around him as his mouth devoured me. The involuntary moans escaping my lips. He groaned into my mouth,his hand on my breasts squeezing making me delirious.

His lips on my neck, sucking and biting,he marked me twice. This was too much for me. “ Fuck. You are going to drive me insane “ ,he said, licking my neck.He put me to stand in front of him. His mouth against my ears.

“ Don't be with him please “. That was the last thing he said before walking out

Did I wake up in a alternate universe or something? What the hell was happening here?. I know for a fact they didn't feel that way so were they experimenting with me or What the fuck. I didn't sleep,all night I was tossing and turning. By Saturday night I was jumpy and anxious because I had no idea what would happen and if they would show up again.

By Sunday I was a nervous mess. I stayed out the entire day and for some much needed sleep. I spent the night at a hotel. I had work to do tomorrow. I checked out early that morning and went back home. I put everything out of my mind and dive straight into work. I worked and had a light lunch. Between working I did some research for wedding venues.

It was close to two when I heard the intercom. I pressed it.

“ yes?”.

“ I have a delivery for Layla Tavers?”.

“ Sure I'll buzz you in” . I buzzed him in and opened my door waiting for him. I saw the guy Walk out of the elevator with what looked like two dozen multi-coloured roses. He handed them to me And left. I was left looking at the roses.

I picked the envelope out of the bouquets. I was scared to check it . I opened it and I instantly went on alert . I closed it and walked back into my apartment, closing the door. Shit ,this can't be happening. Who the hell was doing this. I checked the envelope again. I pulled the pictures out. The pictures were me Kissing Dean and Aleck in my apartment. I opened the note.


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