38- Enjoy the beach
Because it is complicated? Alex asked. Well, for starters... I think he hates me, Daniel said. “She doesn't hate you,” Alex assured him.
No? Daniel seemed hopeful. How do you know?
“If she hated you, you wouldn't be in this car,” Alex said. She wouldn't even let you near her car if she hated you. And you would know it. Seila can be a witch when she wants.
So what problem does she have with me? Daniel asked.
“I have no idea,” Alex said. I don't know anything about your "complicated" relationship. But Seila is not very into dating boys.
Daniel gave a heavy sigh when he heard that.
Yes, that has made me understand. He turned to Alex. Is she burned out by some previous relationship, or something?
No I dont think so. It's just that she... Álex paused, thinking. Do you know how crazy Mia being lost is driving her?
“Well, she would be like that if we had missed Yryhnna, or me, or her father,” Alex said. Well, maybe not so much for me or Yryhnna, but she would do everything she could to find us. She feels like she has to take care of everyone. And as much as she loves Mia and her friends, I think she sees a boyfriend as another person she would have to take care of, and she thinks she doesn't have time for that.
But I don't want her to take care of me, Daniel said. In any case, what I want is to take care of her.
“Seila doesn't work like that,” said Álex. If she wasn't worrying about everyone and trying to make sure everything was okay, she wouldn't know what to do with herself.
So I won't be able to change his mind? Daniel asked.
"It's incredibly difficult to get Seila to change her mind," Alex admitted. What I'm telling you is that I have never dated her, and I have no idea what I would have to do to achieve it. He let out a deep sigh. Hell, I don't even know how to date my own girlfriend.
"I don't know," Daniel said. I got the impression that you were doing quite well. Mia seemed delighted with you. If she hadn't turned into a strange mythological creature, I'm sure she would do better than just fine.
And that's how she goes, said Álex. I have a hard enough time dating girls, and now I have to figure out how she dates a mermaid. So I won't be able to change her mind? Daniel asked.
"It's incredibly difficult to get Seila to change her mind," Alex admitted. What I'm telling you is that I have never dated her, and I have no idea what I would have to do to achieve it. She let out a deep sigh. Hell, I don't even know how to date my own girlfriend.
"I don't know," Daniel said. He gave me the impression that you were doing quite well. Mia seemed delighted with you. If she hadn't turned into a strange mythological creature, I'm sure she would do better than just fine.
And that's how it goes for me, said Álex. I have a hard enough time dating girls, and now I have to figure out how to date a mermaid.
“Sorry, buddy,” Daniel said, laughing a little. But if there is someone capable of
get through it, I'm sure that's you.
Thank you. “You really know how to cheer people up,” said Álex, laughing too. “Delighted,” Daniel said. By the way, is there a long way to go?
Hum... Álex looked at the map. I think we're almost at Myrtle Beach, and
then it will be about seventy kilometers. We are already getting closer.
Silence followed, and Seila felt guilty for how she had treated Daniel. She didn't want to stop seeing him, but she wondered if she was being fair to him.
She eventually fell asleep again, while she debated what she should do about Daniel. Álex woke her up when they finally arrived at the town. It was beginning to lighten with the first morning sun, and Seila stretched in her back seat.
“Stay close to the beach,” she told Daniel. She let him drive, as she preferred to look and explore the area. They are probably hanging out in a house next to the beach.
And how will we realize it when we find it? Daniel asked. Don't know. Seila shook her head. We will have to be attentive in case we see the girls directly. We may not find her house, but we may see them on the beach or in the water.
They also have that song, Alex pointed out. We should be attentive in case we hear it.
They spent a long time driving around in the car, frustration setting in the longer the search went on. They ended up leaving the town, skirting the coast, as the sun rose higher in the sky.
Stop! Seila suddenly shouted, and Daniel stopped suddenly.
You see them? Alex asked, raising his neck from his seat.
161Stay close to the beach, he told Daniel. She let him drive, as he preferred to watch and explore the area. They are probably hanging out in a house next to the beach.
And how will we know when we find it? Daniel asked. Don't know. Seila shook her head. We will have to be attentive in case we see the girls directly