41- Good smile

Talking about love for mermaids is the language of the soul, it is the nature of the sea, if you silence her love for the convenience of satisfying your man's ego, you will slowly kill her. And while she wipes away her tears you will move on to your next victim, please avoid harming her.

She has been warned, because Mia has a strong connection with all timelines and although she does not fully understand what is going to happen in the future, she understands two things: she feels a deep desire to get close to you, hug you and never walk away. ; She feels a deep rejection towards you because she knows that in the future she will cause her serious harm. If you change that line here and now and choose to be hers, her savior and her protector, you must not mix with her and her bodies must not join. But if her bodies join together and the exchange of energy occurs, you must take care of her energy, because it is sacred and she, and hers, guides her and I her, we will never forgive you for discrediting, spitting or You break her pure soul. Karmic justice will descend from the heavens and they will be brought to judgment, or the angels of the moon and the Goddess Isis will bless them so that they can love each other. Now you know, and you can choose.

At that moment a sound coming from the kitchen made me turn my face and I saw the silhouette of a beautiful woman, blonde dressed in a skirt and a fabric strap, with her shoulders covered by short, billowing sleeves that wrapped around her delicate shoulders and collarbones. , highlighting the shine of your skin. She stared at the werewolf in front of her, and I opened my eyes suddenly, finding myself on the plane.

Yryhnna was now on her way to the Island where her sister was living a fantastic romantic adventure because of what the birds had told her. Her events were a confusing nebula, when she tried to remember, although she remembered that a huge desire strongly urged her towards where her ghostly song came from. Mathias had helped keep her from diving into the ocean, as Theodor had, but that was all she remembered until they returned to the yacht. -Did you swim to the island? she asked Yryhnna, aware that she might have done it. -I think so. --I guess not very well. -Theodor shrugged his shoulders and she noticed that she had a worried expression, possibly there was no new news of the sea search for her mermaid sisters, perhaps because of whatever had happened the night before, Oceania was in alert-. Very sad and confused. She asked me about Isis, but I told her I don't know where she is. She had wanted to call Theodor to ask if she understood what had happened to Isis. But he had beaten her to it. The truth was that none of them were clear at all. -So where is your sister Mia? -Theodor asked him directly. -I have no idea. Yryhnna shook her head and sat on the gold-decorated furniture in front of the royal throne.

  • I don't even know which version of events to listen to, father.

-I almost don't remember what they were like. She-she frowned as she tried to think. Last night is a strange cloud of blurry images and every time I try to remember it makes less sense. I just don't understand why Mía decided to stay on the yacht and not fight, it's strange, as if a strange force had called her to stay there. She is so sensitive that only by talking to Mia will I get the answers.

"Maybe it's because you hit your head," Theodor said to Yryhnna. Theodor seemed to think about it for a minute. Then he said: -When you entered the sea you hit your head on a fence that the mermaid hunters placed in the sea, but the young human you were on the boat with helped you.

-His name is Mathias Sr.

  • Then Alan swam there and shot down every threat.

-He always saves me at the right moment - Yryhnna said.

  • No, I do not think so. I remember everything clearly until the song started. I believe Father that it was the song, it is a spell of the Syrens to forget, as powerful as Seila's song. But this song had a different effect. Maybe because of that song, Mía didn't leave the yacht.

Yryhnna had forgotten the song until Theodor mentioned it. She didn't remember the words, but the melody loomed in her mind like a half-forgotten dream. In reality, Yryhnna couldn't remember much either from the time they were on the boat until they swam to the cove. The events were a confusing nebula, although she remembered that a huge desire strongly urged her towards where the ghostly song came from. When they reached land Mathias and Edgar had helped prevent her from submerging into the ocean, as Theodor had said, the mermaids swam as if hypnotized and threw themselves into the sea, but that was all she remembered until they returned to the yacht. -Did you swim to the island? -her father asked Yryhnna, aware that he might have done it. -I think so.

Yryhnna, Seila and Mia, the three pretty girls were there and..., and also the Goddess...Isis. She kissed me...-she swallowed hard. -Do you remember the creature? -Yryhnna asked. -The beautiful goddess who had a bird on her head? Theodor asked her, and she nodded.

That's what it was? A bird on her head? "More like a bird sleeping under a throne," Yryhnna tried to explain. But then she changed and faced a Syren, that's when she transformed into Rossy.

19 appearance of the Goddess

-So those pretty girls are beings that transform into other beings? – Mathias asked, looking intently at my fatherTheodor. Because they also turned into fish, didn't they?

The mermaids of Isis and the girls who turned into fish and swam away, right? They are mermaids, mermaids of pure blood

The other girls who turned into monster birds are Syrens.

"Syrens look like Mermaids, until they're not, then they become half-bird, half-fish," Yryhnna corrected him.

-All this is so crazy... –said Mathias –Good mermaids against bad mermaids, vampires against good mermaids.

  • Werewolves supporting mermaids - Theodor said dryly in a low voice, almost to himself; then he looked up at Yryhnna and her dark brown eyes, almost as black as those of her daughter, Mine, locked on Yryhnna's.

  • Daughter... I know it's a stupid question, but I have to ask you. It's not like the Goddess Isis has always been a... mermaid or something, right? Isn't this some family curse, like an inheritance among the blood of my mermaid daughters?

-No. "Father, it is only our sister who is chosen." Yryhnna smiled at her.

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