Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 8

• Hann •

“오빠.” (Hann.) Haruna called, getting my attention.

“뭐?” (What?) I asked, grabbing my keys and walking towards her. I had woken up earlier today, I was unable to sleep. Abius wouldn’t leave me alone. All he kept talking about was Cassia. She was constantly in my mind.

“I was just checking to see if you were ready but never mind.” I smiled and walked out of the house with her following behind. I had gotten ready an hour ago so that we wouldn’t be late because of me. I hated waking up to go to that stupid school.

“Car or motorcycle?” I questioned, smirking. She hated motorcycles. She claimed it was too dangerous. ‘This coming from an immortal.’ Abius commented, I had thought he was going to leave me alone considering he had been quiet all day but I guess that was too good to be true. ‘Shut up.’ I told him and he scoffed before shutting up. Some days he made it harder to control him but other days it was as if he wasn’t even there.

“You already know the answer to that.” Haruna answered, making me laugh at her and she glared at me. I was glad I still had her in my life. She was the only one who knew me inside and out. It was hard hiding anything from her.

“I was hoping you’d change your mind.” I told her but she ignored me and walked over towards my car. I unlocked it for her and she entered, shutting the door behind her.

”So, what’s going on with you and Cassia?” She asked once I had entered and I turned to look at her. Why was she asking me such a question? There was no me and Cassia. She was an annoying little human in our world trying to act all tough. I still had yet to figure out why I wasn’t able to read her thoughts.

”What do you mean?” I questioned, once I noticed that she was just staring at me. I barely knew who she was. The only time Abius didn’t talk about her was when he wanted control and that happened whenever I was near her. He knew something about her by the way he reacted but he had decided to go silent whenever I questioned it.

‘Treat me with respect and I shall.’ He said, speaking. ‘Don’t be foolish, you don’t deserve my respect.’ I told him and he started laughing. He was such an asshole, I was an asshole because of him. People feared me because of him. I was viewed as the bad guy because of him.

‘Well then.’ Was all he said before going quiet again.

“You’re acting strange towards her.” Haruna said, my attention back on her. I started the car and drove out of our drive way. I wasn’t the one acting strange, Abius was. And the fact that she noticed it herself meant I was right. There was something about her. She was different and Abius must know why. Why else would he be drawn towards her?

“I don’t know, but she’s starting to get on my nerves.” I told her, looking at her again and she looked at me confused. I actually didn’t give a fuck about Cassia. I was more irritated with Abius. But I wasn’t going to tell her that.

“Why? She’s actually really sweet.” I shrugged, looking at the roads as I turned a corner. She was human,  She was covering her scent but I was able to tell. And I did remember her from the human world. I didn’t know why she was here but if father found out she would be dead in seconds. Once a human enters our world, they either become a vampire or they are killed.

“There’s something about her. She’s different and I can’t seem to figure her out.” I explained, turning to enter the schools parking lot. She was the first human who had been immune to Abius’ powers and my compulsion. My guess was that she was a werewolf who had yet to activate her curse so she was still a human. But even so, Abius should’ve been able to read her.

“Can’t you just read her and figure that out?” She asked, pulling down the visor and checking her make up.

“That’s the thing, I can’t. I’m not able to read her.” She quickly turned around and looked at me.

“But she’s not an original.” She said confused, completely ignoring her make up as she continued staring at me.

“Exactly.” I agreed and she hummed, turning back to check herself out. She fixed her hair and grabbed her bag before leaving my car.

“Hey, you forgot to close the-“ She slammed the car door shut and walked off. Seriously? I let out an annoyed sigh and closed the visor before getting out of the car myself.

• Cassia •

“Mommy?” I called, looking around.

“Daddy, mommy?” Silence, tears started running down my face and I ran around looking for my parents. What was happening? I ran to the kitchen and held back from screaming. All I could see was a man over my mom, her neck bleeding while my dad was on the floor.

I looked up from my dad and towards the man. I gasped and took a few steps back. He was looking at me, he had blood dripping down from his jaw.

“I suggest you run little girl or you’ll be next.” I ignored him and looked at my mom. He was holding on to her still. She wasn’t moving and neither was my dad. The man smiled and let go of my mom. I watched as she fell to the ground with a thud.

“What did you do to her?” The man moved closer towards me but yet I wasn’t able to see his face. All I could see was a blur. Why couldn’t I see his face?

“I killed her.” He said, his eyes turning Demonic red and his fangs extracting from his mouth, I screamed and tried running away but he was holding on to me. I continued screaming and screaming but he still wouldn’t let go.

“Cassia! Wake up!” I heard my name and woke up. I looked around and noticed I was in my room, I stared at Kevin and pulled him closer to me as I wrapped my arms around him. I felt him hug me back and I sighed. It was just a dream. A dream of what had happened to my parents. The man had left me alive. Everyday I wished he would’ve just killed along with my parents. But after I met Kevin, I wanted to find him and kill him instead. He had given me the strength that I needed.

“Thank you.” He pulled away and raised an eyebrow at me. I didn’t know what I would’ve done without him. He was always here for me.

“For waking me up.” I told him, smiling a little. He nodded and smiled before getting up to leave but I tightened my grip on him.

”Can you stay?” Kevin stopped and turned to look at me. He looked surprised and I bit my bottom lip nervously. It was the first time I’ve asked him to stay with me after one of my bad dreams. I’ve always told him to leave because I needed time to think and calm down.

“You never wanted me to stay before.” He said and I sighed. I didn’t want him to see my weakness. That was the real reason why I told him to leave. Yes, I needed to think and calm down but I could’ve done that with him next to me. It had been 4 years since I stopped having dreams about my parents being killed. Tonight it was different, I didn’t want him to leave. I didn’t care if he thought I was weak. I just wanted to have him here with me. I didn’t want to be alone. I was afraid I would break once he leaves.

“Please.” I said softly, looking down at my exposed legs. He moved closer to me and laid down on my bed. He opened his arms and I smiled, scooting closer and into his arms. I laid my head down on his chest and closed my eyes, feeling myself calming down as he rubbed my back softly.

I wasn’t able to fall back asleep, I kept thinking about the man in my dreams. I never really saw who that man was before nor did I ever see those red eyes until tonight. His eyes were like Hann’s, it made me wonder if he was the one that killed my parents and if not him, then who and why?

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