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Her defiance

The first light of dawn filtered through the windows of Morgan's chamber, casting a soft golden glow over the room as she stirred from sleep.

The events of the previous night clung to her mind like a stubborn shadow. Even as she rose from bed, the sense of unease gnawed at her, a reminder that today wasn’t going to be easy.

Right on cue, there was a soft knock on the door. Her maids entered, their faces tight with worry.

These women weren’t just her attendants; they were more like sisters—loyal, devoted, and clearly troubled.

“Alpha Morgan,” Anna, the eldest of the maids, whispered. Her voice quivered slightly. “We heard what happened last night... about the new law and... the Moonblood Alpha.”

After a soft yawn, Morgan sighed, nodding. News traveled fast, especially when it involved something this significant.

“We fear for your safety, Alpha,” Sarah, another maid, added, her voice barely above a whisper. “Alpha Alex is said to be a ruthless leader, with no mercy for those who oppose him.”

Looking away from them, Morgan felt a knot tighten in her stomach, but she kept her expression calm. She’d heard the stories too—rumors of Alex’s brutality and insatiable hunger for power. But she couldn’t afford to let fear dictate her actions. She was the Alpha of the Silver Claw Pack, and she had a responsibility to stand strong.

“I appreciate your concern, but I won’t cower in the face of adversity,” Morgan said, her voice firm, even if she had to will the confidence into it.

She met their worried gazes, forcing a small smile. “We must prepare for the arrival of the Moonbloods and show them the hospitality they deserve.”

The maids exchanged uncertain glances but nodded. They knew Morgan well enough to realize there was no changing her mind.

“As you wish, Alpha,” Anna said with a sigh. “We’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re ready for the meeting.”

As the maids moved about, fetching water and towels, the room fell into an uneasy silence, and the air felt heavy with unspoken fears. As they helped Morgan freshen up, the weight of what lay ahead pressed down on her, but she forced herself to focus on the task at hand. She couldn’t afford to show weakness—not now.

Once ready minutes later, Morgan made her way to the council chamber, where the elders were already gathered.

She took her place at the head of the table, her hands clenched into fists beneath the table as she steeled herself for what was coming.

Time dragged on, each minute feeling like an eternity, until finally, there was a knock at the door.

When the Moonblood delegation entered, Morgan’s eyes immediately searched for Alpha Alex, but he was absent. Instead, his beta stepped forward, a smug look plastered across his face.

“I am Beta Marcus, Alpha Alex’s second-in-command,” he announced, his tone oozing arrogance. “My Alpha has sent me to escort you to him. He awaits your presence.”

As her brows narrowed, Morgan’s irritation flared. How dare Alex not show up himself? Sending his beta instead was an insult, plain and simple.

“I will not be treated as a mere pawn in your Alpha’s game,” she said, her voice cold and unyielding. “If Alpha Alex wishes to speak with me, he must come and get me himself.”

In silence, Beta Marcus’s smirk faltered, replaced by a flash of surprise and annoyance.

“Alpha Alex is a busy man,” he replied, his tone defensive. “He cannot be bothered with trivial matters.”

As their eyes locked, Morgan’s anger simmered beneath the surface, but she kept her composure.

“Then he can consider our arrangement canceled,” she declared, her voice firm. “I will not leave my pack and my responsibilities to cater to his whims. If he wishes to discuss the terms of our alliance, he can do so on equal terms or not at all.”

Pausing, Beta Marcus bristled at her words but knew better than to argue with an Alpha, especially one as stubborn as Morgan.

“Very well,” he said, his voice clipped. “I will relay your message to Alpha Alex. But I warn you, he is not one to be trifled with. You would do well to remember that.”

Before he could leave, Elder Thomas stood up, calling Marcus back. “Forgive my leader. She doesn’t mean the words she speaks—”

“Who asked you to speak for me?” Morgan interrupted, her voice firm but respectful. “I apologize, Elder Thomas, but I speak for myself. Thank you for your concern, but I stand by my words. Alpha Alex must show me the respect of meeting me in person if he wishes to claim me, even if it’s out of law and not the mate bond.”

Looking back at her, Beta Marcus hesitated, clearly unsure of how to proceed. After a moment, he nodded curtly. “I see my Alpha has a handful. But I will relay your message to him as you wish. Good day, Alpha Morgan.”

As he left the council chamber, Morgan felt the weight of her decision settle on her shoulders as the elders and pack members stared at her in stunned silence.

“A handful,” Morgan muttered to herself, rolling her eyes.

She knew she was playing a dangerous game by defying Alpha Alex, but she couldn’t back down now. She refused to let anyone, even a powerful Alpha, walk all over her or her pack.

As the elders began to murmur amongst themselves, Morgan raised her hand for silence. “We will proceed with our preparations as planned,” she announced, her voice steady despite the rage swirling inside her. “We will show the Moonbloods the hospitality they deserve, but we will not bend to their will. We are the Silver Claw Pack, and we will not be intimidated.”

Sighing, Elder Thomas, his face etched with concern, spoke up once more. “Alpha Morgan, I know that your parents are not alive to make you understand this, but you just made a grave mistake. Let’s hope that your actions do not cause irreversible harm to our pack.”

His words struck a chord, and for a moment, doubt crept in. Had she acted too rashly? Was she endangering her pack by standing up to Alpha Alex? But deep down, she knew she couldn’t waver now. Her decision was made, and she would see it through, come what may.

“Thank you, Elder Thomas,” she replied, her voice steady. “I understand the risks, but I believe that standing up for our pack’s dignity and honor is worth it. We will face whatever comes our way together, as one pack.”

With that, Morgan took a deep breath, bracing herself for the storm that was sure to follow.

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