The hotel room door suddenly opens, before I can reach the cell phone in my bag, all the words I intended to say to the app guy are trapped inside my mouth. I wouldn't dare say anything with… that looking at me. He's measuring me from top to bottom.
A strong shiver runs down my spine and makes every muscle tense. My body responds to his presence as if I were seeing a predator, increasing my blood flow and heart rate.
He has brown hair, straight, practically shining and styled in an untidy way. His skin is tanned and sprinkled with a few freckles, especially on his nose, as if he spent the day sunbathing. His lips are full and an inviting, seductive burnt pink.
The being wears black tailored pants on his long legs and a white dress shirt on his muscular torso, but which is a little more open than indicated. He also has what appears to be a pair of black gloves on his hands, as his palms are very dark compared to his skin tone.
His eyes are clear, but I can't say the color exactly, because he must have at least two meters of a slender and powerful body, which is too far for me to say exactly the tone of his pupils, since I'm here below, with my 1.60m.
However, I must warn you that the two meters are only counting up to the head, because adding the dark horns that are slightly twisted upwards, yes, he has HORNS, it must be about two and twenty meters. And he also has a tail, as if he were a demon, with an arrow-shaped tip and everything. In addition to ears, with some piercings piercing the cartilage!
He dresses like a man, looks a lot like a man, a very handsome one. More than beautiful, in fact, since that is a very simple compliment for the size of her strangeness and beauty. But there are additional parts that I'm sure shouldn't be there.
— Hmm… — he makes a thick noise in his throat, still evaluating me with a feline look, and every hair on the back of my neck stands up.I need to run out of here now.—Finally they found one of you that's good enough, and that smells... — He sucks in a good breath of air and makes a noise in his chest that resembles that of an animal, a soft growl that vibrates through every cell in my body.
- Very good. The aroma of your fear is very sweet.
The being moves and he is very comfortable in his skin, like a panther, and his dark tail is raised, swaying from side to side carelessly.
— Now come here, little human — he orders, in a masculine voice. authoritarian, hoarse. The sound is human, but there is something at the end of each word that betrays its non-humanity. Something deeper, rougher. — I will evaluate you closely. — He pats me twice, as if he wants me to sit on his lap, which is absurd.
I've never sat on someone's lap, not as an adult, I don't know anyone who could stand me. Butperhapshe can. Not himfor sure can do it, it's big enough for that.
— And you better not run... This hotel doesn't have space for that guy as a joke, we would make too much of a mess — he threatens and, like magic, his eyes turn bright yellow. No pupils, no division at all, just pure yellow.
And then the light disappears, as if it had never appeared there.