chapter 4

chapter 4

He then turned and walked away, he got about 20 feet away and turned around and said, Mother what you are doing is a good thing, I speak for my family and my clans’ men we will help where we can always Just name it and if it can be done it will be remember that. Thank you, Dr. Wayne and John, for everything. Oh, another thing, remember I’m coming to do your annual check up next week too. With that he turned and walked away. Dr. Wayne had been their family doctor for as long as she could remember. They were of the same bread and butter living in two different worlds. Nirka went to the infirmary and made sure everything was in order. Then she told Tod she was going to her chambers to get some much-needed sleep. When Nirka woke up the sun was shining in her chambers, she groaned she had not wanted to sleep that long. Sensing she was awake her father linked to her mind. Good afternoon, Mother, glad you had a much-needed rest. I have been going over all of the reports here, grab your drink and join me in my office. yes, father I will she replied closed the link and she showered, put on a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and leather jacket, then headed to fathers office to talk with him about the reports that had come in from the scout. When she got to the first floor of the castle, she made a quick stop at the infirmary to see how the human was doing. How is he she asked the nurse when she got to the nurse’s desk. He wakes for short periods of time but has started to ask question. Thank you Nirka said to the nurse please let me know when he wakes up again, I will be with father going over all the data that we gathered last night. I will Mother, you did the right thing bringing him here. Thank you Nirka replied, as you were. Then he went to join her father. As Nirka entered her father’s office he looked up from the paper he had in his had giving her a disapproving look. Where is your drink Mother? I’m fine Father, I don’t need it yet. Ignoring what she said he called to his serving staff to bring her drink and some food Nirka rolled her eyes with a smile on her face you worry to much Father. And you not enough about yourself daughter he rebutted. Nirka and her people continued to get rid of the infected; and relocate the humans they found to safe cities that were protected. They trained everyone who wanted to learn a trade, educated teachers and opened schools for the children. life was starting to be normal for those who were living in the cities. No one was made to go or stay; all the people had many options. Nirka went to the guest wing of the castle on the first floor and knocked on one of the chamber doors. Come in a male voice answered. Nirka put on a smile and entered the room, how are you feeling today, she asked the man who was sitting in a wheelchair, sore he answered I just finished physio, that is good Nirka replied and walked over and opened the heavy royal Blue drapes to let the sun in. She then turned and looked at the man with a serious expression, and the memories? Slow very slow and very confusing. It will come in time Mike she said. It was only a year ago that he remembered his name when one of the guards helping him introduced himself as Mike. Then it hit him, shit that’s my name he told the guard had asked, Mike shook his head no. The guard laughed well we can stop calling you the human now. Since then, the memories had been coming in little flashes but nothing solid to go on. Nirka always sat with him everyday, keeping records of the flash backs and they tried to piece things together but there was always a missing piece. Mike got frustrated a lot. It will come in time mike the doctor assured me it is not permanent. From his picture she had taken of him and his name Mike she searched the human data base day with a stroke of luck she found in the military data base his name was Mike Coner and he has a daughter out there somewhere. Nirka checked to see where he was stationed but nothing came up. Try as she might she could not find any other information on him or his daughter. But this information confused him in his memory flashes he did see a little girl, but he also saw a woman who he said was his wife. Everything came in short clips when he least expected it. Nirka touched his arm bring him back from wherever his mind had wondered. Clearing his throat, he asked her are you going to tell me today? Nirka half smiled it was long overdue for him to know where he was and who they were. Nirka knew he would not believe her at first or he was going to become very afraid of her and that is why she had waited so long to tell him they had become good friends. Nirka looked at him how about we go into the garden for a long walk and a picnic. I already have lunched packed we have a lot to talk about. As they went out of his chambers and into the garden, she said pushing his chair Mike please have an open mind. I will try he smiled, you and your family have given me so much, cared for me, helped me so much with my recovery I owe you so much. Nirka frowned would he feel the same way when he found out who she was what they were where he was. She did ot want their friendship to change she was by his side through all his recovery every day they sat and talked for hours. Mike looked back for the first time and noticed all the guards. He never seen that many guards before he had been out in the gardens many times, he was lucky if he saw one. You have guards following you he looked up at Nirka who was pushing his chair yes, she said unfortunately not yet getting into any more detail than that. Let’s go over to the river over there and set up for lunch and talk the guards will stay far enough away that they will not hear what we are talking about as they turned towards the river Mike could see a town he had never wondered this far down before, there were so many people, the children were running and playing as their parents shopped. That is the market Nirka said I will take you there when you are ready. Mike nodded I would like that. Nirka pointed to a spot by the river, does that look good she asked him, perfect he replied. You are doing really well Nirka said with your progress, only because I have a dear friend like you that gives me a reason to want to get better. Nirka frowned this was going to be a lot harder than she thought.

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