As I walked back inside, I could feel tension rising within me, blurring my thoughts about anything else and solely focusing on the newcomer.
‘I wonder what she looks like now? Was she still the same as how I last saw her six years ago? Or perhaps better than she was after all these years.’
I got my answer the minute I turned the corner. There she was, my father's only baby girl and the darling of the crowd. She still carries that dignified stance she had before, which emanates in her proudly even with less effort.
Her back was facing me as mother and Peter talked to her, welcoming her with their hugs and kisses. I thought I was done getting jealous of her, but this small reunion proved me wrong. She still stirs jealousy inside of me, which I hated to the bone. I disregarded them and walked past them, settling at the farthest seat in silence as I awaited their heartfelt reunion.
Michael was nowhere to be found. He must have gone somewhere and still hasn't got a clue of her arrival. Random thoughts play inside my head, causing a part of me aching once more with the knowledge of them meeting again. I can’t help but feel helpless at the inevitable moment that will soon occur right before my eyes.
“Pamela?” A shaking and unsteady voice came out of nowhere.
My head immediately looked up at where the voice came from. His eyes bore the same compassion and affection every time he set them at her, holding back his tears as his chest unsteadily rises and falls as if he was having a seizure.
“Hello, Michael.”
With a blink of an eye, Michael cut their distance swiftly and gave her that certain kind of hug I never received from him. He held her in his arms with tenderness and longing, obviously glad of seeing her after all these years.
Pamela wailed hard in his arms as my ex-husband consoled her compassionately, caressing her back, with all the sympathy and care he could extend. It was an eye-sore, causing me to quickly look away as my heart was squeezed tightly by an invisible hand.
I tried hard not to let my tears fall even though I ached tremendously, quickly wiping my eyes where all the fluids were at bay and sighed with troubled breaths. All along I thought that I had already felt the most excruciating pain anyone could ever inflict on me. But seeing them now, how passionate they are towards one another and how they are dying to be in each other’s arms, this was by far the most painful chapter of my life.
I casted every pain I was feeling behind me and went on with what needed to be done, following everyone inside the morgue. The sooner this ends, the better it would be for me.
‘This would be the last time anyone could ever hurt me. After my father’s burial, I would disappear in their lives and they would no longer exist to me, just like how they extracted me from their lives. I will end the ties I have with them, every connection and strings. This would be the last time my heart will ache for them. I swear to God, I would never look back at them ever again.’
After viewing my father's body, I hastily marched outside the hospital, not saying goodbye to anyone. Eager to go home. I was about to open my car when I heard someone speak behind my back.
“It was pretty obvious that you’re avoiding me. Well, I would have done it myself if I was in your shoes.”
“I’m tired, Pamela. I just wanted to go home and be with my daughter. Michelle’s waiting for me” I uttered without looking back at her.
“You looked at me when I’m talking to you, Penelope. Have a little decency in you, if you still have some, to face someone when you’re talking to them” She said authoritatively, her words screams sarcasm and are filled with charred rudeness.
I did what I was told and faced the shadow I aimed for years to become. My heart was beating rapidly, I could literally hear its loud thumping as I came face to face at the woman I envied all these years.
She was a few inches taller than me, carrying herself with grace and poise like a true model her profession was. Her movements are fluid, exuding confidence and elegance. The balanced proportion of her expressive emerald eyes, proud slimmed nose and well-defined lips contribute a very appealing face. The smooth and blemish-free skin she always has, the hourglass figure at that well-toned body was too beautiful not to be noticed.
Having years of living in the city as a fashion model made her a vision of a goddess, no woman will not envy her. She was every man’s dream girl. Any man would be more than willing to die just to have her. She was picture perfect, like a Barbie doll come to life. The exact opposite of me.
“Tell me whatever it is that you wanted to say. It’s late and I really need to go.”
She stared at me with the same amount of disgust as she did six years ago, taking her time to eye me from head to foot. Her eyes bore those limitless accusations and undying wrath, telling me how little I am compared to her, as her perfectly plucked eyebrow arched with pride and glory. Her lips curved mischievously as she folded her arms in front of her.
Then with a speed of light, like a thunderbolt striking out of nowhere and catching me off guard, a hard slap from her landed straight on my cheek. I was taken aback at her sudden assault, causing me to look at her in shock and rooted on my feet as I felt the burning sensation scorching at my skin.
“That slap was way long overdue. I should have done that six years ago. Lucky for you I was too emotionally disturbed that time, or you could have experienced worse than what I did now” She splattered evilly with a sneer.
I summoned all the strength remaining inside of me. Willed myself to stand on my ground firmly and faced her hell-bent on, undaunted by her and stouthearted. I flashed an unswerving and adamant smile, showing her who I have become over the years.
“Alright, so are you happy now? Are you done? Because if you are, then there’s no more reason to prolong my stay here and waste my precious time on something of no importance” My words were as precise and fierce as hers, looking her straight in the eye and not an inch afraid of her anymore.
Gone was the old Penelope who would tremble and crumple at her feet, who would cowardly back down at instances like these. The old Penelope, the one they knew well enough who was weakling and fragile, was dead. She no longer exists.
“The nerve of you to talk to me like after all the haughtiness and abomination you did? I would be ashamed if I were you.”
“Well unfortunately, Pamela, I am not you.”
Another hard and solid blow hit my cheek as she furiously stared at me. Her eyes scorched with burning coals intended to devour every inch of me. I gazed back at her with a steady stance, caring less of the pain she inflicted on me physically. I had experienced a lot more excruciating pain than her physical assaults, so none of this matters to me anymore.
“How dare you!”
“Spill the beans, Pamela. Stop wasting both of our time and just get on with it” I replied venomously, not blinking an inch.
“Now that I’m back, I don’t have plans to disappear any time soon. But if I do, I’ll be bringing something with me at home. You had your fair share with him for the past six years. I just lent him to you, Penelope. You were just a caretaker, and now that the real owner is back, it's highly appropriate to take back what truly belongs to me. I am taking what’s rightfully mine. I am taking my Michael back.”