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Chapter 3 Accomplice

Hugh's authority was challenged, and he knew exactly how to keep control over the family.

Violence was a man's proudest tool and a father's last resort.

Hugh jumped up, stormed into the living room, and slapped Daniel hard. Blood appeared at the corner of Daniel's mouth.

It all happened in ten seconds. When everyone finally reacted, Emma rushed to pull Hugh away, and my parents tried to mediate. I moved closer to Daniel.

Seeing him slapped, my anxiety was obvious. Daniel shunned my solace, aware that the true battle had yet to begin. He gathered his words and challenged Hugh again. "Who gave you the right to control my life?"

"I gave you your life!" Hugh snapped back. "You're just the result of one act between your mother and me!"

"If my life is yours, take it back!" Daniel's eyes were filled with stubbornness, which fascinated me.

"Daniel!" Hugh tried to hit him again, but others quickly stopped him.

"Let him go! I owe him his life, and I'll give it back."

Hugh looked at Daniel, calming down a bit. The others slowly let go.

"I'll count to three. My life is here for you to take! Three, two..."

As the countdown neared, Hugh stood still, not daring to move.

"One! From now on, this life is mine. Listen carefully," Daniel said through gritted teeth.

"Daniel..." I tried to speak, but he turned to me, staring like I was an enemy.

"Especially you."

Confusion filled my heart.

"All my life, you've talked about me and Jane together. Every time, it's that damn promise. I hate it. I've never said I loved Jane or would marry her! I have my own life. I want to choose my college, my lover, and where I live. Everything should be my choice, not yours! And as for you," With a fiery gaze, Daniel declared, "I will never marry you, attend the same college as you, or even like you!"

Time seemed to freeze. I saw the breath that carried Daniel's words. How could such cold words come from such warm lips? His once gentle gaze was now hostile.

But what did I do wrong? I asked myself. I was just a little dependent on him and clung to him.

Since I could walk, I was always with him. His cheerful personality and love for adventure made him the leader among us, like a lion king, and I was the little tail following him. I was happy to be that tail. But now, the lion had bitten off its own tail, and even though it stumbled, it left without looking back.

Daniel made it painfully clear that he didn't belong to me, and I didn't belong to him.

Feeling abandoned, I lashed out.

"Daniel, I might be a bit dependent on you, but that's no reason to humiliate me! This isn't my fault!"

Daniel sneered, "Not your fault? Sure, the words came from their mouths. But you never denied it! What were you doing when I was refuting it over and over again? Or did you enjoy us being paired together? Without your shameless dependence, they wouldn't have thought of matching us up!"


I never expected to hear that from the boy I loved for eighteen years.

It felt like being called a slut, and tears welled up in my eyes.

My tears didn't move Daniel. All I heard was his final word: "Accomplice!"

The argument shifted from Hugh and Daniel to Daniel and me. The elders heard everything. Ronan's face turned serious, Hugh's anger subsided, and Emma looked awkward. My mom, Helen, lowered her head in silence.

Ronan and Helen couldn't stand seeing their child insulted. Helen spoke first, her calm tone revealing her restraint, "Emma, I didn't expect our promise to cause much trouble for your family. Your family's situation has improved over the years. It's my daughter who's reaching too high. So the promise can be nullified."

Emma quickly responded, "Helen, I never thought that way. It's just the kids speaking without thinking! Daniel, apologize to Jane right now!"

Faced with Emma's command, Daniel looked at my tearful face, and his gaze seemed to soften.

The softer his gaze, the harder my heart became!


I wiped away my tears, pretending to be indifferent.

"Never mind. I don't need it! And I won't accept your apology."

Daniel slowly walked towards Hugh, who glared at his son with unspoken anger.

Finally, looking at the mess before him, Ronan, who had been silent for a long time, slowly said, "The party is over. Please leave."

"Ronan," Hugh called out awkwardly.

"Please leave."

"Ronan, it was just thoughtless words!" Emma still tried to salvage the ruined party atmosphere.

In silence, one either exploded or perished.

The usually gentle Ronan roared, "All of you who bullied my daughter, get out!"

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