42- Purification of pure

Purification of thoughts or negative actions that attract evil spirits or call upon the seven deadly sins.

717.3 Exchange of Sexual Energy during intimate relationships.

This exchange of sexual energy is a personal path where one will always work with the kundalini energy, the two snakes that ascend both in men and women throughout their bodies, seeking their purification and love to grow.

Intimate exchanges will always be blessed by the Goddesses of the priestess's preference, and some angel or God that is desired to be called upon, fairies or sirens depending on the location and nature of the encounter.

For this exchange to occur, the following must be taken into account:

  1. To give the Goddess such connection and ask for protection of the heart and purification of the body and soul for both man and woman.

  2. To give to the Goddess Hathor, protector and Goddess of love, such connection to protect the soul, mind, and heart of the priestess, ensuring her purity of feelings and not allowing elements of hatred or evil to enter, asking for Hathor's blessing to always transmute everything towards love and sacred protection in the man and in the woman.

  3. Gratitude for the moment, to expand the fullness of feeling.

  4. Guidance from the sex angel for healing, enjoyment, fullness, and protection from psychic attacks.

  5. Opening portals to anchor special moments in the priestess's memory or her sacred male partner to send messages through different timelines, remembering that moment of sexual energy exchange. These portals will open by calling upon various angels from ascended dimensions or parallel worlds.

  6. Sacred orgasm in women is mandatory, she must guide her man until they both have full sexual intercourse. Only when the priestess is ready and receives permission from her Goddesses can she access the female sacred orgasm in the company of her partner, as it is a moment of purification and vulnerability where she must feel completely safe and in love, and her guides must ensure that he reciprocates.

  7. Orgasm in men is mandatory, the priestess will be guided in tantric and sexual practices to provide pleasure and satisfaction to her male partner without being subjected to submission or power dominance roles.

  8. Games or practices of power dominance, submission cannot be performed as the priestess suffers psychological attack and disturbance of her sexual energy, personal energy and the chi or vital force in the man and the woman must be respected and cared for.

  9. Both sacred feminine and sacred masculine sexes commit to respecting the chi of their partner without engaging in practices or dialogues where one's power is subjected to the other's dominance, respecting personal power, independence, and trust of the other person as they are the basis of self-love and self-esteem and sexual energy must be taken care of, not harmed or subjected to external forces, as at that moment bewitchment occurs, and one could subdue or bewitch the partner, therefore it is not allowed to misuse one's own or others' sexual energy to perform black magic or create relationships of dependency that disturb the inner harmony of the person.

  10. Insults, affronts, or grievances to the body are not allowed, as it would be acting under words of demons, one must bless, worship, love, and admire the body, the whole body entirely. By the blessing and energy of Aphrodite, Goddess of Venus, the body must be deeply appreciated, kissed and cared for, mistreatment, harm or harboring any impurity or demon in one's own body or that of one's partner is not allowed, only celestial energies and messages from divinity.

  11. Self-love and healing exercises in sexual energy contacts must be carried out at least once a week, aimed at healing through the blessing of Mother Kuan Ying, the body of arrows or darts or bewitchments, thrown through sexual contacts of the past that disturb the inner harmony. Additionally, self-love exercises through the Goddess Hathor and the God Horus, to strengthen inner strength and personal power in both practitioners.

  12. Alchemy or sacred magic exercises at least once a month, through thought, word, and the vibration of the Gods Ra and Thot in sexual energy exchanges.

  13. Quantum music and love affirmations must be sought at meetings so that souls ascend in harmony and connect with their kundalini energy ascension. Dance, sexual elements, and toys can be integrated as long as the other guidelines are respected.

  14. Goddess Athena is a protective goddess of the auras of priestesses and men of Light, Goddess Athena being a virgin goddess earns respect and love from men with devotion, honesty, and virtuous behavior. The man must ask for the blessing of Goddess Athena for 15 days before the sexual encounter with the priestess, as Goddess Athena is very cautious with the men she allows near the priestess. (Read Goddess Athena ritual to bless the aura and mind of the man, prior to the Sacred Sexual Magic of Isis).

  15. "You are always healed, and protected, you are loved by divinity." Athena's mantra to repeat 15 times during sexual encounters.

  16. The man's semen must be appreciated and loved by the priestess when she is in love with her sacred male partner. The priestess's menstrual blood must be appreciated by her man as a source of fertility, life, and creativity. It is recommended to avoid contact with semen and menstrual blood during the first six months to maintain a pure and genuine feeling that grows over time without the need to rush the course of the connection, as body fluids carry a very strong power and on a physical level, bodies fall in love more quickly, space must be given and respect must be given to the knowledge of soul to soul, before making the body-to-body marriage.

  17. Hathor's mirror must be used with love, peace, and a dialogue of gratitude and harmony in sexual encounters. Only when the priestess wishes to share the magic of Hathor with her mirror and sistra can she call upon the GODDESS to assist her with these rituals. The sacred waters of Isis must always be used for the protection of the soul, spirit, and aura and activate the light bodies inside the man and the woman. Baptisms with the Waters of Isis can be performed from the first sexual encounter and whenever both individuals desire it.

717.2 Penetration practices.

717.3 Life Goals practices as Sacred Feminine, Sacred Masculine couple in everyday life.

717.4 Evaluation before the exchange of sexual energy.

717.5 Ritual of the Goddess Athena to bless the aura and mind of the man.

717.6 Ritual of the Goddess Hathor to bless the soul and body of the man.

717.7 Ritual of the Goddess Isis and the God Osiris to bless the sacred feminine and masculine in the man and the woman and purify their bodies through initiation in magic.

"Ok Jade you can stop reading" said Jhan smiling from ear to ear.

" But it's important Jhan. I firmly believe all what there says"

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