Damn, that was all weird
I spend the entire short meeting at the Dark Elf mansion forcing myself to pay attention to their conversation, without letting my eyes wander too much, even though it's difficult. The smell is earthy and different, and my surroundings are eye-catching enough to occupy a good part of my mind. In addition to the high chance that something with horns and a tail could appear at any second.
The employee who helped us is an intermediary called Isabella who seems to know a lot about the Dark Elves. She was very careful with her words, not revealing more than necessary.
For now, the elf family still doesn't have many demands, just that we keep an eye out to suppress any topic that dares to enter the mainstream media and involves their name. We are responsible for legal measures.
Every time Wesley tried to find out exactly what we were being hired to do, Isabella just beat around the bush. We don't even know if the things they want are legal, which they certainly shouldn't be.
When I started working at the firm, I had no idea that there were so many loopholes in the laws and so many instructions that lawyers could give so that, if clients paid well enough, they could get away with it.
Isabella also mentioned the Dark Elf heritage, handed over some papers showing properties and gave a list of names of family members who could contact us at any time, even assuring that she would always be the one to call us.
— For now, what we need is for you to be at our disposal twenty four hours a day. We want your office's full attention to family problems and you can be sure that you will be very well paid, if you know how to maintain a low profile, of course — he says this, standing up, which means the conversation is finally over.
— Of course, nothing that was said here will be passed on — assures Wesley and twenty minutes later we are outside the mansion, inside the car that brought us, and with our cell phones in hand.
— Damn, that was all weird — Gina complains, arranging her clothes. brown hair in place. She's sitting in the front seat, next to Wesley, who's driving, and I'm in the back, as usual. — You could have asked more. It felt like we were selling our souls to the devil!
— You were there and saw that you couldn't ask much, and Former told me He warned us to accept what they gave us, without exceptions. There isn't much that can be done. — He shrugs, driving smoothly around the mansion.
— But they are very suspicious — Gina continues to complain, while I I wait for my cell phone to receive the messages they sent me in the meantime. He's old, so it takes him a while to get going sometimes.
Oliver sent me some funny videos, my mother asked me how I am and there are some missed calls from an unknown number, which are most likely to be charges.
I open my mother's message to reply that I'm fine, however, I see that someone else is calling me underneath. It's a collections company and they sent a photo of a letter, which after seconds of reading, I realize is an eviction order if I don't pay the fifteen thousand in a week!
How did they shorten our deadline?!
My hands start to shake nervously and I think I'm gagging. I have nowhere to send my mother who has just recovered from cancer. I don't even have money for her ticket here to Red Town, to come and squeeze into Olly's apartment with me.
Not to mention that in addition to this amount, I still owe a lot for her hospital treatment. If anything happens, if you need a new and urgent consultation, there would be no way to do it.
— And you, what did you think of all this, Karina? — Wesley asks suddenly, as soon as I notice that there is a strange icon with some numbers in front flashing on the top of my cell phone.
— What did I think of what? — I stutter and remember now that this icon is from
luxury escort app I signed up for. Someone sent me several messages there.
— From this whole circus. Even you who don't understand any of these things must have
finding the house and Isabella's strange attitude — Gina clarifies sharply, and I can barely concentrate on the lawyer. I'm too stunned.
“Miss Choi, I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to do an interview today at 12:30 p.m.Hotel Fiore Mia.
Please confirm your presence as soon as possible and keep in mind that the position you are applying for is of high importance and confidentiality. Therefore, the payment will be equated to your activities.”
— I… I thought it was weird too — I mutter, since Wesley is in silence waiting for my answer.
According to the clock on my cell phone, it is now noon.
The person who messaged me on the app continued talking a little later.
“The service for which you will be hired does not require sexual involvement, but rather a great level of commitment on the part of you, who will be informed of everything she must do in advance and will be able to refuse. I evaluated her photos on the application and believe she is a strong candidate for the position.
I must inform you that you will receive fifty percent of the amount as soon as you sign the agreement and the other half will be paid when the work is completed.”
Unable to pay attention to anything the two in front of me are saying, I start biting my nails. I need money and the salary I received as a secretary was completely destroyed a few days ago!
My mother must have stability in her delicate condition, as her health could deteriorate at any second. She could become weak and die like my father and that simply cannot be an option. It cannot.
My entire adolescence was hell enough with grieving for one of my parents, so if I lose her, I don't know what will happen to me, what to do next.
But I have a job offer.
So maybe… I have to take a chance on this. Maybe I have to sell myself.
Horrible chills crawl across my skin like little bugs and I start to imagine having to put up with some kind of strange old man touching me, like a prostitute.
Okay, I can't do this and I think I'm going to throw up any second.
My surroundings start to blur, but neither Wesley nor Gina notice that I'm having a panic attack back here as the car glides through the streets.
However, the person in the message said the job “does not require sexual involvement.”,promised to pay FIFTY PERCENT right off the bat, and on top of that, I watched a lot of videos about this specific app that guaranteed that all the people who want to hire through them are deeply researched and serious. They sign terms and have to deliver documentation.
This is the safest application that currently exists. “What is the total value of the work and how long will it take?”
I take the courage to type, just to get an idea, it doesn't mean I'm going to do anything. And as if the person had been waiting for me this whole time, they soon start typing and answer me.
“Twenty-five thousand for one week, where you must be available twenty-four hours a day.”My eyes widen.
Who would consider paying twenty-five thousand reais for a week by my side? What kind of crazy person would do that? Not to mention that… if he's going to pay me 50% of 25 thousand, that's if it's a “him”, I still wouldn't have money for the fifteen thousand in a week.
“Can the amount be increased?”
I question, not even believing that I'm actually doing this. I think I'm going crazy.
“Everything can be negotiated, as long as my boss finds you ideal for the position. Will you confirm your presence at the interview?”
—Wesley? — My voice comes out shaky and strange from my lips. — Do you know theHotel Fiore Mia?
— Yes, I know it, it’s about fifteen minutes from where we are now — he says.
and I stare at the clock. It's now five past noon.
It's only been five minutes since someone offered me the largest amount they've ever considered paying me in one go, and to do a job I have no idea about.
But at least it's not sexual... Isn't it? It is not?!
— Can… leave me there? — My teeth are chattering against each other. another, like I'm really cold, however, it's actually anxiety. — You can leave me therenow? — I repeat and my tone becomes more urgent, as I return to the conversation with the eviction order in a week.
Fifteen thousand in a week or my mother will be out on the street with all the furniture, all the memories of our life and your wedding. It's very absurd to shorten the deadline like that!
- Now? We still have to get back to the office. — Gina arches one eyebrows in a way that I hate, I see in the mirror. It sounds like you're calling me incompetent when you do that. — You still have a lot to do, Karina.
— I… I had an unforeseen event. Please drop me off at the hotel as soon as possible. - All is well then. Fasten your seat belts! — he says and suddenly the car is going much faster on the road, which throws my body back in the seat.
My stomach is a mess now and the cravings only get worse.
— Are you crazy? She still has to fill out the paperwork today! — Gina argues.
— If Karina says it's urgent, then it is — she responds simply, and I even I would spend a little time appreciating your act of chivalry if I weren't so busy making the decision that could change my entire life. “Yes, I'm on my way. Can we meet in the lobby?”