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An arranged marriage

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the forest as Morgan made her way through the trees, her gammas flanking her on either side.

The air was thick with tension, the kind that made her wolf restless beneath her skin. It was the night of the full moon, and for leaders of the Silver Claw Pack, this was when they felt the most powerful, the most connected.

Yet tonight, that sense of connection was overshadowed by the weight pressing down on Morgan’s shoulders—a burden only she could bear because of her cursed lineage.

As they approached the clearing, Morgan could see the council of elders gathered, their faces lit by the flickering firelight. The sight made her heart clench. She already knew why they had summoned her, what they would demand of her. It was inevitable. The curse she carried wasn’t just a part of her—it defined her entire existence.

"Alpha Morgan," Elder Thomas began, his voice heavy with a seriousness that made Morgan’s stomach churn. "It is time we discuss the matter of the new law."

Holding back her anger, Morgan’s jaw tightened, her hands curling into fists. She had dreaded this conversation for as long as she could remember. The new law was a twisted tradition, binding her pack to their sworn enemies, the Moonblood Pack. The last war between them had been so bloody that it had made the moon goddess weep, leading her to decree that the firstborn of each pack would be bound by law. And as the firstborn, that curse had landed squarely on Morgan’s shoulders.

"I know what the law says," Morgan growled, her voice laced with anger and frustration. "But I refuse to be bound to them. I won’t mate with him!!"

The elders exchanged uneasy glances. They knew she wasn’t one to back down easily. "Alpha Morgan, you know the consequences of defying the new law," Elder Thomas said, his voice careful, as if treading on thin ice. "The peace between our packs is fragile. If it’s broken, it could mean war."

Unable to hold back her tongue, Morgan’s temper flared, and she could feel her wolf bristling beneath the surface. "I don’t care," she snapped. "I won’t be a pawn in this game of politics. I won’t sacrifice my freedom for some law."

The silence that followed was deafening. The elders looked at her with a mixture of uncertainty and fear. They understood the stakes, but so did Morgan. She was tired—so damn tired—of being burdened by the mistakes of the past, by a curse she hadn’t asked for. She was determined to forge her path, no matter the cost.

Just as the tension in the air became unbearable, a sudden chill ran down Morgan’s spine. Something ancient and powerful had arrived, and the elders sensed it too. Then, a voice, soft yet commanding, echoed through the clearing, sending a shiver down Morgan’s spine.

"Alpha Morgan, do you dare defy the will of the moon goddess?"

Morgan spun around, her heart racing, to see a figure cloaked in moonlight stepping out of the shadows. Her presence was ethereal, her eyes glowing with a faint silver light that seemed to pierce right through Morgan’s soul. It was the moon goddess herself.

"My lady," Morgan murmured, bowing her head in reverence, though her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and defiance. "I meant no disrespect."

The goddess’s gaze softened, but there was no mistaking the seriou in her eyes. "You and your pack have been cursed by your actions, even if they weren’t yours," she said, her voice echoing with an ancient power. "For generations, you’ve spilled the blood of your kin, betraying the very essence of what it means to be a werewolf. And so, I’ve decreed that the mate bond shall be denied to you and the heir of the Moonblood Pack."

Keeping her silence, Morgan’s chest tightened at the goddess’s words, anger and frustration bubbling beneath the surface. But she kept silent, knowing better than to challenge the goddess’s will.

"But there is still hope for your packs," the goddess continued, her voice laced with a hint of mercy. "The law was created to ensure peace, and it will be upheld. The firstborn of each pack shall be bonded by law, not by the mate bond, as a symbol of unity and reconciliation."

Staring at the moon goddness, Morgan felt her stubborn waver as the reality of her situation sank in. The bond by law was a solemn obligation, one that would tie her to her sworn enemy for life. It was a cold, loveless bond—one that would deny her the warmth of a true mate, the kind of love she had always dreamed of. But if it meant preventing war, securing peace… well, what choice did she have?

With a sigh, Morgan nodded, her heart heavy. "As you wish, my lady," she said, bowing deeply. "I will honor the new law and do whatever is necessary to ensure the survival of my pack."

The goddess nodded in approval, her form shimmering as she faded back into the shadows, leaving Morgan alone with the weight of her words. The cold emptiness of the clearing seemed to mirror the emptiness she felt inside.

When she turned back to face the elders, she could see the relief in their eyes, but there was also uncertainty. Suddenly, Elder Thomas stepped forward again, his voice grave but respectful.

"Alpha Morgan, the moon goddess has spoken," he said. "You are to honor the ancient law and prepare to meet with Alpha Alex of the Moonblood Pack. He and his people will arrive tomorrow to discuss the terms of the bond."

When he met her gaze pleadingly, Morgan clenched her jaw, struggling to keep her emotions in check. Meeting Alpha Alex would not be easy. The history between their packs was soaked in blood and betrayal. But if there was even a sliver of a chance for peace, she had to take it.

"Prepare the council chamber for their arrival," she instructed, her voice tight as she turned to leave. "We will show them the respect they deserve."

As Morgan made her way back through the forest, the weight of her decision settled heavily on her shoulders. The fate of her pack rested on her. This was an arranged marriage, something that hadn’t happened in their pack for generations. And it wasn’t just any arranged marriage—it was one without the mate bond, without love.

Her entire lineage had only ever mated with those they felt the bond with, those who were destined for them. But now, she was to marry a stranger. She was doomed to never experience the mate bond, never to know real love. It was a cruel fate, but one she would bear for her pack, for the peace she hoped to secure. But as she walked beneath the moonlit trees, a part of her couldn’t help but wonder—what would it cost her in the end?

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