Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

• Hann •

”You idiot, watch where you’re going.” A girl with long dirty blonde hair yelled, standing up and dusting herself. Abius growled, making me roll my eyes. He was in no position to growl right now. Especially after what had happened earlier.

“Excuse me?” I asked, focusing back on the girl. I wasn’t pleased with the way she had spoken to me. ‘Kill her.’ Abius yelled but I continued to ignore him. I desperately wished there was a way to mute him and get him out of my head. He was very distracting and obsessive at times. I focused back on the girl once more and stared at her, waiting for her response.

“I said, ‘Watch where you’re going.’” She repeated, looking up at me. My eyes widened once she looked up. Silence, her mind blank. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t able to read her thoughts. I continued staring at her, trying to figure out why I wasn’t able to read her. I have never met anyone, especially a human, that was immune to my powers.

“What are you doing?” She questioned, backing away, a disgusted look on her face. Who was this girl? And why wasn’t I able to read her? How come my powers didn’t work on her?

‘You mean my powers.’ I ignored him and stepped closer towards her. I wanted to know why she was different. Was she not human? She smelled like one and her heart beat confirmed that she was. So why was her mind closed off to me? She continued to back away and stopped once she made contact with the brick building behind us.

“Why can’t I read you?” I questioned, maybe I was standing too far. She continued looking at me, her eyes never leaving mine. She showed no fear and I hated that. I was the most feared vampire and yet this weak human girl was standing in front of me, challenging me. Did she think I was some weak human? That I was going to just walk away? No, there was something about her and I needed to find out what it was.

“You need to back away.” She said, her tone low and deadly. She was threatening me, that was actually cute. Abius chuckled inside my head, making me smile as well. ‘Why are we letting her live?’ Abius questioned and I growled annoyed. All he could think about was killing people. I was not interested in killing her, I wanted to know more about her and why her mind was closed off to me.

“Shut up.” I demanded, no longer ignoring him. He was starting to give me a headache. He chuckled instead, adding more to my frustration. I took a deep breath trying to control myself. I couldn’t risk losing control and hurting another human. ‘I do not answer to you.’ Abius answered back.

“Excuse me.” The girl said, offended by my words. Damn it. This was driving me insane. I backed away from her and stayed silent as I dealt with Abius. I couldn’t focus on both of them at the same time.

‘You do, you’re in my body. So, shut your fucking mouth and do as I say.’ He scoffed but obeyed anyway. Good. He knew he wouldn’t survive without my body. In order for both of us to survive he needed to shut up and obey me.

I sighed, turning my attention back to her. She was eyeing me, the look on her face slightly intriguing. She was calm, and she stood her ground in front of me. Who was she? “Who are you?” I finally questioned and she scoffed, the disgusted look back on her face. This time she walked up to me. Surprising me just a tab bit. She clearly wasn’t just an ordinary human.

“None of your business.” She said, inches away. Her features more visible. She had beautiful gray eyes which looked dark from afar and full pink lips. She was beautiful and small. But yet she still stood her ground as if I was nothing. I towered over her and looked down on her. Showing her that I was stronger and more powerful. She looked up, her eyes still on me. Was she really challenging me? ‘Eat her’ Abius said, excitedly.

‘I said shut up.’ I yelled, annoyed. ‘You’ve already caused me to lose control once, I am not going to let you take over again and hurt this innocent girl.’ I told him, making him scoff.

‘She’s far from innocent.’ He said while the girl turned away from me and started walking off. Why was she walking away when I was still speaking to her? I ignored Abius and chased after her. She wasn’t going to get away when I still needed to find out who she was.

“I was not done talking to you.” I told her but she ignored me as she continued walking down the sidewalk. Annoyed, I vamp speeded towards her and grabbed her. She gasped once I pushed her against the wall. She looked at me, her eyes wide from shock.

“You’re a vampire.”

• Cassia •

I wasn’t able to sleep, my thoughts stuck on last night. The moment I had realized what he was, he released me and disappeared. Just like that, he was gone. I didn’t understand why, I wanted to tell Kevin but at the same time I didn’t know what to tell him. Vampires weren’t allowed in the human world, just like humans weren’t allowed in their world.

Humans weren’t aware of their existence, that was why the rules were made. Only the vampire hunters knew and only a few of them existed. Kevin’s family used to be vampire hunters and then the knowledge was passed on to him so he could take over. He came from the same blood line that had defeated the vampires long ago. The only reason I was a hunter was because he recruited me to become one. I was no where close to how fast and strong he was. They had special abilities that an ordinary human wouldn’t have, that was why they were known to be hunters, specifically born to kill vampires.

“Are you ready?” Kevin asked, leaning on the door frame of my room. I nodded and grabbed my bags. I felt his eyes on me still and I looked up at him. He was examining my face, he was always good at knowing when something was bothering me. I smiled at him trying to pretend like everything was okay and quickly walked passed him and out of the house. I placed my bags inside the trunk and closed it, rushing to get inside of the car before he could asked if everything was okay.

“Is everything alright?” He questioned before I could get in. I internally groaned and turned to looked at him. I wanted to tell him, but for some odd reason, I couldn’t bring myself too. I hated myself for feeling this way. We kept nothing from each other, that was one of his major rules as partners. I felt horrible that I had to break it.

“Yes, just tired.” I answered him. He stared for a bit longer but didn’t say anything else. He then nodded and walked over towards the driver’s side and got in. I bit my bottom lip nervously and opened the passenger side door, getting in as well.

I sighed, looking out the window. By the way he had responded, I knew he didn’t believe me. But knowing Kevin, he also wasn’t going to force it out of me. He waited until I was able to finally speak to him about it. I quickly glanced at him and watched as he focused on pulling out of the drive way. I grabbed my air pods and place them inside my ears, trying to ignore kevin and the vampire from last night. I couldn’t bring myself to talk to him right now. I put a random song on and closed my eyes as we drove in silence. Minutes had passed and Kevin called my name gaining my attention.

“Yes?” I answered, removing the air pods from my ears.

“I forgot to mention yesterday, you’ll be starting senior year of high school tomorrow.” I raised an eyebrow, looking at him confused. Senior year? Why was I starting senior year of highschool? I was way too old for senior year.

“I’m 23. Why am I starting senior year?” I questioned and he looked at me before looking at the road again.

“Both Hann and Haruna Choi are in high school. In order to keep our profile low, we’ll have to blend in.” He informed but I still didn’t understand why I had to go to high school to do that. I personally hated high school. There were too many dramas. Now he wanted me to go to a place filled with vampires and blend in. He knew how I felt about them.

“Ok, but why am I going to high school in order to blend in?” I questioned and he sighed turning to look at me. Was I annoying him with all of my questions? Why did he react that way? If we were going to do this then I wanted all of the details and reasons behind it.

“It’s the only way for us to get closer to them, plus I wouldn’t pass as a high school student but you would. I already set up everything. I’ll be introduced as your older brother, also your guardian since you’re now 17.” I sighed turning away from him and looking out the window. I guess it made sense. We needed to blend in as much as we could. Kevin didn’t really need too, he was supernatural in a way due to being a hunter. I, on the other hand. I could be spotted miles away. Especially in school, a place filled with blood hungry vampires.

“How am I going to blend in? I mean, they can smell me the moment I set foot in that school ?” I questioned my thoughts, looking at him again. Vampires had super powers. They had super speed and strength. They could hear and smell things that humans weren’t able to. They were able to hear our heart beats and smell our blood as it ran through our veins. They’d know I was a human instantly.

“Don’t worry about it. I got it covered.” Was all he said. I nodded and turned to look out the window. I put in my air pods and ‘Contaminated’ by Banks started playing. Minutes later, my eyes started feeling heavy and I let the darkness take over.

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