27- Low of love


“If you think you can come ruin my night and then expect me to come looking for you, you are sorely mistaken,” Samantha thought, determination in her eyes.

Every laugh shared with her friends was a reminder to herself that she could be

independent and strong. She would not allow Cris the luxury of taking up a prominent place

in her night.

Deep down, however, Samantha knew that the facade of indifference

did not completely eliminate the discomfort she felt. Revenge, even if

momentary, could not fill the void that the confrontation with Cris had left in her


The night progressed, and Samantha remained focused on her game of distance, hoping

that every minute without a response from her would affect Cris in some way. Despite his efforts to show strength, the truth was that the gap between them was widening, and uncertainty about the future of their relationship hung in the air of the bar. Revenge was becoming a double-edged sword, and Samantha, while trying to demonstrate her power, found herself dealing with the fragility of her own emotions.

At the party

Cris arrived at the party with a mix of emotions ranging from discomfort to anxiety. The music was vibrating in the air, the lights were flashing, and the energy of the crowd was filling the air. Even though he was surrounded by people having fun, Cris couldn't shake the tension.

In an attempt to find some distraction, he pulled out his phone and dialed Alessandro's number. The call rang several times, but there was no answer. The feeling of loneliness and bewilderment took over him.

— Where is Alessandro when I need him the most? — Cris thought as he stared at his phone screen.

He decided to leave him a message, trying to hide the frustration he felt:

— Hey Alessandro, where are you? I got to the party, and things are a little

strange. I need your support here. Call me when you can. —

While waiting for a response, Cris scanned the party for familiar faces. The

music was ringing in his ears, but his thoughts were far from the celebration. Every

laughter and conversation around him seemed distant, as if he was trapped in a

bubble of disconnection.

Eventually, Alessandro called him back. The connection was weak, and the

conversation would occasionally drop out.

— Cris, bro, I'm sorry I can't be there. Something unexpected and urgent came up that I

need to take care of. I promise I'll fix it and be with you as soon as I can. —

— Alessandro, I need to talk to you. This thing with Samantha is getting complicated, and I feel like everything is falling apart.

Cris's voice revealed the urgency and frustration he was experiencing. Alessandro, from the other end of the line, tried to reassure him:

— Cris, I understand that things are difficult, but I'm sure you'll find a solution. Don't worry about the party, take care of what you need. We'll talk later.

The call ended abruptly, leaving Cris with a feeling of bewilderment. The party continued around him, but he felt like a distant observer, unable to immerse himself in the fun. The confrontation with Samantha, Alessandro's absence, and Jade's persistent presence in his thoughts created an emotional whirlwind.

Cris decided to step outside to get some fresh air and clear his thoughts. As he stood on the balcony, looking up at the stars in the night, he wondered how he had gotten to this point. The feeling of being trapped in an emotional labyrinth enveloped him, and the need for clarity became more pressing. The music continued to play in the distance, but Cris felt oblivious to the celebration. The night, which promised to be an escape from tensions, became a palpable reminder of the challenges he faced in his relationships. The night progressed and Cris, with a piña colada in hand, watched the flow of the party. The flickering lights created a festive atmosphere, but his attention was diverted when he saw Jade in the distance. She was wearing a white dress that highlighted her elegance and highlighted her figure. The sparkle of light in her hair created a magical aura around her. Cris was momentarily mesmerized by the image of Jade. The background music

seemed to fade as his eyes met the enigmatic presence that

had occupied his thoughts since the beach party. Indecision took hold of him,

unsure whether he should approach or simply observe from a distance.

In his mind, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions raged. He remembered the spark

that arose at the previous party, the fleeting connection that seemed to want to resurface. But, at the same

time, the complications in his relationship with Samantha kept him in a state of

constant confusion.

As Cris watched, he was still in a state of constant


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