Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2 The Responsibilities a Man Should Bear

Emma and Helen linked arms and kissed each other on the cheek while their husbands exchanged handshakes. In such a materialistic world, the pure friendship between their families, thanks to their kids, was rare and cherished.

"Daniel, call Jane out," Emma said. Reluctantly, Daniel trudged towards Jane's room.The kids knew each other's houses well, so he went straight to her room.

Opening the door, he saw a surprising scene.

The curtains were partly closed, letting in a sliver of light that highlighted Jane's smooth back. Her skin was flawless, with tiny hairs glistening in the sunlight.

Jane heard the door and quickly covered her chest. Her eyes showed fear until she saw Daniel's familiar face, then she blushed.

"Your back's pretty smooth. Keep it up," Daniel said flatly.

"Get out!"

In the living room, both families chuckled at Jane's shout.

Daniel closed the door and returned. Hugh Pitt teased, "Hey, Daniel, see something you shouldn't have? You gotta take responsibility!"

Daniel replied calmly, "What responsibility?"

Hugh said, "You saw the girl's body! What do you think you should do?"

Daniel, already prepared, said, "Well, we saw each other naked at six, running on the beach."

I had just calmed down and walked out of the bedroom when I heard Daniel's response, feeling awkward. I wanted the Pitt family to leave, but that wasn't happening. Before the real trouble hit, our house was still filled with laughter.

The main topic was that promise.

Despite my dad's attempts to avoid it, Emma kept bringing it up loudly. She'd start with, "First of all! I'm not drunk! Next, I want to talk about that promise! Helen, hold your husband down! Make him sit his butt on that chair."

As the drinking continued, Helen held down Ronan, who was about to argue.

"Emma, go ahead! This is our promise."

Emma, hiccuping from the alcohol, said, "Do you acknowledge this promise?"

"Of course! Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Helen responded.

"Good! Then I'll say it. Once the kids graduate, our Daniel will marry Jane! Any objections?"

"I fully support it," Helen replied.

I ignored my mom's "betrayal." This promise between the two best friends was often blocked by my dad, but now, with Hugh's constant toasts, Ronan had no time to deal with it, let alone help me fend off this unwanted marriage talk.

Who knew what the future holds for marriage?

I was used to the ladies' fantasies about me and Daniel. As I watched TV, I felt a surge of heat beside me. Daniel was tense, sitting on the sofa, with veins bulging on his hands.

I knew this was a sign of his extreme anger.

I tried to act relaxed and patted his shoulder, but he shrugged it off immediately. I sensed his rejection. A wave of shock surged through my heart, swiftly followed by profound disappointment.

At the elders' table, the atmosphere was at its peak.

Hugh was loudly discussing the kids' college plans. His voice was commanding and impossible to ignore.

"Daniel! It's settled. You and Jane will apply to Harvard together, and once you graduate, you'll get married! Our families will buy you a house and a car, and you should have a few kids quickly for Emma to take care of."

Helen quickly added, "And me too?"

Hugh said, "Right, have two kids! One for Emma and one for Helen! Did you hear that, you rascal?"

A whisper came from the other side.

Although the elders didn't hear it clearly, every word reached my ears.

"And then? After doing all this, I can willingly die, right?"

That ominous voice sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't even be certain it came from Daniel.

"You little rascal, what are you mumbling about? If you have an opinion, say it out loud. Your voice isn't even as loud as Jane's!" Hugh, after several rounds of drinks, spoke lightly.

Daniel's tall shadow blocked my view, and as he stood up, I finally met his gaze. His deep blue eyes were like ice, with a flicker of fire spreading within. It made me feel both extreme coldness and anger. This was a unique trait of his that no one else could ever make me feel.

"And then? After doing all this, I can willingly die, right?"

This time, his response was louder. I was sure Hugh understood the meaning of his words, but he couldn't believe it.

"What did you say? Say it again," Hugh asked with a frown, as Daniel had never defied him like this.

"I know you never take my calm expressions seriously. You've been waiting, haven't you? Waiting for the day your son can no longer bear your control and roars. That day has come, just as you wished." A roar like a tiger's echoed in the quiet room. "And then? After doing all this, I can willingly die, right?"

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