CHAPTER 7 - Equal Attraction
While the cold wind caressed his mad yet handsome face, Alpha King Dantes’ thought is bemused
How would a she wolf just ran out like that without checking first within the four walls of her little brain, what she was getting herself into, by doing so? She escaped after being chosen as the new Alpha's breeder, something that other she-wolves eagerly wanted.
It was even a choice that came not only out of the Moon Goddess' will but more so from his order as the Alpha King! He could not comprehend how this Zeta She-wolf thinks. Besides, she did not even wait to know who could be the first Alpha to lie down to her.
“What a pity, or may I say disgust for this Zeta She-wolf to escape not even thinking that the first Alpha coming to her that next night could be her fate, her destiny!” he thought shaking his head.
“Alpha King Dantes, are you alright?” his Beta asked as he approached him.
“Are we nearing now to the Rogue’s Island?” Alpha King Dantes asked, instead of answering his Beta’s question. He thought of such question as immaterial. Who could be fine in this kind of situation?
“Maybe twenty minutes more, Alpha King Dantes,” Beta Manro replied while his eyes traveled into the vastness of the ocean. From afar he could see a bit of light on their target island.
“That Zeta She-wolf is too brave to even think of swimming this whole stretch of the sea just to escape. I am even thinking if she is still alive or have drowned already,” Alpha King Dantes, said as he put on his two hands on the front handrail of the ship and like Beta Manro, cast his eyes into the immensity of the sea.
Beta Manro chuckled.“She is such one hell of a kind She-wolf, my Alpha King. Remember why I chose her that night? I was intrigue why on earth while all of her companions ran to catch the spotlight, she was on the other side rolling away from it. I thought she wanted to get the attention of whoever is maneuvering the spot light. I thought it was her way to be noticed and chosen as the new Alpha’s breeder.I should have known better,”he said shaking his head, his voice with regrets.
“Actually, you just made the great choice. We need to find her and bring her back where she rightly belongs.” Alpha King Dantes inhaled deeply wanting to feel the presence of their fugitive brave Zeta She-wolf.
Nodding but somehow wondering why their great Alpha King seemed so interested about the new Alpha’s breeder, Beta Manro, glanced at him and was then in his calculating thoughts thereafter remembering what transpired before the news on the escape of the the new Alpha’s Breeder.
Seemingly in her most interested look, Andreitte reiterated her query to the famous rogue Alpha. “Alpha Branden, what is that only solution you are thinking about?”
In a fleeting second, the rogue Alpha batted his eyes as he looked into the curious deep mesmerizing brown eyes of his found she-wolf. He felt drowning more into her charisma the longer he delved his eyes more into her eyes.
“Do you find me attractive enough, Andreitte?” instead of answering her question he retorted with posing a question too. A question that brought creases into her refined forehead.
“Why? But of course, who wouldn’t? Andreitte replied with a knowing look now. She could sense where this talk is going.
Alpha Branden releases a breathe of relief as his eyes gazed at her with a lit of attraction. “I found you so brave, beautiful and indeed alluring, Andreitte and I am relieved to know that you found me attractive enough. We have an equal attraction with each other.”
“Alpha Branden, I don’t want to assume, but please tell me straight what it is in your mind now,” she asked with mixed feelings. Would she be happy knowing that this handsome rogue Alpha is attracted to her or fear that she might end up being his mistress?
“Let us say, this is something that will benefit us both. We can start with this feeling that we are both attracted with each other and we will go by. Be my Luna, Andreitte,” he said it as natural as he could be but it did not came so naturally to her. It made he eyes to grow wide and her heart thumping wild with disbelief.
“I . . . I am confused, Alpha Branden. Please give me sometime to think,” she said, with confusion now overwhelming the beauty innate to her face. She wanted to find her mate, no matter who he is. Being a Luna to an Alpha she is attracted somehow but she knows deep inside not to be her mate is quite an overwhelming situation for her.
“Just think that at least, you will only be having one Alpha and it would be me, Andreitte. The Alpha King cannot insist on forcing you to continue as the Alpha’s breeder, once I told him, you are my mate and Luna. Put that as your number one consideration as you contemplate for your decision, Andreitte.” His voice was melodious drifting Andreitte’s mind in molding another tough decision in her life again, favorable to both of them, as he said so.
They were in that moment of eyeing and drowning each other into their own natural charm and attractions when Alpha Branden’s Beta came rushing in the room.
“Alpha Branden, please come and see. A big light, which we could guess, coming from a ship, is coming nearer and nearer into the island,” he announced with quiver on his tone.
Unceremoniously, Alpha Branden stood up and hurriedly walked out of the room. His every stride was wide and forceful until he reached the bay.
“Son of a gun! We need to be ready now,” he cursed knowing that a battle is about to begin because of the newly chosen Alpha’s breeder inside his room.