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Chapter 5: The old wounds has gone

Feeling helpless, Mariam decided to leave her old life behind and start anew. She left her country, Klympog, for the United States, hoping to build a new life for herself and her unborn child.

Mariam Reyes stared out the window of the plane, watching as the city she once called home slowly disappeared. Her heart ached with a mixture of sorrow and resolve. The events of the past months had torn her life apart, but as she left Klympog behind, she vowed to rebuild herself stronger than ever.

She had severed all ties with her past, including her father and her once-beloved company. After telling Marcelino about her pregnancy and throwing away her phone, she had booked a one-way ticket to the United States, determined to start anew. But as the memories of her former life flooded her mind, tears streamed down her face. Each tear was a reminder of the betrayal and pain she had endured.

As the plane ascended, Mariam whispered to herself, "I will come back. I will be stronger, wealthier, and I will make them all regret what they did to me."

The decision to leave had not been easy, but it was necessary. She needed to escape the shadows of her past to protect her unborn child and give them a chance at a better future. In the United States, she hoped to find a new beginning, far from the pain and betrayal that haunted her.

Upon arriving in New York City, Mariam felt a mixture of fear and excitement. The city was vast and bustling, a stark contrast to the life she had left behind. She had little more than her savings and a determination to succeed, but she was resolved to build a new life for herself and her child.

She found a modest apartment in a quiet neighborhood and began the arduous task of rebuilding her career from scratch. In the USA, Mariam struggled at first. She found a small apartment in New York City, far from the luxury she was used to. She took up odd jobs to support herself, working as a waitress, a cashier, and even a cleaner. Each day was a battle, but her determination and resilience kept her going.

The initial months were harsh, but she was driven by the need to provide for her unborn child.

Mariam decided to change her name to Angelic Emperial to symbolize her new beginning. She enrolled in a business management course, attending classes at night while working during the day.

Her intelligence and work ethic quickly caught the attention of her professors and peers. Despite the sleepless nights and endless struggles, she excelled in her studies.

One evening, as she walked home from class, she remembered the lavish office she once had at Reyes Architectural Solutions. She recalled a particular day when she was ten years old. Her father had taken her to his office, showing her the ropes of the family business. They shared a moment of genuine joy as he explained the architectural models and blueprints. That memory now felt like a lifetime ago.

Drawing on her expertise in architecture, she reached out to various firms and clients, offering her services as a freelance consultant. It was a struggle at first, but her talent and determination soon caught the attention of a few key players in the industry.

Mariam poured her heart and soul into her work, driven by the desire to prove herself and secure a future for her child. As the months passed, her reputation grew, and she began to attract more clients. She worked tirelessly, often late into the night, but the effort was paying off.

Meanwhile, back in Klympog, Marcelino was wracked with guilt and regret. He had returned to the city, desperate to find Mariam and make amends for his mistakes. When he discovered that she had been kicked out by her father and cut off from her company, his heart sank. He tried to track her down, but it was as if she had vanished into thin air.

Marcelino reached out to mutual friends and contacts, hoping for any clue about her whereabouts, but no one knew where she had gone. The more he searched, the more desperate he became. The weight of his actions pressed heavily on his conscience, and he couldn't escape the gnawing fear that he had lost her forever.

He often found himself standing outside Reyes Architectural Solutions, staring up at the building where they had once worked together. The memories of their shared dreams and ambitions haunted him, and the realization that he was to blame for her disappearance was a constant torment.

Marcelino's thoughts were consumed by Mariam and the child she was carrying. He wanted to be a part of their lives, to take responsibility and make things right, but without knowing where she was, he felt powerless. Each passing day deepened his regret and longing.

In New York, Mariam continued to build her new life. She made connections with other professionals, attended industry events, and slowly began to carve out a niche for herself in the competitive world of architecture. Her hard work was paying off, and she started to see the fruits of her labor.

But the pain of her past lingered. There were nights when she would lie awake, her mind racing with memories of her father’s betrayal and Marcelino’s infidelity. The hurt was a constant companion, but it also fueled her determination. She was resolved to prove to herself and to the world that she could overcome anything.

One evening, as she sat in her apartment working on a new project, she felt the baby kick for the first time. The sensation filled her with a mix of emotions—joy, wonder, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility. She placed a hand on her belly, feeling the life growing inside her.

"We’re going to be okay," she whispered. "I promise you that."

The months continued to pass, and Mariam’s belly grew along with her success. She secured a major contract with a prestigious firm, a turning point in her career. The recognition and financial stability were milestones she had worked tirelessly to achieve, and they brought her a sense of validation and pride.

Despite her professional accomplishments, the loneliness and longing for connection were ever-present. She missed her friends, her old life, and the sense of belonging she once had. She wondered if she would ever find a place where she truly felt at home again.

Back in Klympog, Marcelino’s search for Mariam had reached a dead end. He had exhausted every lead, and the sense of helplessness weighed heavily on him. He threw himself into his work, hoping to numb the pain, but nothing could fill the void left by her absence.

Marcelino’s nights were restless, filled with dreams of Mariam and their unborn child. He imagined what it would be like to hold them, to be a part of their lives, and the thought of never having that chance was unbearable. He knew he had made mistakes, but he was determined to make amends, no matter how long it took.

As Mariam approached the final months of her pregnancy, she found herself reflecting on her journey. She had come a long way from the woman who had been betrayed and cast out. She had built a new life for herself, one that was filled with promise and hope.

One evening, as she sat by the window, watching the city lights below, she felt a sense of peace. She placed a hand on her belly, feeling the gentle movements of her baby.

"We’ve made it this far," she whispered. "And we’ll keep going. We’ll build a life filled with love and happiness."

Mariam knew that her journey was far from over. There would be challenges ahead, but she was ready to face them with the same strength and determination that had brought her this far. She was no longer the woman who had been broken by betrayal; she was a survivor, a fighter, and a mother.

As she looked out over the city, her heart filled with a sense of possibility, she knew that she was ready for whatever came next. She would continue to build her future, one step at a time, and one day, she would return to Klympog, not as the woman who had been cast out, but as someone who had risen above it all.

Mariam’s story was one of resilience and strength, a testament to the power of determination and the ability to overcome adversity. She had found a new beginning, and she was ready to embrace it with open arms.

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